My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 241 Nine Tripod Towns and Nine States

Chapter 241 Jiuding Town Kyushu

After Dayu controlled the floods, his prestige in the human race went even further, reaching that of the Three Emperors.Hundreds of years flew by.

Dayu's cultivation has also been improving, and he broke through to the quasi-sage realm 200 years ago. With the help of the luck of the race, he is like the protagonist of the world. He is transported to the world to help him, and there are countless resources to supply him. It is natural to practice Incredibly fast.

On that day, Dayu suddenly took out the bronze Kyushu cauldron, the magic weapon of enlightenment, and continuously played various mysterious seal formulas in his hands. As time went by, the Kyushu cauldron began to shake.


Suddenly, Xia Yu yelled, and the Kyushu tripod in front of him was divided into nine, divided into nine big bronze tripods, and each bronze tripod was engraved with pictures of the mountains, rivers and communities of each state in China, as if a tripod included a state .And each tripod is engraved with a character, namely Yan, Yang, Jing, Qing, Liang, Yong, You, Ji, Xu, Yu.

Kyushu Ding, one is divided into nine, one Ding for each state, and one Ding town for one state.

"go with!"

Suddenly, Dayu yelled and threw up the nine tripods in his hand. The nine tripods turned into nine streamers and flew towards nine different directions.In the end, each tripod faced a state and fell down, sinking into the earth.


Dayu pinched the seal method with his hands, and suddenly a cool breeze blew, and a mysterious light came out, and then connected the nine divine tripods, and finally moved according to a certain trajectory. At the same time, an invisible dragon traversed the heaven and earth of Shenzhou Above, finally slowly disappearing, and the light also disappeared.


At the same time, everyone in the human race felt an inexplicable sense of relief, as if there was a feeling of joy from the bottom of their hearts.

"What's going on? Why am I a little excited?"

"Me too."


In the ancestral land of the human race, many ancestors of the human race and Xuantian, the ancestor of the martial arts, also opened their eyes at this time, and glanced at the nine states of the human race. , more resistant to foreign invasion.

After understanding the reason, everyone was excited.

"Da Yu is really powerful, and my human race will live forever in the world."

Heavenly Court, Kunlun Mountain, Wuzhuang Temple, Beiming Palace, Nether Blood Sea, Mount Sumeru... Everyone sighed in their hearts, the human race has grown up completely, and has become the largest clan in the prehistoric world, the protagonist of the world.

In the capital city of the human race, Dayu felt tired after doing all these things. Even with his current cultivation base, it was not easy to do such a thing, and it cost him a lot.

But immediately after, he felt a sense of relaxation, a feeling of great relief, great ease, and great joy.

At the same time, immeasurable merit began to gather in the sky, and the boundless golden merit gathered into clouds, dyeing the entire sky yellow.The merits descended and directly fell into Dayu's body, and countless insights followed, helping Dayu to realize the Tao. His understanding of the Dao was rapidly improving, and at the same time, his cultivation base was also improving rapidly.

In the early days of the wheel...

Condensing the second **, the middle stage of the wheel...

Condensing the third **, the late stage of the wheel...

Within the body, the heaven, earth, yin, yang, feng shui, mountain, thunder, and nine great divine cauldrons began to converge, and there was a faint tendency to merge.


Attracted by an inexplicable breath, Dayu's body suddenly shook, and the nine cauldrons in his body were completely condensed into a big cauldron, which was purple-gold in color, with one mouth, two ears, and three legs, as if it was performing the Tao that gives birth to one, and one life to two. , Two begets three, and three begets the Tao and reason of all things.

The nine sons of the dragon on Zijin Da Ding Ding's body had long since disappeared, replaced by a huge nine-clawed purple dragon, which traversed it, faintly looking down on the world.

Dayu's cultivation has completely broken through to half-step Hunyuan, which is also half-step Emperor Realm.It's a pity that the merit has been exhausted, and his three desires have not yet united, which means that his Dao has not been completely perfected. However, he has proved the Dao, and he has been certified as one of the five emperors of the human race.

So far, the three emperors and five emperors of the human race have been completely consummated, the luck of the human race has greatly increased, and the position of the protagonist of the world has been firmly established. This is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.

Of course, there has never been an eternal protagonist in the world, and the real protagonist is always the one with the strongest strength.In this world, fists are the rules, strength is luck, and the strong are the protagonists. This has been the case since ancient times!
At the same time that Dayu was proving the position of the Great Emperor, Yuanshi disciple Yu Linglong also absorbed the merit of teaching the Great Emperor of the Human Race, cut off the good corpse, and completely broke through to the quasi-sage realm, and the other three also gained more or less merit. Although the cultivation base has not improved much, it has improved anyway.

"Congratulations, Senior Sister (Junior Sister) for breaking through to the quasi-sage!"

Beside them, Xuanqing, Baiyi, and Feng Xiaoyue congratulated each other. Baiyi and Feng Xiaoyue showed strong envy in their eyes. Although they have also reached the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, it will take a long time to break through to the quasi-sage , After all, comprehension is not enough.

"Congratulations on your progress in cultivation too." Yu Linglong said to the three of them with a happy face.

"How can we have a senior sister, you have made great progress, you are already quasi-sage, and we are still in the realm of Daluo." Bai Yi and Feng Xiaoyue envied.

"Sooner or later, you will have such an opportunity. Alright, our task has been completed, go and talk to Dayu, and it is time to go back and report to the teacher." Yu Linglong said.

"Hmm." The four naturally had no objections.

Just when they were about to leave, a mysterious voice came into their minds, making their steps stagnate:
"There is no need to report, and I am not in Kunlun Mountain. You can go back on your own, or go back after experiencing it in the prehistoric wilderness."

"It's the teacher's voice, you can't be wrong, it's the teacher's voice!"

The four of them were immediately excited, but they also knew that their teacher might not be nearby, and it was just a sound transmission.

The four of them slowly came back to their senses, and walked towards the capital. They wanted to inform Dayu, and then went to tour the mainland.


After Dayu abdicated, he passed on to his son Xia Qi, who changed the abdication system of the original dynasty and created a precedent for the hereditary system that had been used for thousands of years. There are patriarchal clan relations, political enfeoffment relations, and economic tribute relations.

After Xia Qi became the co-lord, he formed an army, built a city, formulated criminal laws, and established the first slavery dynasty in the history of the human race——Xia Dynasty. Although the previous dynasty was also called a dynasty, in fact the king was just equivalent to a leader. , not the emperor.

Since then, the land of China has also been called Huaxia!
At this time, the competition for the throne of the human race has not attracted the attention of the great powers of the wild, and the saints have not cared. Even in the ancestral land of the human race, they maintain a normal attitude towards it. What about the progress of a civilization?
"The hereditary system replaces the abdication system. This is the inevitable development of the times. The human race is an intelligent race with unlimited creativity. However, as the times progress, the selfishness of the human race will become more and more serious. This is unstoppable. Besides , Without selfishness, how can there be motivation, and without motivation, how can society progress?"

In a mysterious secret store, Yuan Shi, who played with another identity, looked at the human tribe and murmured.

"After the prehistoric past, it can be calm for a while, but behind the calm, there are endless dangers brewing. I seem to see the bloody storm of the next calamity."

Yuan Shi stood on the top of the mountain, silently looking at the clouds that dyed the red sky in the distance, and remained silent for a long time.

As the sun sets in the west, isn't it the beginning of the sun rising in the east?

(End of this chapter)

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