My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 235 Nine Cauldron Township Art

Chapter 235 Nine Cauldrons Township Art
In the Tianzun Hall, Yuanshi Tianzun sat high on the Jiulong Baoju, looking at the four people in the center of the hall below, feeling a little relieved for some reason.

Xuan Qing and the other four people below also looked at Yuan Shi, and they looked a little puzzled, wondering what Yuan Shi wanted to do by keeping them here.

Before, I and others were still guests in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. As neighbors, the four of them often went to the Dragon Palace to play, and they became familiar with each other after coming and going.But in the next moment, they were transported to the Yuxu Great Hall in Kunlun Mountain. Seeing that it was Yuan Shi who was preaching, they also understood the reason.But now that the sermons have been finished, why are they still left behind?

They don't understand, but they don't ask too much and don't ask too much. After all, Yuan Shi is their teacher.The four of them didn't think too much, and respectfully said to Yuan Shi: "Meet the teacher!"

"En." Yuan Shi nodded in response, and then said: "This time, the four of you are staying with you, and you have to do a task with you, and you need to complete it with all your heart."

Task?The four looked at each other and said at the same time: "Teacher, please rest assured, we will try our best to complete it. It's just... I don't know what this task is..."

"Oh, you are not too nervous. Although this matter is a task, as long as you do your best, you will have a share of benefits." Yuan Shi smiled and continued:
"The human race needs to experience the rule of the three emperors, the five emperors to establish the relationship, and the establishment of the three emperors and five emperors, so that they can have a long luck and never fade away. After discussing with Bo and others, the enlightenment of the last person fell into my teaching. My original intention is to select one person among the four of you to be the teacher of the great emperor of the human race, and help him succeed in ascension to the throne and rule the world. , the merits and virtues are complete. I don’t know, are you willing?”

"We will."

When the four of them heard it, it turned out that this was the matter. To educate the emperor, this matter is difficult to say, easy to say, as long as you teach it well, you will get merit in the end. road.

Yuan Shi smiled slightly, not surprised, and continued: "I have accepted you as disciples for many years, and you have also grown up. As a big disciple, Xuan Qing has broken through to quasi-sage, and the other three are not far away. Linglong also stepped into the quasi-sage with half her foot, this time I will give you the teacher of the emperor."

Yuan Shi glanced at Yu Linglong, and then said to the other three: "As for you, go along with me, it's equivalent to helping Linglong, and it won't do you any harm."

"is teacher."

The four naturally had no objections and agreed.

"Linglong, you can go to the human race and take Xia Yu as your disciple. He will be the next emperor. Give him this by the way!"

Yuan Shi said to the four of them, he seemed to have thought of something in the end, took out a jade slip, burned something in it, and threw it to Yu Linglong, and said by the way:
"This is the exercise he practiced. You go!"

"is teacher."

The four saluted, then bowed and retreated.

After the four of them left, Yuan Shi shook his head and said softly: "You all left, this Yuxu Palace is clean, but Kunlun Mountain doesn't seem to be very unclean."

Having said that, Yuan Shi looked towards the Kunlun Eastern Mountain Range, which is the territory of Jiejiao.Yuanshi has seen the events of these years. Tongtian advocates that there is no discrimination in education. Anyone who has perseverance and a firm heart to seek the Tao will be included in the teaching. He will accept as much as he comes.

This kind of thing is good for a short time, but after a long time, problems will arise.In Jiejiao, there are three religions and nine streams, there are all kinds of people, and there are dozens of groups in a sect, each of which refuses to accept the other, making Kunlun Mountain a mess.Sometimes they even come to provocateurs in the teaching. The two sides are constantly at odds. It must be two sects with different teachings. It is normal for such a situation to occur.

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

As Tongtian was Yuanshi's younger brother, Yuanshi couldn't say much about him, so he decided to let his apprentices go down the mountain.One reason is that they have indeed passed the qualifications, and they will not learn much if they stay on Kunlun Mountain. Only by going down the mountain to practice can they make progress.Second, there may not be no reason to stop teaching.

