My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 233 5 Emperor Dinglun

Chapter 233
Since the Human Emperor Xuanyuan proved the Taoist Emperor's throne and sat in Huoyun Cave, the prehistoric human race ended the era of the rule of the Three Emperors and entered a new era of the rule of the Five Emperors.

Three emperors rule the world, and five emperors rule the world.

After Renhuang, his grandson Zhuanxu succeeded to the throne and established his capital as Diqiu.During Zhuanxu's stay, he rearranged the land of the human race in Shenzhou, and the human race had a territorial boundary for the first time.

Zhuanxu governs the country by virtue.

Zhuanxu perfected the governing organization, set up the five principles of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth to manage the affairs of the five parties in the southeast, northwest, central, and five directions.

Because some human races were integrated by tribes such as Jiuli, the previous rule was different, and the religion and culture were different. Jiuli people believed in witchcraft and abandoned personnel affairs. Everything was decided by divination. Sacrificing to the heaven and the earth, worrying about agricultural production, and turmoil in the life of the human race.Zhuanxu ordered the prohibition of witchcraft, personally sacrificed to the ancestors of heaven and earth, set an example for all people, encouraged people to accept their fate, open up wasteland and farm land, and restore society to normal order.

Zhuanxu also reformed the system of marriage, funeral and marriage, made it clear that there are differences between men and women, created the idea of ​​marriage in which men are the masters of the outside world and women are the masters of the interior.

He also ordered Boyi to formulate five punishments in the code to restrain subjects, crack down on crime, and maintain the stability of the court.He also reformed the Jia calendar, setting the four seasons and 24 solar terms.

Zhuanxu was clever and good at planning, and he was good at governing the country. He had a high prestige among the princes and common people in the world, and his ruling territory continued to expand. He was an emperor with great merit.

He was favored by immortal masters since he was a child, and taught him supernatural powers and spells, as well as various moral classics, so he is still a martial artist with great magical powers.With the blessing of the luck of the human race, in 500 years, he practiced to the realm of Dharma, and finally passed on to Emperor Ku, his merits and virtues were consummated, and the merits and virtues descended from the sky. After all, he failed to break through to the Half-Step Emperor Realm or Extreme Dao Emperor Realm like the Three Emperors.

Emperor Ku governs the country, and governs the country by faith.

After Emperor Ku succeeded to the throne, he worked hard all his life to rule. Dazhi, the people live and work in peace and contentment.

During his reign, he moved his capital to Shangqiu, repelled the alien invasion, stabilized the frontier, studied astronomy, deduced the calendar, convinced the public with virtue, governed the country with benevolence and integrity, used Panhu to suppress the chaos of the house king, and used Houyi Yi, this is Houyi of the human race, not Houyi of the ancestral witch).

Similarly, 500 years later, Emperor Ku's merits and virtues were perfect, and he was certified as one of the five emperors. Afterwards, he was passed on to Emperor Yao and went to Huoyun Cave.

Emperor Yao succeeded to the throne and established his capital in Puban, also known as Yao's capital. Later, due to floods, the capital was moved to Pingyang.

Emperor Yao is the master of the world, and he has his advantages. He is kind, intelligent and studious. He is not proud of being emperor. He is diligent in political affairs and never slackens.

Emperor Yao ruled the country with benevolence.

Emperor Yao's benevolence is like the sky, his knowledge is like a god, his vision is like the sun, his hope is like a cloud, he is rich but not arrogant, noble but not arrogant.

When Emperor Yao governed the country, he was thirsty for talents. Although he had a great number of talents under his command (his subordinates included Shun, Qi, Kui, Xi, Xizhong, Xishu, Hezhong, and Heshu, etc.), he was afraid of burying talents. Therefore, a drum of remonstrance is set up in front of the court, so that the people of the world can speak their minds, and a tree of slander is set up, so that the people can attack his mistakes.

Emperor Yao pioneered the abdication of emperors, and did not take the position of emperor as his own.

In terms of state governance and ideology and culture, Emperor Yao perfected criminal laws, formulated laws, taught people to cultivate morality, advocated etiquette, changed marriage customs, improved human relations, emphasized filial piety, composed music, made dances, and created Go.

In terms of economy, he organized people to create handicraft workshops, make kudzu clothes, make fruit wine, make pottery, smelt copper and tin, organize people to resist floods, maintain agricultural production, revise the calendar, and ushered in a new era of great productivity development.

500 years later, Emperor Yao Zen was located in Shun, and his merits and virtues were perfect.

Emperor Shun, also known as Yu Shun, born with double pupils, also known as Chonghua, is a descendant of Zhuanxu V.

