Chapter 292
One word!

At first, Yuan Shi didn't know the meaning of this word, it was a word he didn't know at all, but after seeing it, Yuan Shi knew its meaning naturally in his heart

He only felt that the word was shining, and it was full of mysterious and mysterious Dao rhyme. Everything was inexplicable, and the way was unknown. After seeing this word, it was as if he had seen the origin of the Dao. When he came to the deepest part of the Dao, he just looked at it At a glance, he felt a sense of epiphany.

This is ridiculous, with his current cultivation base, there is even an epiphany?But the fact is true. With just one glance, his understanding of Dao is rapidly improving, especially his understanding of space and the Dao of Void, which has reached an incredible level.

This is a kind of Taoism written by the origin of the Dao, and a font represents a kind of origin of the Dao.

This kind of Taoism is infinitely more subtle than the word "Taixuan" he has seen before, the two are simply not the same, comparing "Taixuan" with it is like comparing gravel with gold , the two are not on the same level at all.

Yuan Shi immediately knew in his heart that his chance had come, and it was a heaven-defying chance.

Just by looking at it, he felt that the door of the Great Dao was opening to him. If he could fully comprehend or refine it, then his strength would undergo an earth-shaking change.


Suddenly, in the original space of Yuan Shiyin, an extremely bright dao mark runs through the entire original world. This dao mark is familiar to Yuan Shi, it is the space dao pattern, and it is also the representative of the space avenue in the original space. At this moment, this dao mark lights up , almost covering the entire space, which means that the original space avenue is completely made up.

From now on, the original space of the Yuanshi Seal has become stronger, and the power of the Yuanshi Seal has also become stronger. If you use this seal to display the avenue of space, you will get an extremely terrifying increase.

Yuanshi was overjoyed. Yuanshi Yin was his magic weapon. The perfection and power of the original avenue of space at this moment brought him incomparable benefits. Not to mention helping him understand the original avenue, the power of the magic weapon itself was terrifying. .

Yuan Shi suppressed the excitement in his heart and began to refine the character "Kong", but Yuan Shi stopped after a while. He tried his best, but he couldn't touch the core of the character "Kong", so what about refining?
Yuan Shi shook his head, this word cannot be refined by his current cultivation base, at least he needs to wait until he breaks through the realm of heaven.However, although it cannot be refined, it can be enlightened.

Yuanshi refined the body of the tower transformed from the original universe into his body, and the breath of the beginning of time was added to his universe, which accelerated the evolution of the universe. The perfection of the Dao law also made many cultivation civilizations appear in many universes in his body.From a certain point of view, the evolution of the universe can feed back to oneself and drive the progress of one's own cultivation.

Afterwards, Yuan Shi continued to comprehend the mystery of the word "kong".

In the wilderness, after hundreds of years, the enfeoffment system of the Zhou Dynasty finally had a huge flaw, and this flaw was extremely fatal.There are too many princes, and they have been divided up. Not every generation of princes will be extremely loyal to the dynasty.This led to a result, the princes were in chaos, the heroes rose together, and the countries stood in a large number.

Xiniu Hezhou, Lingshan, Western religion.

After hundreds of years of development, the Western religion has finally regained a little vitality, but it is obviously impossible to restore it to its original state without thousands of years.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Taoist Zhunti has now recovered from some of his injuries, and he has cut out good and evil corpses again, but his strength has dropped a lot. His face is not good, half of which is because he is angry, and the other half is because he is angry with the Western religion. The future is full of worries.

During the Conferred God Tribulation, they could clearly feel the signs of the great prosperity of the West, but now that signs have long since disappeared, which made him extremely anxious.

"Don't worry, junior brother, the human race is in chaos now, and every chaotic world also represents the coming of a great world. Brother, I can feel the trend of thought in this great world. My last chance for the great prosperity of the West is here. In this chaotic world." Jieyin said slowly.

"Well, if that's the case, what should I do?"

Zhunti didn't doubt his senior brother's words, his cultivation base was not as high as his senior brother's, and it was normal for him not to know some secrets, what he asked was how to act.

"This opportunity is among the human race. I will let my corpse be reincarnated into the human race. As for the future, I will wait until the secret is clear before planning." Jie said.

"That's good!" Zhunti naturally had no objection, he said: "My good corpse should also go out to prepare for the future of my Western religion."

As he said that, a person walked out from Zhunti's body. That person was dressed in a white robe, his hair was as white as snow, and he was holding a white dust whisk. He was six points similar to Zhunti, and he was the good corpse of Taoist Zhunti.

"That's good, Pindao will be Bodhi Patriarch from now on!" the Taoist in white robe said.

"That's good, the eastern land, this fellow Taoist should visit once." Zhun Ti said.

Patriarch Bodhi nodded and flew towards the east.

"It's time for me to arrange for my corpse to be reincarnated." The leading Taoist nodded solemnly.


The prehistoric world was peaceful and peaceful.


On this day, an inexplicable catastrophe suddenly erupted in the human world, but the catastrophe was not strong enough to reach the level of calamity, but it could be regarded as a catastrophe for the human race.But as time goes by, this catastrophe tends to intensify.


On this day, there was a sound of Weng, which instantly alarmed many great powers in the prehistoric world.All of a sudden, all the saints and many great supernatural beings responded one after another, and sent a large amount of spiritual consciousness to the human world to observe the cause.

And some powerful people began to calculate the secrets of heaven and deduce the future.

"What? The catastrophe in the human world is about to start, and the catastrophe will pass after the conferred gods. How is this possible?"

"The battle of the great world, the contention of a hundred schools of thought, the Spring and Autumn Era is coming! This is a disaster, but also an opportunity." This is the news that some powerful people learned from the intercepted secrets.

"The catastrophe in the human world, I hope it will not be involved in other places." Some monks who were deeply affected by the catastrophe began to worry about the future.

"This catastrophe is not too big. I am not in danger of dying. I will go through it from now on. If I get a chance, I can go further. Maybe I can break through. I need to plan carefully." Some People have other ideas.


Sensing that the human world was about to undergo drastic changes, countless people with great supernatural powers began to discuss, their eyes flickered, and they began to plan for their own interests in the calamity.


A few years later, a country called Kapilavastu in the southern part of the continent was ruled by a human race called the Sakya tribe. The patriarch, King Jingfan, had a son named Gautama Siddhartha.

In this way, a figure who would grow into the Shakyamuni Buddha in the future was born.

At the same time, in the land of Kyushu, one of the seven sages of the prehistoric and desolate, Taishang Laozi seemed to have realized something, and sent his own corpse-carrying Laozi to reincarnation. He was born in a vassal state named Chen State under the rule of the Zhou Dynasty. And white hair, white hair and childlike face, named Li Er.

Afterwards, the Xianjiao immortals also received Yuanshi's order to send their corpses through reincarnation or go directly to the human race for training.All the disciples, such as Kong Xuan, sent a good corpse to reincarnation. He was born in Zouyi, Lu State, and his name was Kong Qiu.

Disciples such as Ci Hang Taoist, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, self-proclaimed cultivation bases, went down the mountain to practice, and met each other.

During the cut-off teaching, the leader of Tongtian religion also sent Taoists of many treasures, the Holy Mother of Wudang, etc., or reincarnated to practice, or entered the world to gain insights.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, the Dream Spring and Autumn Period, the collision of ideas, the contention of a hundred schools of thought, a new era is coming.


(End of this chapter)

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