My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 281 The Four Gates of the Taoist Artifact

Chapter 281
Inside the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the leader of Tongtian suddenly opened his eyes, and the snowflakes in the formation fell like thick cotton, densely woven like a net. This snowflake is the innate lore aura condensed in the Zhuxian Sword Formation. power.

With a thought in Yuan Shi's mind, hundreds of millions of golden lamps suddenly appeared above his head, flickering like stars, appearing or disappearing, sinking or floating, reflecting the entire snowy sky.

The sky is full of snow, and when it encounters this light, it melts one after another, and it can't get close to Yuanshi's identity.

The leader of Tongtian religion waved away the heavy snow with a wave of his sleeve, and the Qingping sword in his palm floated up and down, bursting out a dazzling sword light, and rushed towards Yuanshi. Brother, you should come up with a unique move, you know, these are useless to me!"


Master Tongtian snorted coldly and didn't answer, but the sharpness in his hands became stronger.With a swing of the sword, hundreds of millions of sharp edges slashed towards Yuan Shi, and the space shook violently, as if he couldn't bear the powerful sword energy. This was still in the Immortal Execution Formation. If it was in the prehistoric wilderness, the earth would have been sunk.

The two leaders kept turning their bodies, fighting together, most of them were attacking by the leader, but Yuanshi just turned that powerful attack into nothing.

The leader of Tongtian Cult let out a soft whistle, and six streams of white qi rushed out of Niwan Palace, shuttled up and down, attacking back and forth, roaring like a dragon's chant, and constantly attacking Yuanshi with incomparably powerful killing power.Yuan Shi was happy and fearless, with a faint smile on his face, and there was an inexplicable sense of beauty in his gestures. He didn't seem to be fighting with people, but more like painting with splashed ink.

His battles are as beautiful as making art, giving people a feeling of shining.

"One sword blossoms, ten thousand flowers wither!"

The leader's eyes lit up, and the Qingping sword in his hand shook, a nine-color fortune-telling green lotus bloomed in the void, the nine-color light with a misty beauty burst out a strong dazzling light, the flower bloomed in the void, and the petals fluttered like snowflakes Pieces withered, dancing with the wind, no murderous intent could be felt, only beautiful desolation.

Yuanshi's eyes were exposed, and he smashed the petals close to him, because he knew that behind the beauty, there was an opportunity to kill, a representative of death, and these killer moves contained in the petals would eventually explode when they met someone Unleashing the power of death, one mistake will be fatal.

The two big men from the wilderness attacked back and forth in the formation, and the stardust leaped and fought in groups, stirring up the snowflakes dancing in the formation, confusing the sky and the earth.The leader uses the supreme swordsmanship, with mysterious changes, all kinds of inconceivable daoism, and all kinds of inconceivable ways, although the battle seems not violent, but also has a sense of beauty, in fact, every move contains a peerless killing intent, because both of them will kill Introverted.

I don't know how long it took, but the leader failed to take advantage of it after all. With a whistling sound, he pinched the seal formula with his hands, and the formation changed. Four peerless fierce swords turned into four figures and attacked Yuanshi, each of them held A killing sword, lethal in every move, drawn with endless murderous aura, boundless vertically and horizontally.

"Huh? Do you bully the few with the more?"

Seeing this, Yuan Shi lightly flicked away the ten thousand sword qi, and said: "It's just right, I also like to bully the few with more, so I come to play with you."

After saying that, Yuan Shi waved his hand, and a huge crimson Taoist gate suddenly appeared in the void, and it rose up rumblingly, and endless murderous aura surged in and merged into this gate. Facing the figure transformed by the Sword of Immortal Executioner.

This is the magical power that Yuanshi Daoist comprehended according to his own situation when he comprehended the Tao of Taixuan, and the Taoist tool that was condensed with his own Dao -- "Zhu Xian's Gate"!
This gate borrowed from Xuanyu's Immortal Gate of Taixuan Palace, and was cast according to the divine weapon.

Dao weapon, a weapon formed by the condensed power of the Dao!
In the early and middle period of Daluo Jinxian or Hunyuan, various innate spiritual treasures and innate treasures may be needed, because they contain the way of innate laws. With these magic weapons, they can defeat powerful enemies one by one, and these magic weapons can also help people understand the innate laws , can be used infinitely.

