My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 239 Township Bronze Tripod of Nine States, Shocking Monster Monkey Wuzhi Qi

Chapter 239 Zhenshi Bronze Kyushu Ding, Amazing Monster Monkey Wuzhiqi (Fifth Watch)


The monstrous monkey roared furiously, and pulled out a golden stick from nowhere, which instantly became bigger. He held the stick in both hands, and slammed it down toward the Jiuding in front of him.

"Break it to me!"

The monster monkey struck with all its strength, and five of the indestructible Jiuding that blocked in front of him were crushed by the golden stick.The cauldron was shattered, and the fragments turned into streamers and flew back to Xia Yu's body. It took time to recover before it could recover.

"Bastard! Monster monkey, how dare you be presumptuous!"

Seeing this, Xia Yu roared, walked like a dragon and walked like a tiger, clenched his fists tightly, and instantly a big mountain and river tripod appeared on his fist, suppressing the mountains and rivers with his fist, and smashing down towards the monstrous monkey.

It was too late to say it, but it was too soon. Seeing that it was impossible to escape, the monster monkey instantly changed its strategy and responded.Facing the Shanhe Fist Cauldron that was coming at him, he flipped out the golden rod in his hand, hit the tip of the rod forcefully, and blasted towards the Shanhe Cauldron.


The earth trembled, and the space trembled slightly. The golden rod was in a stalemate with the mountain river tripod transformed by the fist seal, and it was not broken by a single blow.

"Break it to me!"

The monstrous monkey roared loudly, thrusting the golden stick in its hand, outputting mana, and a huge force came from the golden stick, spreading to the Shanhe Cauldron with the power to destroy everything.

Xia Yu felt the great force of destruction and reacted instantly. He gave up punching and took out a fist-sized bronze Yuan Ding from somewhere. The Yuan Ding became extremely huge in an instant. It's similar, except that this time the tripod does not have the pattern of divine beasts engraved on it, but is engraved with the topographic map of the mountains and rivers of Kyushu. A tripod seems to contain the entire Kyushu and the universe.

This tripod seems to be a bronze tripod, but it is not. It is not an ordinary bronze tripod, but a tripod cast by the legendary top-level fairy material Township Bronze. The famous name: Kyushu Ding!

Zhenshi Bronze Kyushu Ding!

The golden rod with a shattered aura bombarded the Kyushu cauldron, only to make a clear and melodious sound, the body of the cauldron vibrated for a moment and then stopped, without taking half a step back.


With divine light in Xia Yu's eyes, he grabbed the foot of Jiuzhou Ding with one hand, and slammed it at the monster monkey fiercely.Huge strength, with an unrivaled momentum, impacted the monster monkey's mind.

Invincible?With a move in his heart, the monster monkey withdrew the golden stick in his hand, and quickly placed it across his chest to fight against the huge Kyushu tripod.


Unparalleled strength, terrifying aura, and the indestructible Kyushu Cauldron slammed down on the golden rod. The golden rod was slightly bent, but it bounced back in an instant. It hit a mountain thousands of feet away before it slammed down.

Seeing that he was invincible, the monster monkey wanted to run away, but how could Xia Yu let go of the man behind the scourge of the world?

The monster monkey leaped tens of thousands of feet high, and the golden rod in his hand also quickly grew bigger, and threw it at Xia Yu fiercely. He shot out from his eyes, bombarding Xia Yu with an aura of destruction.

"Hmph, monster monkey, where can I escape?"

Xia Yu snorted coldly, his eyes were cold and stern, and he was also shocked when he saw the golden light in the monster monkey's eyes shooting towards him, because he could feel the strong aura of destruction in the golden light, If you don't resist it, you may be able to easily penetrate a Da Luo Jinxian.

Xia Yu held the Kyushu green tripod in his hand, pointed the mouth of the tripod at the two golden lights, and held it in front of his chest. At the same time, he kept walking, and greeted the golden rod dropped by the monster monkey.

Kyushu Dingzhong seems to be a bottomless pit, no matter what comes, it can swallow it up, the golden light enters the mouth of the tripod, and there is no sound in an instant, the inside of the tripod is still pitch black, and nothing can be seen.At the same time, the Kyushu Tripod blasted the huge golden rod with supreme power.