Yuan Shi secretly shook his head and sighed, hoping that Tong Tian could understand.The ending of Fengshen, in fact, has been doomed since the emergence of Jiejiao.It's not because of explaining the teachings, nor because of the reason of conferring the gods, but because of the way of heaven.

The way of heaven is the most important balance. Jiejiao is known as Ten Thousand Immortals Coming to Dynasty. There are many immortals in its teaching, all over the prehistoric world. There is indeed a shortage of people, and the way of heaven is for checks and balances. Who else will it take if it doesn't use Tongtian?

Hope Tongtian can change, Yuanshi wanted to persuade, but he was afraid that there would be a estrangement between the brothers, thinking of Tongtian's stubborn temper, Yuanshi had no choice but to smile.

"Forget it, who can say for sure what will happen in the future? Everyone who should leave has left, and this seat will also go out for a walk."

After saying that, Yuan Shi waved his hand and hid the Yuxu Palace, but he walked towards the outside of Kunlun.One step is tens of thousands of feet, and tens of steps are enough to walk out of Kunlun Mountain. At the same time, Yuan Shi's image began to change as he walked.

The first step out, Yuan Shi's clothes turned into a loose white robe, the second step out, an ordinary wooden sword was added to Yuan Shi's waist, the third step out, a gourd was added on his right waist, It contained fine wine, and when he took another step, he had a beauty fan in his hand...

After walking out of Kunlun, his image has completely changed, and he has become a prodigal son playing in the mountains and rivers. He has a chic appearance, and his whole body exudes a unique temperament, which is a breath of freedom.No one can recognize it, this is the famous Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi grasped to turn into a gourd, raised his head and drank wildly, and laughed wildly at the same time: "Hahaha, good wine! Good wine!"

"Tianzun has the majesty of Tianzun, a prodigal son has the chicness of a prodigal son, and a drunkard has the wildness of a drunkard. Sure enough, each identity is a different experience..." Yuan Shi murmured, no one could hear him clearly. say something.

Walking out in two or three steps, Yuan Shi disappeared into the mountains.

On Kunlun Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace, Lao Tzu finally moved in his cross-legged posture that seemed to have remained unchanged forever. He opened his eyes and looked beyond Kunlun suspiciously, but saw nothing.Then he looked in the direction of Yuxu Palace, and instantly noticed the changes in Yuxu Palace.His face changed slightly, and he murmured, "That was... elder brother just now?"

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Although he was puzzled, I didn't think too much about it, and he didn't care too much. In this prehistoric world, there are not many people who can do nothing to Yuanshi.

Afterwards, Lao Tzu looked in the direction of Jiejiao again, shook his head secretly, and continued to close his eyes to enlightenment without saying much.


But Yu Linglong and the others have been heading towards the capital of the human race since they left Kunlun Mountain. According to the news Yuan Shi gave them, Xia Yu is in the capital of the human race.

Xia Yu, also known as Dayu, his father Gun held an official position in the imperial city and helped Emperor Shun deal with the flood problem, so he was left in the capital.

The four of Yu Linglong came to Ducheng without any delay, and went straight to Xia Yu's house. After identifying themselves to his mother, they asked to accept Xia Yu as a disciple.

Xia Yu's mother was overjoyed when she heard that she was a saint's disciple, and naturally agreed to it.So, the four of them simply accepted the ten-year-old Xia Yu as their apprentice.

The four of them took Xia Yu out of the city gate on the grounds that the capital was a place of mortals, and it was not easy to cultivate. They found a spiritual mountain and built a house at will. The four of them simply lived in this way.

After apprenticeship, Yu Linglong gave the jade slip that Yuan Shi gave him to Xiao Xia Yu. Xia Yu was free and smart, so he naturally knew what it was. He pressed the jade slip to his forehead, and in an instant, a mysterious and mysterious formula came into Xia Yu's mind Among them:

"Nine tripods suppress the world, repair the nine tripods, gather in nine states, gather luck, and suppress the world..."

(End of this chapter)

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