Chapter 306
The barren tower blocked the Big Dipper starry sky, and instantly alarmed everyone on the Big Dipper. They also recognized that it was the Eastern Desolation Artifact, the Barren Tower, but they didn't know what it was for.


But in a short while, a supreme being flew out from the road to immortality. He was covered in blood and flesh, and the crystal blood beads were as clear as rubies. They were beautiful and dazzling. When he came out, he looked extremely miserable.

"This life is right and wrong, it's like this, there is hope, but it also makes people despair!"

The voice of this ancient supreme being was low, and his tone was full of sadness. After waiting for ages, it turned out to be such a result that he did not become a fairy in the end.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, not knowing what happened?

Suddenly, there was another loud noise in the chaotic hole, blood splashed, bright and dazzling, making the apex of the heart tremble, and the hair on the body stood on its head.

The bright red blood splashed like a red diamond, and the crystal white bones fell down, which was shocking.

An ancient supreme fell into it.

Everyone was silent. Before, they thought that they would become immortals after waiting for eternity, but now it turned out to be such a result. Immortalization is just a vain illusion?


There was another roar, and the third Supreme rushed out of it, covered in blood, shaking there, as if about to fall.

"Why is that?"

Supreme mourns heaven and earth, is so desperate.

"Heaven and earth, I am the only one..." Another old voice came out, and the fourth Supreme appeared, but he was defeated after all.

Next, the fifth, sixth, and seventh Supremes appeared.Two of the supreme beings who entered died, and only five or six people were still alive.Even Amitabha's body of faith is gone.

"Those who are waiting, you are also wrong. This life is neither right nor wrong. The right time, the right place, just lack a right person!"

The Sovereign cried out in mourning, and the heavens and the earth trembled.

Outside the domain, Taoist Primal Chaos looked at the remaining Supremes with indifferent expressions, showing no emotion at all. This is a road doomed to failure, and the road to immortality is reserved for those who are prepared. With one knife, he is insulated from immortals.

"Ling Tian, ​​look, that enemy of yours doesn't seem to be dead yet." Daojun said lightly, looking at the Immortal Immortal in front of the ancient forbidden land.

"It's better not to die, then I'll see him off." Ling Tian sneered, then stepped out, disappeared into the starry sky, and entered the ancient forbidden area of ​​Beidouhuang.

"Aren't you going to take a look?" After Ling Tian left, Daojun said lightly to his back.

Behind him, a white figure appeared, his face was shrouded in mist, making people unable to see the reality, it was the Empress.

The empress didn't speak, but stepped forward, looking at Beidou without any change.

Suddenly, the Empress made a move. She slapped through the void and appeared in front of the ancient forbidden land. With a slap, she slapped into the chaotic ancient cave. The supernatural power was overwhelming, and there was a big collapse there, and the entire ancient cave turned into nothingness.

The road to immortality was cut off by the empress and turned into nothingness.

Chengxian is completely hopeless.

"What do you mean by that?"

The Stone Emperor was furious, and the halberd in his hand struck the Empress' big hand horizontally. However, the Empress didn't care, she just slapped it lightly in this direction, simply and directly, and sent the Stone Emperor and the halberd flying upside down. He vomited blood and was severely injured.At the same time, the giant hand of the empress also disappeared.

Shocked the world!

The empress shocked the world with one strike, and severely injured the stone emperor with one blow!
The Stone Emperor was furious, and danced with a halberd in his hand, wanting to catch up with the Empress and go to kill her.

"There is no deadly enemy on the road to immortality, the two of you should stop fighting!" Changsheng Tianzun persuaded.

Suddenly, a huge golden fist pierced through the void and blasted towards him. The six huge holes transformed into a supreme punch, and killed Tianzun Longevity.


The eyes of Changsheng Tianzun shone fiercely, and the Changsheng sword in his hand reacted quickly, and the law of the Supreme Dao was flying, slashing towards the golden fist.

The figure of Dacheng Saint Physique Ling Tian appeared, he waved his fist without hesitation, and blasted at the Changsheng Tianzun.