When the two intersect, no one can do anything to win the other.At this time, the monster monkey's figure instantly swelled up to tens of thousands of feet, becoming as tall as a giant mountain. At the same time, the golden rod in its hand also deformed and became like a pillar of heaven, suppressing it towards Dayu.

Looking at the tall figure, Xia Yu instantly displayed the supernatural powers of the sky and the earth, and became equally tall. His Kyushu Ding, as if knowing the master's mind, became like a high mountain, quietly suspended above Xia Yu's head , The Kyushu Qingding's mouth is facing down, with its three feet facing the sky, slowly rotating, emitting traces of blue light, suppressing it, no matter how the monster monkey attacks, it can't defend against it, a bit like the invincibility of the mysterious and exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth.

So, just like that, one person and one demon walked while fighting, changing the battlefield at any time, and the places where the two fought were turned into ruins.It took only a short while to fight like this, and the two fought to the Huaihe River.

Standing on the Huaihe River, the monster monkey seemed to have found its own place. With the golden stick in its hand, the water of the Huaihe River was like his arm, allowing him to drive it.

He waved the golden stick in his hand, rolled up the sky-high water waves, and under the supernatural power of the monster monkey, the water of the torrential river ruthlessly bombarded Xia Yu like an arm.


Seeing this, Xia Yu frowned, opened his mouth and spit out a small black cauldron, hitting the ruthless water waves away.Seeing the wind, the small tripod swelled up, and instantly swelled hugely. It was the water tripod, one of the previous nine tripods.

The black water cauldron was tilted, facing the mouth of the cauldron to the water waves, and let the endless water waves rush towards it, and it devoured it mercilessly.


With the Kyushu green tripod on Xia Yu's head, he waved his fist and continued to fight forward. The monster monkey also controlled the water and struck towards Xia Yu. One person and one monster fought like this.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought for thousands of rounds, and neither of them could win the other.Xia Yu relied on the power of the Kyushu Ding to keep himself undefeated, while the monster monkey relied on the supernatural power of manipulating water. Although it was slightly disadvantaged, it would not be defeated for a while.

At this time, Xia Yu's teacher Yu Linglong and his ministers had arrived.

"Is it this monstrous monkey who is stirring up trouble, setting off endless waves of water, and causing the flood to erupt?"

"Damn it, it turns out that the monster race is behind the scenes, do you really think I'm a human being easy to bully?"

"This monstrous monkey is so powerful that he has been able to fight the king for such a long time. Moreover, his water control supernatural power is so exquisite that it is close to Taoism. In terms of water control, I am afraid that even Ying Long can't compare with it, and it is only in ancient times. Only Gong Gong can defeat him."

"Where did this monstrous monkey come from, and who is behind him supporting him?"

"The golden rod in Yaohou's hand seems to be wishful gold, right?"

"Yes, it is indeed Ruyi fine gold. Ruyi fine gold is a top-notch fairy material, which can be a magic weapon by itself, and can change the shape and size of the magic weapon at will according to people's wishes."


Seeing this situation, all the ministers were shocked, and immediately began to discuss, this monstrous monkey is so powerful, I am afraid that even ordinary quasi-sages would not be able to take him down, and relying on this water-controlling supernatural power, in the middle of the river and the sea, he can be defeated. Compared with several Daluo Jinxians, he is not afraid of group battles at all.

"Mr. Ying Long, do you know the origin of this monster?"

When the minister saw such a powerful supernatural power to control water, he asked Ying Long, who was also an expert in water control.

This Ying Long was the general of the Xuanyuan period. After the war, he has been living among the human race. He is equivalent to an elder of the human race. If there are important matters, he will be asked for help.However, most of the time, he cannot be invited, because it is impossible for the human race to encounter problems that cannot be solved at any time.

Ying Long didn't answer his question at this moment, but squinted his eyes, and looked at the two people fighting in the water quietly. After a long time, he opened his mouth to admire: "It's such a powerful way to control water. I'm afraid the Dragon Clan can't handle it in this respect." Not as good as him."

Then he said: "I think there is a shadow of the dragon clan's supernatural power in his supernatural power. The origin of this monster monkey may be related to the dragon clan."

"What, Dragon Clan?!"


(End of this chapter)

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