Chapter 253
Nirvana finger, a finger that freezes the world, annihilates all things!

As soon as Xuan Yu heard Yuan Shi's words, he knew it was not good. Sure enough, he saw Yuan Shi attacking him. Although he was angry, he was not annoyed, because he also wanted to try Yuan Shi's Taoism, whether he could help him This is busy.

Facing Yuanshi's pointing finger at Nirvana, Xuan Yu also pointed out.There is a sharp edge in this finger, like a peerless fierce sword drawn out of its sheath, the bloody aura rushes towards his face, and he will never draw it back until he kills all the enemies in front of him.

The thick dark matter turned into a black sword along with this finger, cutting off the world, shattering the frozen space, and cutting towards the Nirvana Finger.

Needle to Maimang!
When the two collided, Yuan Shi froze the black sword with one finger, and then shattered it. He kept pointing at Xuan Yu with his fingers.

At this moment, Xuan Yu punched violently, like a high mountain of black swords, and the mountain of sword energy charged, shattering Yuan Shi's finger.

"That's right, I have some strength. Then, take another seal from me!" Seeing this, Yuan Shi praised, and then continued to blast out a seal.

The Dao of Yuanshi was tumbling, and with the blessing of Yuanshi Dao, all Dao condensed and turned into a huge purple-gold axe. When the ax was struck out, the sky and the earth were broken, chaos rolled, and the earth, water, fire and wind evolved.The purple qi splits and turns into black and yellow qi, the mysterious one rises to the sky, and the sun, moon and stars evolve, the yellow one falls to the ground, the earth emerges, thousands of mountains rise from the ground, great rivers and rivers rush into the sea...

The opening seal of Yuanshi Seal!

Today's Kaitian Seal is no longer as simple as it used to be. Yuanshi can split a thousand worlds with a random slash, but Yuanshi has already controlled its power. He is not trying to create the world, but to use it for fighting. Naturally, he can't be as usual .The world he created was mainly used to trap Xuan Yu, within the world was his domain, which he ruled, so the world didn't need to be huge, but it needed to be very strong to prepare for the next battle.

Xuanyu was trapped in the new world, and all the principles in this world were brand new. His strength was suppressed the most and he could not fully exert it. However, he did not panic, and stretched out his hand to draw Bai Yuxian Men Zhaolai stood in front of him, exuding great power of heaven, suppressing all turmoil.

The Seal of Destruction of the First Seal of the Yuan Dynasty!
The beginning of the Yuan Dynasty did not stop, and another seal was blasted out!
The newly opened world suddenly collapsed, the five declines of heaven and man came, the catastrophe erupted, the catastrophe rioted, the stars fell, the mountains and rivers shattered, the volcano erupted, the river rolled... everything turned into a huge millstone, and the millstone stirred it, turning it into a huge millstone. The world is swallowed up, the world is destroyed, and the matter in the world is turned into chaos, and all the avenues are wiped out.

The Great Mieshi Grinding Mill blasted towards Xuanyu, the huge way of destruction, the terrifying aura of obliteration, the dusk of the end of calamity... It seemed that the whole world was attacking him, and what Xuanyu had to face now was the whole world, Bai Yuxian The door swayed, and it was shaken violently. The Great Mieshi Grinding Mill covered the sky and the sun, covering it with the power of obliterating everything.

Absolutely can't wait any longer, the longer it drags on, the worse it will be for him.Xuan Yu made a decisive move, and when he raised his hand, he blasted out a huge sword light. In the sword light formed by black matter, there were dozens of laws of the Dao, such as destruction, shattering, and power. .

Taixuan smashed the sky!
Xuan Yu didn't stop, and punched out again, with a supreme and domineering aura, a kind of supreme demeanor of supremacy, the fist smashed the sky, and the supreme punch intention blasted at the great mill that was obliterated towards him.At this level, any kind of supernatural power will carry its own artistic conception of the great way, and with the blessing of the great way, its power will become extremely terrifying.

Zhantian Sword Intent and Domineering Fist Intent bombarded, a shocking explosion finally shattered the Mieshi Great Grind, and Xuan Yu's crisis was finally relieved.However, Xuan Yu has just recovered, and at the moment of the battle, his aura is quite sluggish, obviously this is still a bit reluctant for him.If he fights for a while longer, he may feel even more uncomfortable

However, at this moment Yuanshi had already got what he wanted to know, so he stopped and said in a low voice: "Very well, you are not bad, but if you want my help, you are still a little short, first heal your injuries." All right."

After speaking, Yuan Shi turned around and left.At this time, Xuan Yu became anxious and asked, "How should I contact you?"

"Use this jade talisman to get in touch if you have something to do, but I don't like trouble. If you have nothing to do, you'd better not bother me." After speaking, Yuan Shi threw a white jade talisman to him, then turned and left with the corpse.

Xuan Yu took the jade talisman, a trace of anger and resentment flashed in his eyes, but, thinking of his current situation, let's solve his own problems first.

Xuan Yu put away the crippled Taixuan Palace, and suddenly found that the door plaque was missing. He suddenly remembered that it seemed that the person had taken it away.

Looking at the direction Yuan Shi left, Xuan Yu: "..."

After a long time, with a wry smile, Xuan Yu put away his things, and he was going to find another place to recover from his injuries.

Out of the turbulent flow of time and space, Xuan Yu found himself standing in the chaos, surrounded by nothingness.

what happened?What about the world here?Xuan Yu was puzzled for a while, he remembered that there used to be a world here, but it disappeared at this moment.After a little thought, he knew that it must be Yuan Shi who took the world away.


In the chaos, there was a burst of explosion, the air of chaos rolled endlessly, the storm continued, and all kinds of things evolved.In the sky above, two figures quietly watched the evolution below. These two people were the original deity of Yuanshi and the corpse.

After a long time, the evolution was completed, and one side of the world stood there quietly, absorbing the chaotic energy around it, turning it into innate aura as nourishment to supplement the world.

"Okay, let's treat this world as a vassal world of the prehistoric world. Set up the rules of this world and set up the gate of introduction. Anyone who reaches the supreme state can choose to ascend to the prehistoric world." Yuan Shi said lightly.

Follow the law!
As soon as his words fell, there was a Tao that derived, and the white jade fairy gate manifested in the void, and the guiding light fell, standing on the top of the sky, a burst of fairy light flickered, the fairy voice curled up, and the sky was filled with rays of light. After that, the fairy The door is hidden in the void and disappears.

"Okay, it's time to go back."

Yuanshi turned around, and there was a big world in front of him. This world was very big, at least thousands of times the size of the Shenzhou world, and it was very dangerous.

The heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, and the universe is prehistoric.Primordial means the boundless universe.

He can feel the breath of the heavenly way from a distance, the heavenly way is high above, overlooking all living beings, and supervising them.

This shows that the influence of the Dao of Heaven on this world has become greater and greater, and the strength of Hongjun Daozu has also become stronger and stronger.

It is not far from the next calamity.

Yuan Shi took a careful look, and then went back to the prehistoric world without looking further.

However, not long after he returned to Kunlun Mountain, he received a summons from Hongjun, asking all the saints to go to Zixiao Palace.

"Zixiao Palace, Hongjun." Yuan Shi lowered his head and pondered for a moment, his eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"This world, after all, has been peaceful for too long, and there are going to be waves..."

(End of this chapter)

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