My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 274 Changes in the situation, the beginning of chaos

Chapter 274 Changes in the situation, the beginning of chaos

In Juelongling, the grand master is still fighting bloody battles, but the battle situation is too tragic, the grand master is only dying.

"You wait for a while, I will come to meet Grand Master Wen for a while!"

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance, and all the disciples raised their heads, only to see a Taoist in emerald robes stepping out of the clouds and mist, it was Yun Zhongzi in the Yuzhu Cave of Zhongnan Mountain.

Yang Jian and others quickly retreated tens of miles away when they heard the words, the grand master said: "Brother Yundao, are you here today to see me off?"

Yun Zhongzi saluted, and said: "Brother Wen Dao, this is Juelongling, your fate has come, don't blame me!"

After finishing speaking, Yun Zhongzi waved his sleeves, and from the clouds, eight vast pillars flew out, distributed in all directions according to the directions of the gossip, and countless runes flowed faintly, imprisoning the grand master inside.

The grand master smiled bitterly and said: "Heaven is dead to me, Da Shang, you and other chaotic officials and thieves, even if I heard that Zhong died today, I would not make it easier for you!"

As he spoke, he flew into the air on a unicorn with a golden whip in his hand. The unicorn wailed and the golden whip symphony, as if he was seeing off a hero.

The eight pillars suddenly became brighter and brighter, and 49 red dragons flew out from each of the pillars. The flames flew all over the body, rattling, and surrounded them towards the middle.

The grand master's eyes showed divine light, and he stood up to resist, and the unicorn below him screamed, unwilling to be destroyed.Yun neutron thundered outside the formation, and the pillars from all directions thumped together, arousing flames and rushing to the sky.


Chaoge City.

"Your Majesty, Grand Master Wen Zhong has been defeated." Zhuge Liang said to King Zhou.

"Is he dead?" King Zhou murmured, "Did Huang Feihu and others not make a move?"

"Your Majesty, Huang Feihu and others may have been noticed long ago. Many of the information he sent back are false."

"Well, I already know that I was careless this time. I already knew the difference in elucidation and teaching. I still treat it with the same attitude as before, but this failure has taught me a lesson." King Zhou was silent for a moment and said. .

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Zhuge Liang said.



"Yeah, wait, wait for the reaction of Jiejiao. I don't believe that Chanjiao killed all the immortals of Jiejiao so wantonly, but Master Tongtian didn't respond at all. Even if he didn't respond, we should intensify the conflict between them." King Zhou said. "Besides, even if we lose this time, I still have a chance, so I will treat it as a training experience. In the next world, this will never happen again."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

At the top of Shanghuang Peak, the delicate body of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit suddenly swayed, Taoist Duobao sighed: "Junior Sister!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit suddenly stretched out her arms, plunged into the infinite void, squeezed it with her hands, and a red star thousands of miles in size suddenly shattered, turned into fragments of dust, and flowed down from the fingers of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.Taoist Duobao shook his head and sighed.

The setting sun is like blood, the Western Zhou army has already retreated to Xiqi, corpses are strewn all over Juelongling, blood flows into rivers, the blood stains the mountains and forests, and the snow is covered.

Suddenly, a mysterious man in a black robe appeared on the mountain. He took out a black banner, flew into the sky, and shook it. In an instant, the black banner was like a black hole, bursting out with a strong suction force, and countless people flew out of the corpse. In the spot of light, countless milky white souls soared into the sky, converging into a slightly whitish river of living souls, which were swallowed by the black banner.

After a while, the black flag disappeared, and the mysterious man shook his head, and his figure also disappeared.

Half a month later, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit came out to block the Zhou army, and Guang Chengzi fought against it. After several rounds, a big seal shook the sky, knocked down the sky spirit cover, and a little of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit flew into the list of gods.

Half a month later, Guang Chengzi went to Biyou Palace alone, and the leader of Tongtian Sect ordered someone to lead him into the palace. Guang Chengzi said that he came to return the magic weapon of the Taoist brothers, and after returning the magic weapon, he said goodbye and left.

The Jiejiao immortals were very angry, feeling that they had been humiliated by the other party and could not bear it.Killing my brothers and sisters in the teaching school, and even coming to the teaching school to return the magic weapon, isn't this despising the teaching, it is simply too deceitful!
"Too much deceit!" Duobao and the others were furious with their eyes wide open.

