My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 208 The Lord God's Plan

Chapter 208 The Lord God's Plan
The so-called main god plan is the plan used by the Taoist Lord Chaos to collect resources from this world.

In the Shrouding Heaven Realm, there is nothing too worthy of the Primal Chaos Lord's attention.In this world, the strongest are just a few mortals.The Red Dust Immortal is equivalent to the Primordial Daluo Golden Immortal, and the Chaos Taoist Lord is equivalent to invincible in this world.

However, it can be seen from the original work that before or after this era in this world, it is not easy. There are immortal emperor-level masters, that is, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level powerhouses, and there are more than one, let alone God Above such a higher plane.

Daojun had to prepare for the future.It is impossible for him to deal with such a strong Immortal Emperor by himself.A few partners are always needed, or...comrades in arms.

But in the Zhetian Realm, all kinds of treasures are relatively low-level, and the Taoist Lord doesn't need them. What he cares about is only the Dao Dao of this world, as well as various resources.And what he cares most about in this world is human resources.

Other cultivation resources, the development of this world has become a little scarce, and he doesn't like all kinds of resources.But the human resources in this world are the most indispensable.

In the battle of the great world, all kinds of arrogances are like drizzle.

There is an ancient sacred body known as "unparalleled, unrivaled holy body". There is a holy body of the old enemy of the holy body, the sky king body, the god king body, the sky demon body, the human king body, the lunar holy body, the sun holy body, and the human king body. Pluto body, innate Dao body, innate saint body, Yuan Ling body compatible with the law, Guanghan spirit body, light body, dark body, chaotic body, and supreme fairy body , Brahma battle body, fairy body, void body, etc.

In the world of Shading the Sky, there are too many special physiques. In other worlds, each of these physiques has peerless talents. If they are given enough opportunities, they will definitely soar into the sky.They all have aspirations for the highest qualifications.It would be a pity to waste it.

It's a pity that in this world, only one person can become an emperor, and if one person becomes an emperor, the way of the world will be cut off.

The idea of ​​Taoist Primal Chaos is very simple, it is to train these people, break the rule that one person becomes emperor, and train them to become emperors, immortals, or even immortal kings, so that he will not lack men or comrades in arms in the future.

Ye Fan has done such a thing in the original book, and Daojun can naturally do it too.

At the same time, if the Taoists need something, they can let them collect it, and then they can calmly comprehend the way of this world.

And the most important thing in the main god's plan is the main god's space, and Daojun immediately thought of Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin!

Nine Dragons Coffin, this is a special spiritual treasure comparable to a fairy artifact, it runs through the ages of Immortal, Chaotic, Myth, and Desolate, and is a living fossil.There is also a small fairy world that evolved from the Huangtian Emperor in the chaotic ancient times.

Moreover, the most important thing is that its appearance is erratic, and it has been wandering in the starry sky. If it is hidden, no one will find it.

What the main god space wants is mystery, and the space inside the coffin in the Jiulong coffin couldn't be more suitable.

Thinking of this, Daojun closed his eyes and said nothing, and turned his hands and fingers continuously, a mysterious mystery appeared on his fingers.Daoguang circulated, cause and effect loomed, and a hidden secret suddenly appeared in the hands of Daojun.

"found it."

After an unknown amount of time, Taoist Lord opened his eyes, looked up at the starry sky, and whispered.


The Taoist Lord of Chaos turned into a stream of light and flew towards the dark and deep starry sky.

There are people coming and going in the same place, no one can see Daojun, just because he doesn't want others to see him, no one can see him.

Daojun walked in the starry sky, and the boundless cosmic void retreated behind him. In an instant, he came to the Ziwei Starfield after an unknown journey.

After a few more steps, an unknown fairyland appeared in front of him.

At this time, he saw nine huge monsters motionless in the cold and dark void, as if they had been lying there since ancient times, making people feel the endless desolation and eternity, they were the nine dragon corpses.

Just like the legendary dragon!
Each dragon corpse is [-] meters long, cast like molten iron, full of shocking power.

The nine dragon corpses are all five-clawed black dragons. Except for the crystal-clear and purple horns, the whole body of the dragon is black with gleaming black light, and the scales shone with mysterious brilliance in the darkness.

At the end of the dragon corpse, Jie tied the bowl-sized black chain and connected it to a 20-meter-long bronze coffin.

The huge bronze coffin is simple and unpretentious, with some vague ancient patterns on it, full of vicissitudes of time, and it does not know how many years it has been floating in the universe.

Kowloon pulls the coffin!

It is the purpose of Daojun's trip.

He stepped out, came to the bronze coffin, looked at the huge copper coffin in front of him, and looked at it quietly for a long time.Suddenly, he made a few seals towards the copper coffin.

Suddenly, the brilliance flowed, and the thousands of ancient characters engraved on the copper coffin were all shimmering and shining, floating up, as if they had life.A soft light suddenly flowed from the entire copper coffin.

Daojun's eyes flashed with divine light, and he opened his divine eyes to look at the copper coffin.

The brilliance of the ancient characters circulated, and gradually condensed into a huge gossip, covering the nine huge dragon corpses and the huge bronze coffin, and a mysterious force vibrated out.

Immediately afterwards, a Taiji diagram emerged in the center of the Bagua diagram in midair, with two yin and yang fish hugging each other.

The surrounding time and space are distorted, the light is misty, and the gossip symbols corresponding to Qian, Kun, Dui, Kan, etc. emit light one after another, like a set of ancient and mysterious codes.

The two yin and yang fishes in the Tai Chi Diagram are like two portals, vibrating constantly, slowly opening a gap.

The brilliance keeps shining, and the eight symbols of the gossip flicker on and off. Finally, after changing many times in a complicated order, they all light up and emit dazzling brilliance.

The yin-yang fish is fully opened, revealing a mysterious and dark passage, no one knows where it leads.

"The way of this world is very good, I like it more and more."

Daojun said such a sentence.He played a few seal formulas, and suddenly, the same huge gossip pattern appeared in the void, the Dao light circulated, and the Dao rhyme was born by itself.

In just a few breaths, he comprehended the mysteries of the Eight Diagrams. The Eight Diagrams is so mysterious that no one can fully comprehend it, even the Primal Chaos Daoist dare not say that he fully understands it.

He also only understood a large part of it, but only a part of it allowed him to comprehend the mysteries of many laws.This is simply incredible.In the prehistoric world, this is simply impossible.Even if it is an epiphany, I am afraid it is nothing more than that.

The Taoist Lord of Chaos turned into a stream of light and plunged into the black hole.After that, the passage was closed, the huge bronze coffin trembled, and it began to drive into the distance.

Inside the copper coffin, it was pitch black, with no brilliance to be seen.But for the Daoist Lord, his sense of God has already reached the point where he doesn't need to see it with the naked eye.In his eyes, darkness is no longer darkness, no matter how dark things are, there is no sense of mystery in front of his eyes.

After carefully looking at the inner space of the bronze coffin, Daojun Youyou said:
"Hmm! It's too dark here, no way, the main god's space needs to be remodeled."


(End of this chapter)

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