My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 237 Dayu Controls Floods

Chapter 237 Dayu's Flood Control (Third Watch)
Three years later, it was still the same place, and the two people who were familiar with each other.

Yuanshi Tianzun sat cross-legged on the bluestone, looked at Taixuan who had already cultivated well below, and said:
"The three-year period has passed. As a teacher, you have to leave. You need to practice hard and don't neglect."

"Yes, teacher, the disciple will definitely not disappoint the teacher's expectations. But when will the disciple find the teacher?" Taixuan respectfully responded, and then asked again.

"Haha, as a teacher, you travel all over the world. The world is vast. If you don't want people to find you as a teacher, you can't find it no matter how hard you search. In the future, you don't have to force it." Yuanshi laughed, and then advised him Said: "The inner courtyard of the palace is a gentle town, and the northern polar region is a barren land, and it is difficult to achieve success in cultivation."

After hearing this, Taixuan resolutely said to Yuanshi: "Teacher, I know this is not a long-term solution, and I have long thought of retiring. I just wait for my disciple to get rid of the surrounding demons and get rid of all the evil spirits, so I will explain to my father, queen, and queen. Four directions, looking for fairy mountains."

Yuan Shi saw that his heart to return to the Tao was as firm as a rock, and his heart to the Tao was stronger than that of Guang Chengzi. A fairy mountain, the mountain rises from Gandui, the water flows out of Zhengong, the mountain is vast, free Tai Chi, it is called Wudang Mountain, it is the best place for you to practice."

After a pause, Yuan Shi continued: "If you find this mountain, you can live in seclusion here, and choose the one that is as tall as a cloud among the peaks to live in, so that you can go to the Tianhe."

After speaking, Yuanshi stopped talking more, the road has been pointed out, and whether he will succeed or fail in the future depends on his own good fortune.

"Thank you for your guidance, teacher, I will keep this in mind." Taixuan said.

"Yeah." Yuan Shi nodded, was silent for a moment, and said:

"Go as a teacher, you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Shi didn't say any more, stepped out and disappeared into the mountains and forests, but continued to travel around.

Seeing this scene, Taixuan murmured: "Teacher is really a god."

Then he himself turned and left.


After a hundred years of cultivation, Xia Yu bid farewell to Yu Linglong and the other four, and went down the mountain to help the human race control the flood.

In fact, it was Dayu’s father, Gun, who was controlling the water at the beginning, but Gun has been controlling the water for many years, and the flood still hasn’t receded. It was the water demon who was making waves, and it was not so easy to stop. Therefore, he failed in the end.

After Dayu came back, he saw that the people in the world were in dire straits, and they wanted to harm others, flooding the world with chaos, and he was deeply heartbroken. He felt that as a human race, he must handle this matter well.

Emperor Shun handed over the task of water control to Xia Yu. Xia Yu naturally knew that this was a difficult task and a great responsibility, but he still accepted it without hesitation.

Dayu's father, Gun, was dispatched to Mount Yu due to poor water control, and died there later.Dayu not only did not hold a grudge, but it aroused his ambition. He felt that his father had not cured the water, but brought suffering and disaster to the people, and he himself should take this responsibility and work hard to solve the problem. Take care of this flood problem.

Xia Yu led Boyi, Hou Ji and a group of assistants to trek through mountains and rivers, eat and sleep in the open, and traveled all over the mountains, rivers, and remote areas of the land of China.Their footprints are left everywhere in places that are inaccessible.Along the way, he saw countless people struggling in the flood, and also saw countless water monsters devouring the people who fell there. He wept again and again in front of those displaced people and swore that he would cure the flood and return the world. clean.

Xia Yu absorbed his father's lesson of controlling the water by blocking it, but invented a new method of dredging the river. The key point is to dredge the river so that the water can flow eastward into the sea smoothly.

For this reason, he traveled all over the land of Shenzhou, made the most detailed plan and deployment, and outlined the rivers that needed to be dredged. Along the way, there were countless monsters and ghosts, but they still couldn't stop Xia Yu's footsteps. When opening the river, he would sometimes touch some monsters However, Xia Yu is still not afraid. He slays demons and demons along the way, opens rivers, communicates with the inside and outside, draws rivers on the land of China, points out rivers and mountains, and splashes ink on mountains and rivers.

Once, he was passing by Qingqiu, and met a beautiful woman. After a chance encounter, the woman heard about his ambition and was willing to help him control the flood.Dayu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and the two supported each other along the way, and finally Xia Yu also married this woman as his wife.

It turned out that this woman was named Tu Shan, and she was the daughter of the patriarch of the Qingqiu clan. She was a nine-tailed white fox. At first, she wanted to get close to Dayu and gain merits. , and did not blame her too much.

Dayu controlled the flood, but he passed through the house three times without entering. Once he passed by the house to control the water, he heard the cry of a child at home. It was a son born to him by his wife Tu Shanshi. He wished he could go in and see his son and his son His wife glanced at him, but in order to control the water, he could only bow towards the house, feeling guilty for his wife and son, but had to leave quickly.

Dayu divided the world into Kyushu according to the geographical conditions of the mountains and rivers in Shenzhou.Kyushu is followed by Jizhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yongzhou, Jingzhou, Yuzhou, Liangzhou, Yangzhou, and Yanzhou.In one fell swoop, the distribution of China's territory was determined, and later generations continued to use it for thousands of years. People also called China the Kyushu.

Dayu's method of water control is to treat the mountains, rivers and waters of China as a whole, first to govern the Kyushu disciples, to dredge what should be dredged, and to level the land that should be leveled, turning a large amount of land into fertile land.

After that, he managed the mountains, among which the mountains he managed included: Qishan Mountain, Jingshan Mountain, Leishou Mountain, Taiyue Mountain, Taihang Mountain, Dizhu Mountain, Jieshi Mountain, Dabie Mountain and so on.

After the mountain road was healed, he began to dredge the water veins. The big rivers north of the Yangtze River all had traces of his grooming.

Sort out all the way, kill monsters all the way, clear the way all the way, and move forward all the way.

Along the way, his cultivation has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Jiuding Zhenshi Jue, gather Jiuding, only then can the world be suppressed.The nine tripods are: Tian Ding, Di Ding, Yin Ding, Yang Ding, Feng Ding, Lei Ding, Shan Ding, Ze Ding, Shui Ding.Each tripod needs endless resources, and needs to gather the power of heaven and earth elements. Each tripod is equivalent to a cave, and it can even evolve into a world in the end.

Dayu subdued demons and eliminated demons along the way, governed mountains and rivers, and dredged veins, relying on his Jiuding. Jiuding contains all the most basic elements in the world, swallows everything, and gathers everything. Therefore, although it is his responsibility to control the water, But why not a chance.

In the end, after a hundred years, he finally dredged the waterways of the world and led the rivers into the East China Sea.In the future, no matter how many floods there are, they will all pass through the river and enter the East China Sea.

The flood control project has been completed perfectly.

Of course, it's not perfect. He hasn't found out the person behind the scenes who launched countless water demons and caused chaos in the world.But even so, the matter of water control has been completed.Dayu won the hearts of the people all over the world by virtue of his achievements in water control. Dayu's water control, benevolence and righteousness are unparalleled in the world.

In the end, Emperor Shun proved himself as the Great Emperor, went to Huoyun Cave, and surrendered the throne to Dayu.

At this point, the last emperor of the human race, Emperor Xia Yu of the North, finally started his imperial career.

There are words:

The merits are so high that they are admired by the people of heaven, and the throne of Emperor Shun is passed on to the official Yu!

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(End of this chapter)

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