Chapter 229
"Peace - chaos - tactics!"

Like the voice of the god of death, extremely indifferent, with a strong sense of death, with a belief in swearing to quell the turmoil in the world, the giant sword crossed the sky, walked out of nothingness, and quelled all turmoil.

This chaotic formula was created by Gongsun Xuanyuan's lifelong battles. Combined with other sword formulas such as Burial Sword Jue and Chaos Sword Jue, it contains a strong law of killing, and it also has a kind of coercive and domineering sword momentum of a human emperor.Although it is only a preliminary creation now, its power should not be underestimated.

Seeing this sword coming across the sky, Chi You's face suddenly changed drastically. The power of this sword has already threatened him. He must deal with it carefully, otherwise he will surely capsize in the gutter.

"Devil God Killing God Killing!"

Chi You's wings fluttered to the sky, and the Tiger Soul Devil Saber danced in his hand. The powerful destructive knife aura carried a strong smell of blood, constantly impacting people's nerves. The magic light slashed towards the shocking giant sword that was slashing towards him.


When the giant sword touched the magic knife, the domineering sword energy and the soul-devouring demonic energy exploded completely at this moment, like a spark blooming in the void, full of beauty, but at the same time it also carried a strong aura of destruction.

Chi You breathed a sigh of relief, at least he blocked the sword by himself, but before he could catch his breath, at this moment, he felt a strong death crisis again, stronger than before.

"not good!"

Chi You thought inwardly, and quickly gathered his sabers to slash behind him. He used all his strength with this saber, not daring to hold back the slightest bit. The powerful flesh body of the Wu Clan came forward with incomparable strength.

"You dare!"


Angry shouts came from Jiuli's side, at the same time, the world was dark, and a huge mountain-like seal descended from the sky, with powerful strength and the power of suppressing the sky, it ruthlessly smashed down towards Chi You in the battlefield Come.

One strike of the big seal can turn the sky upside down!

Chi You resisted hastily. Even with all his strength, he still couldn't block the earth-shattering seal, and was finally smashed into the ground. Even a large part of the ground on the battlefield was sunk thousands of feet deep. Full of cracks, the scene is extremely miserable.

Fan Tian Yin, the first time it appeared, it gave people an unrivaled impression. It is worthy of the name of Fan Tian. It is not easy to practice without Zhou Shan.

Obviously, Guang Chengzi took the opportunity to attack Chi You secretly just now.The battlefield is like this, either you die or I live, there is no chance for you to have a one-on-one duel.

Xuanyuan's side was stunned by Guang Chengzi's blow. He was fine before, but watching Chi You fight against Xuanyuan, why did he become like this in the blink of an eye?

At the same time, Chi You's side was extremely angry, looking at Guang Chengzi, his eyes were full of murderous intent and anger.

"Bastard, unexpectedly sneak attack!"

"Damn it!"

"Come on, kill them! Kill them!"

"Hey! Kill me and avenge the leader!"


Immediately, the army of the Jiuli Tribe raised their battle flags and beat their drums. Under the leadership of Yushi, Fengbo, Xingtian, Chongshan Jiuying and other great witches, they rushed to kill them.

Faced with such a huge situation, Xuanyuan's side naturally couldn't back down. Gongsun Xuanyuan made a decision immediately, raised the Xuanyuan holy sword in his hand, swung it forward, and shouted loudly at the same time:

Immediately, the tribal warriors from both sides charged together and began to fight.Those flying in the sky, running on the ground, escaping underground, envoying monsters, flying swords across the sky...

Countless monks fought, talismans flying all over the sky, magical powers exploding everywhere, magic weapons blasting all over the sky, freezing rain, wind and thunder, poisonous fog, swamps, sea of ​​fire, meteorites...

The battle formation changes, evolving into various formations, changing into monstrous giant beasts, biting and fighting each other.

All kinds of mystical powers were displayed, they exploded, and the blood mist filled the air, like blood-colored and coquettish flowers blooming on the battlefield, beautiful and attractive, but full of desolation.