However, in the later stages of sainthood, or even higher, ordinary people don't use innate spiritual treasures very much, even if they are innate treasures, they seldom use them, because these are just foreign objects that do not fit with their own way, and it is difficult to burst out [-]% spiritual treasures after all. power.

At this level, the battle itself uses the law of the great way to attack. Although there are laws in the Xiantian Lingbao, it is not enough, unless you have the Chaos Supreme Treasure, or the Grandmist Supreme Treasure, which is more powerful than the Xiantian Supreme Treasure.

If they want to use weapons, they usually use Taoist weapons.

Dao tools are based on one's own Dao, comprehending many laws, and finally weaving them. After being tempered like a weapon, they are finally formed and can exert [-]% power, because the materials of Tao tools are all their own laws.

A huge gate of Jade Immortals was suppressed from the void, swish swish swish - countless chains of destruction erupted from the gate, piercing through the void, attacking towards the figure transformed by the Jade Immortal Sword.

"The gate of killing gods! The gate of Taiji! The gate of infinity!"

Yuan Shi didn't stop, and pointed out three fingers again, and three giant doors appeared one after another in the surrounding void, making the surrounding space tremble, as if they couldn't bear the coercion inside and were about to burst open.

A red-golden gate exudes an aura that makes the gods tremble, and peerless spear lights shoot out from the door with the majesty of thunder. Each of the dense spear lights can kill a Da Luo Jinxian!
This is the gate of Zhushen, which easily resists the figure transformed by the Sword of Killing Immortal, and it is the supernatural power of the Taoist weapon created by Yuan Shi based on the seal of Zhushen.

Another black and white two-color Taoist gate is the "Gate of Tai Chi". The Tai Chi yin and yang fish rotate slowly on the gate, as if depicting the mystery of the Dao, surrounded by endless Dao rhymes. The Tai Chi Gate was wiped out, and with a turn of the Tai Chi, Yin and Yang transformed into each other, and it was wiped away towards the Juexian Sword.

This is the supernatural power transformed by the seal of yin and yang, all yin and yang in the heaven and earth, all life and death, creation or destruction, the avenues of opposites, all in Tai Chi.

There is also the gray and chaotic "Wuji Gate", which is the Taoist weapon transformed by the Wuji seal, and all attacks will be turned into nothingness, and everything born from nothing will surely return to Wuji.With one attack, the Immortal Trapping Sword was turned into nothingness.

Four gates against four swords, in a blink of an eye, the Zhuxian sword formation was useless and was broken by Yuanshi.


Seeing this, Master Tongtian was shocked, and his proud Zhuxian Sword Formation was broken, but this was within his acceptable range, so he was not too surprised.

Suddenly, there was a wave in the void, and three figures walked out, one was wearing white clothes and the eleventh-grade pure world white lotus was on top of his head, the other was wearing black clothes holding a Kunwu sword, and the last one was wearing green clothes. They were the three corpses reaching the sky. Dzogchen practice.

"Huh? Are you bullying the few with the more?" Yuan Shi smiled and said, "Well, I'll come and play too!"

Then, from Yuanshi's body, three figures walked out, each facing the three corpses of Tongtian.

"I am the master of Qi Dao!" A Yuanshi clone confronted the man in white.

"Uh, Lingbao Tianzun, the lord of the impoverished formation!" The white-clothed man turned the white lotus in his hand, and a formation world was formed in the void, and it came to block Yuanshi.

Yuan Shi smiled lightly, stretched his hand towards the void, and a knife appeared, and then a sword appeared, and then he clicked several times in a row, and suddenly a huge river of weapons appeared in the void, which was full of knives, guns, Swords, halberds, pagodas, mirrors, seals, zithers, tripods and other various weapons, with a wave of his hand, the river of weapons bombarded towards the world of Dazheng.

On the other side, a clone of Yuanshi confronted the man in black, Daojun Yuchen, who was holding a Kunwu sword. The two sides fought directly without speaking.

The last clone faced the man in Tsing Yi holding the Qingping Sword.

"Poverty Sword Master Qinglian!"

"It's just right, I am the master of the way of the sword, let's see if the sword in your hand is sharp, or the sword in my palm is domineering?" Yuan Shi stretched out his hand and transformed into a long knife, and slashed at Qinglian Sword Master.

For a moment, in the Jade Immortal Formation, the battle continued, and a scuffle began.

(End of this chapter)

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