The Holy Mother of Guiling said anxiously: "Master, the disciples of our two sects have nothing to say when encountering this calamity. They are each relying on what they have learned in their chests and displaying their abilities. They will live and die in peace. They have nothing to say. But I hate that disciple Yuxu Well, beating me to death is not enough to teach all the immortals, and now I'm going to Biyou Palace to return the treasure, which is called returning the treasure, but that fellow is not returning the treasure, he is clearly showing off his arrogance, showing off his spirit, and insulting Biyou in person The palace way is simply too deceiving!"

Duobao heard that the Holy Mother of Guiling lost her sense of proportion, and hurriedly shouted: "Junior Sister, don't talk nonsense!"

The Holy Mother of Guiling shuddered in her heart, she quickly bowed her head and said: "Master, this disciple is impatient, and his words are out of proportion, please punish me, Master."

On the first bed, Master Tongtian closed his eyes and said nothing.All the immortals of Jiejiao dare not speak.

Five days later, King Zhou went to Biyou Palace. He didn't know what he talked with the leader of Tongtian. Everyone only knew that the next day, the leader sent a message that he would set up the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation in front of Jiepai Pass on the ninth day of May. Invite all the immortals to come and break the formation, and have a showdown!
As soon as these words came out, everyone in Biyou Palace was very excited, and Guang Chengzi and others were also terrified. They only tried to go to Biyou Palace because they didn't have enough numbers on the Conferred God List and needed to pull a few out of the cut-off teaching.But today's facts have caused the leaders of the two religions to fight. If it is true that the leaders of the two religions fight, the universe will be overturned and the three worlds will collapse. He will be guilty by then.

Kunlun Mountain, in the Yuxu Palace.

"Master, this disciple has committed a crime!" Guang Chengzi and others knelt down and bowed below.

"Well, I already know about this matter. If that's the case, then, Guang Chengzi, after this great war, you should close the mountain for ten thousand years." Yuan Shi glanced at everyone and said calmly.

"Yes, thank you Master for your forgiveness!" Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him.In fact, how did they know that Yuanshi already knew that things would be like this, so he didn't pay too much attention to this matter, but if he made a mistake, he would be punished after all.

"You all go and prepare well, don't let others see the jokes in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation!" Yuan Shi said again.

"Yes, Master!" When everyone heard this, they all retreated silently.

Western Lingshan.

"Brother, I'm waiting for the opportunity to revitalize the Western religion. This battle between the elucidation of the teaching and the interception of the teaching is bound to hurt both sides. We can take this opportunity to revitalize the Western religion." Zhunti said excitedly, his sorrow A smile finally appeared on his face.

Jieyin clasped his hands together, a rare smile appeared on the face that has always been compassionate to the world, and he said: "Junior brother, after the calamity is over, our Western Sect will definitely prosper!"

"Yes, Senior Brother." Zhunti said, "However, Senior Brother, in this battle, the Eastern people are outstanding, and I will be able to save some talented people with good qualifications to join my Western Teaching. This opportunity should not be missed!"

"Amitabha, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and the world of mortals is boundless. We are merciful, and we should rescue the world from the sea of ​​suffering and transcend the world of mortals. Three thousand people from the world of mortals in the east should have a destiny with me in the west!" Jieyin said with a compassionate face.

"Brother's words are very kind!" Zhunti also had a look of helping the world and saving the suffering.

In the Devil's Tribulation Palace, Patriarch Styx came to the hall at some time and had a long talk with Demon Lord Wanjie. The two discussed how to cooperate, and had a good talk about Western religion and other issues together!
After Styx left, Demon Venerable Myriad Tribulations showed a strange expression on his face, and said: "The number of days has been fixed, and the West will prosper? That's not necessarily the case. If the West prospers, how can our Demon Cult prosper? Therefore, the West should not prosper! If I Become a demon, what can Buddha do to me! Haha!"


"I want to report to the emperor, recently there is a mysterious person who often contacts the generals of the zombie family. I don't know how to deal with it?" A ghost soldier reported to Sansheng Dadihui.

"I already know about this, the Three Realms War, it seems that someone wants to disturb my underworld, I will deal with it myself!" Emperor Sansheng said lightly, his eyes flickering.

"Yes, Emperor!"

The ancestral land of the human race.

"Reporting to the Martial Ancestor, demons are rampant, and the demons have invaded our land of Kyushu, how should we deal with it?" asked an elder.

"Send the five emperors to fight with him again, and send the martial arts disciples out of the mountains to subdue the demons, and they will definitely take back the land of our human race!" Martial Ancestor Xuantian ordered.

"Yes, Martial Ancestor!"

The situation is changing, and there will be chaos!
 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!have a good time!

(End of this chapter)

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