"Changsheng Tianzun, you didn't fall into the Feixian Cave, very good, then I will kill you!"

"Don't be ashamed of your words, you will become a holy body, don't think I will be afraid of you!" Changsheng Tianzun also recognized Ling Tian at this time, he said coldly, waving the emperor sword in his hand, the supreme law lingered, shaking the sky and the earth.

Changsheng Tianzun used to be the lord of the underworld, and later became the lord of the fairy mausoleum. The red hair on his body before he became a holy body, and the ominousness in his later years were related to the underworld.

The two of them had already been in an endless situation, and when they made a move, it was earth-shattering, without any reservations.


With a loud shout, at the same time, many other reincarnations also started to attack. The Qing Emperor danced wildly with his long hair, and a huge cyan figure stepped forward. Heaven and earth, kill the Emperor Stone of Undead Mountain.

"Qingdi, you are not dead!"

Shi Huang's expression was shocked, but his heart was icy cold. He waved the black halberd without hesitation in his hand, and struck out with the Supreme Emperor's Dao Law, fighting against Qing Emperor.

"Since you are not dead, I will send you to die!"

The appearance of Emperor Qing shocked the entire universe in an instant, but what shocked people even more was the next scene:

With a loud shout, the other reincarnations did not stop, and rushed towards the other supreme beings.

Huo Lin'er cried and ran towards the ancient emperor Qilin. This ancient emperor had no intention of launching a dark turmoil. Huo Lin'er's idea was to persuade the ancient emperor to help deal with the people in the restricted area...

Dacheng Saint Physique Ye Fan, with the mother spirit of all things on his head, waved the peerless killing sword left by Lingbao Tianzun in his hand, and followed Duan De, the holy prince, Ji Zi, and Xuanyuan Huangdi to the undead mountain in the forbidden area of ​​life.

The old lunatic, Lao Tzu, and the human demon Dongfang Taiyi killed the sea of ​​reincarnation, and now there is only one person left in the sea of ​​reincarnation, the weakest of all life forbidden zones.

Although there is only one Supreme Being Yun Gen, he is much more powerful than the other Supreme Beings, because he is one of the Nine Heavenly Supreme Beings in the age of mythology, Xiaoyao Tianzun!

Xiaoyao Tianzun, like Changsheng Tianzun, is a figure from the age of mythology. He even created the nine-character secret formula of Xingzi, and evolved the law of time, which is extremely powerful.

It takes a few more people to deal with it. Xiaoyao Tianzun is so fast that it even affects the time. Someone needs to prevent him from escaping.

On the other side, God King Jiang Taixu and Emperor Shennong brought Jiang Family Hengyu Furnace, Qin Emperor Hua Yunfei, Quasi-Emperor, Middle Emperor Xiang Yufei and others brought a group of reincarnated people to guard outside the Taichu Ancient Mine.

The ancient mine in the early days is the most mysterious existence among the many restricted areas, and it has existed for the longest time. It is even the most powerful among the many restricted areas. No one knows how many supreme beings there are.

The great emperor of Jiuyou, Gai Jiuyou, brought a group of reincarnations to the outside of the Immortal Mausoleum to guard, not letting the Supremes inside go out to reinforce, and not letting the people outside come back. Their task is to wait for everyone to kill five and be severely injured After the supreme being, work together to destroy the restricted areas one by one.

The other reincarnators went to guard outside the Shenxu and Zangtian Island, not asking the restricted area to wipe out the restricted area, but to delay the time.After all, the supreme beings in the forbidden zone don't want to die, and no one wants to sublimate until the last moment, because after sublimation, there is only one way to die.

The appearance of many reincarnators shocked the entire universe in an instant. Several masters at the level of great emperors, countless quasi-emperors, and the Dao were earth-shattering. The entire universe was shaking. It seemed that they could not withstand the bombardment of these powerful Dao. destroy.

At this moment, the whole world was shocked!

At this moment, all souls are trembling!

At this moment, the world lost its voice!

(End of this chapter)

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