Life is so fragile, one flower blooms, another withers, and life is so beautiful, but it is a pity that it can only be a flash in the pan. The battlefield is so cruel, and the fate of a soldier is to die in battle.

As far as the eye can see, the eyes are full of desolation. The screams, screams, and explosions all over the sky, accompanied by the roar of wild animals, the tremor of the earth, and the muffled sound of the sky, show the cruelty, ferocity and intensity of the war.

The heaven and the earth make drums, and the wind and thunder strike all, to see off the warriors who died in battle.

"The wind is coming!"

A roar resounded on the battlefield, like a howling wind.

Immediately afterwards, a strong storm blew up on the battlefield. The storm was small at first, but as time went by, it turned into a violent tornado storm in just an instant.

Dozens of hundreds of tornado storms swept from around the battlefield, rolling up boundless sand and rushing into the battlefield.I don't know how many monks were involved in the huge storm, and were torn into pieces by the endless wind.Countless wind blades blew across the battlefield, endless warriors died for it.

Seeing that many monks died for this, and more monks were about to be killed by the violent wind, Gongsun Xuanyuan couldn't help feeling a little anxious. He looked at the surrounding immortals, hoping that someone could resist the violent wind.It's just that most immortals can only smile wryly at this. They are all casual cultivators, so there is no magic weapon to resist them.Xuanyuan had no choice but to look at the explanation and education side, hoping that they could find a way to stop all this.

"Nephew, don't worry, look at my supernatural powers!"

At this time, an unruly and indifferent voice sounded without haste.Immediately afterwards, a Taoist with full head of blond hair, sharp eyes, and slightly hooked nose stepped out from the crowd. It was Jialouluo, the Daluo Jinxian who explained the teachings, and the first golden-winged roc in the world, and Kong Xuan's brother.

"Uncle Lao is here."

When Xuanyuan heard this, he hurriedly thanked him, saying that he still knew the skills of this uncle.

The golden-winged roc nodded slightly, and saw him stepping lightly, flying high into the sky, and then he transformed into the real golden-winged roc.Dapeng Hengkong, with a golden body and golden feathers like a sharp sword blade, is extremely huge, like a mountain, with two wings spanning [-] miles, and a flap of wings is [-] miles away.

But he saw that the golden-winged roc flapped his wings lightly towards the dozens of tornadoes, and countless gales roared out, blocking the advancing death hurricanes in the battlefield, and then he flapped them lightly again, becoming even stronger The strong wind roared out, and the tornado began to roll back.After that, he opened it again, only to see dozens of tornadoes sweeping towards the enemy camp.

Three, just three, it is really powerful to send that powerful tornado fan back.


In Jiuli's side, the Great Wu Fengbo saw this, he snorted coldly, and shouted: "Feng San!"

In just the blink of an eye, the violent wind of death before slowly dissipated into the invisible.

The golden-winged roc in the sky changed its human nature again, but he did not come back, but fixed his eyes on the great Wu Fengbo. His sharp eyes fixed on Fengbo, just like a falcon locking on its prey, as if Capable of piercing deeply.

"It's raining!"

There was another loud shout, but it was the Great Wuyu Master from the Jiuli side, who was using powerful sorcery and supernatural powers to summon the heavy rain to descend on the enemy.

"Whoa, whoa-"

But in the blink of an eye, light rain began to fall from the sky above the battlefield. Then, the raindrops gradually grew larger and began to become as big as pebbles. A single raindrop could kill an ordinary monk.A single raindrop can bury a large army.

The raindrops are getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of the rain is getting faster and faster. The violent downpour, like a waterfall, washes down, and the soldiers are all wet, and the rain also causes a lot of resistance to the soldiers. Mental battle?

A moment later, the rocks collapsed, and the boundless mountain torrent rushed into the battlefield. The torrential flood submerged endless monks and took away countless lives.

Xuanyuan's army is facing a huge crisis again!


 This book will be on the shelves in a few days, I hope you will support me a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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