Emperor Shun ruled the country with filial piety.

Emperor Shun was known for his filial piety since he was a child, and was praised by others.

After Emperor Shun succeeded to the throne, he rebuilt the calendar and held a grand ceremony to worship the four seasons of heaven and earth, the gods of mountains and rivers, and the ancestors of heaven and earth.He attached great importance to the people's feelings and the inspection of officials, and stipulated that he should patrol once every five years, inspect the achievements of the princes, and clearly set rewards and punishments.

Emperor Shun "criminally punished with punishment, exempted from five punishments", engraved the shapes of five kinds of criminal laws on utensils to warn against crimes, replaced corporal punishment with exile to show leniency, and set up punishments such as whipping, throwing punishment, and redemption.

During Emperor Shun's reign, sea monsters caused troubles in the world, and some water monsters caused mischief, stirring up wind and waves, causing constant floods in the world. Emperor Shun personally led the human race to control the floods.

Emperor Shun reigned for 300 years, in Kunlun Mountains, Yuanshi went out again.

"Baihe, go and ring the alarm bell and call your brothers to the main hall. I have something important to tell them."

Yuan Shi's flat voice came from the Enlightenment Platform, which made the Baihe boy who was playing with a big green root in the form of an immortal ivy outside the hall excited.

"Daqinggen, I really think it's an auditory hallucination. I heard the voice of the master just now. How is it possible! The master hasn't left the customs for more than 2000 years?" The somewhat dumbfounded Baihe boy subconsciously murmured to another boy in Tsing Yi.

"I seem to have auditory hallucinations too..." Da Qinggen said softly.

The two looked at each other, their hearts suddenly beat wildly, and then they turned around and said loudly to the palace door: "Yes, master."

Afterwards, the two hurriedly ran outside, fearing that they were missing a leg and they couldn't run fast enough.

"These two..."

Yuanshi shook his head, no matter what, this big green root is exactly the innate spiritual root that Yuanshi found in the apprenticeship experience on Eternal Island, and it is also the treasure of heaven and earth. Reiki, the essence of the sun and the moon, can often hear the voice of Yuanshi's preaching, so it can open up the spiritual wisdom and successfully transform into form.

Although this Immortal Ivy is slightly inferior to the top ten innate spiritual roots, it is also much better than other spiritual roots. After the transformation, the aptitude is also at the genius level, but...

Yuan Shi shook his head, a little speechless, Da Qinggen's current cultivation base is still at the level of Xuanxian, those who don't know may think that his aptitude is poor, and in Kunlun Mountain, a mountain of beauty that is full of aura of heaven and earth, there is also a great ability. Preaching, cultivation base is still so low, I really don't know how to cultivate.

In fact, the real situation is not like this, but this Daqinggen doesn't like to practice, usually he doesn't practice, what he likes is to make money.It's not that he likes money and treasures, but he likes the process of making money, and he often fools people. He spends most of the year in the world of spirits and gods, fooling those novices, earning money, and enjoying it.I really don't know what's going on in his head.If it weren't for others seeing him as a person from Kunlun Mountain, I really don't know how long he can live with his personality.

However, Yuanshi doesn't care about these things. He won't interfere too much with what other people like to do, and he won't force them to do things they don't want to do. It doesn't matter to Yuanshi to become a fairy, as long as he obeys him. The rules of teaching will do.

Like his apprentices, some are big devils, such as the golden-winged roc Garuda, who often devours human warriors, and the golden Taoist, who likes to be a bandit and specializes in robbing the rich. He takes people's money with peace of mind.As for these, he didn't care too much.

However, thinking of Da Qing Gen, Yuan Shi hadn't seen his apprentices on Eternal Island for a long time. Although there was nothing wrong with his good corpse there, it still made him a little uncomfortable.

Maybe, let them try that thing.Yuan Shi pondered slightly in his heart.

After thinking about it, Yuan Shi laughed dumbly, he was persistent, with his current strength, he wanted to see someone, it was only a matter of a moment, or his holy thoughts could be easily touched, but now he is still like a mortal , Thinking about these boring things, should I really say that I am still unrepentant, or just pretending to be passionate.

"But, so what?" Yuan Shi smiled lightly, walked out of the Enlightenment Platform that had been closed for a long time, and walked towards the outside of the main hall.

It's time to go out for a walk, the great rivers and mountains, I haven't been out a few times, and every time I go out, I usually stay in the Kunlun Mountains to understand the road, do I have the attributes of an otaku.

Yuan Shi thought silently.


(End of this chapter)

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