My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 321 The outbreak of war

Chapter 321 The outbreak of war
"Huh? The battle to destroy the sky has already begun?"

Chaos Tianzun cast his eyes through Wujin Chaos and projected it into the world of the tomb of the gods. He saw a series of things that happened after he left.

He saw Chen Nan walking into the ancient sky road, and met the body of the demon king who had faded before walking on the road to the sky. He saw the emotional entanglement between Chen Nan and the souls of Qijue Tiannu, and saw Chen Zu Returning, fighting Taishang, seeing the return of the ancient gods, Chen Nan holds the coffin of the sky, the gods block and kill the gods, the devil blocks and destroys the devil, and advances by leaps and bounds along the way, merging the body of his previous life Dugu Xiaobai, a breakthrough in cultivation.

Afterwards, Yuxin's previous life king was reborn, and everyone entered the chaos. The six souls of the Qijue Tiannv returned and became a powerful heaven-defying person with six souls. Level, but also a consummate Heaven-defying-level powerhouse, with half a foot into the Heaven-defying king.

In the end, all the powers returned, and everyone worked together to kill the blue sky and wipe out the chaos. After the last peace, they have now started to fight against the Jiuchongtian.

During this process, the general trend has not changed, but many small places have changed a lot. Chaos Tianzun saw the figures of Wushi and other reincarnated people in it.

The Taishang was wounded by Chen Zu, and finally taken away by Daode Tianzun Lao Tzu. Many survivors of chaos, there are also traces of reincarnation. Tiandu Purgatory and the ancient pagoda were also taken away by the empress, and many ancient gods were released.

Later, the demise of King Duomu, Tongtian, King Yufeng, King Kuimu, etc. also showed traces of reincarnation. Chaos was killed by Ye Fan. It can be said that although the general trend of the whole world has not changed, many places It has changed.

After thousands of years of comprehension, everyone's strength has also made a breakthrough. On the side of the tomb world, Dugu Baitian, the devil master, the ghost master, Chen Zhan and others combined their own cultivation system with the mainstream cultivation system, and embarked on their own path. , it is only one step away from breaking through Hunyuan.

On the side of the Shrouding Heaven Realm, Duan De successfully completed the nine-death transformation. After studying the way of reincarnation in this world, he completely broke through the Immortal King. , that's more.

Now, people from the two worlds join forces, all the strong in the world, the masters of the East and the West, and the righteous and evil ways, all put aside their personal grievances at this moment, rush into the map of gods and demons, enter the nine heavens, and start the battle to destroy the sky. On this day, Known as "Godless Day".

Chen Nan is worthy of being the son of luck. He entered the Chaos Temple and cultivated two systems. Now he jumped out of the river of fate, cut off the past and the future, and stepped into the realm of Da Luo, that is, the king against the sky.

In the Nine Heavens Continent, there are nine heavens, one higher than the first, and it is the place closest to the way of heaven in the legendary Nine Heavens.

The first heaven is vast and boundless. This is a dark red land, which is stained red by the blood of countless ancestors who defy the sky.


On the mainland, countless armies of heavenly beasts rushed over, fighting with the army on the road to the sky.But this is the first level of heaven, and the heavenly beasts are also the weakest. Although there are sacrifices among the crowd, it is not a big problem.

The Celestial Beasts are legions created by the Dao of Heaven, and like the Remnants of Chaos, they are the enemies of the gods.

"Back off!"

The demon lord suddenly gave a cold shout, and put away all his spiritual power. The moment he walked on the road to heaven, any power is precious.He rode the general worship platform, soared into the sky, came to the front, blocked all the monks behind, shot two gloomy lightning bolts from his eyes, and only said one word: "Kill!"

Murderous aura straight to the ninth heaven!

The Demon Lord showed his great supernatural power. Since entering the Chaos Temple, his strength has reached an unimaginable height. Before, he had no resources and could not see the way forward. Now he jumped out of the world and got the guidance of the way forward. They The advantages of the peak masters that have been accumulated over time have been fully stimulated, and their strength has quickly broken through. Although they are not Hunyuan now, they can fight Hunyuan.

One hundred thousand celestial beasts uttered the most miserable screams in front of the demon lord. The scarlet blood stained the earth, and the hundred thousand celestial beasts collapsed in an instant, not even their souls were left, all of them were destroyed!
The endless spiritual power is mighty, fluctuating like a raging sea. Many reincarnations and gods open their own fields to absorb all the spiritual power, like huge funnels, absorbing all the spiritual power.

Dozens of heavenly beast commanders in the rear saw that this was not good, and wanted to escape, but it was too late. Several big hands stretched out, covering the world in an instant. Thirty or so heavenly beasts failed to escape the destroyed destiny.

The life force, spiritual power, etc. of them are all sucked away. On the way to the sky, to prevent all accidents, life force is a good thing and should not be missed.

"Go! Our people are waiting for us in the higher heavens!"

The demon lord roared, and the first one rose into the sky and flew towards the second sky.

Behind him, the gods went to the second heaven in a mighty way. The reason why it went so smoothly was because Chen Zhan, Wu Shi and others opened the way ahead, and the demon lord, Dugu Baitian and others also returned to the world from here. , the truly terrifying massacre has long been wiped out.

In the second sky, the clouds and mist are misty, and the vastness does not know tens of thousands of miles. In the violent wind, all the clouds and mist are blown away, and the earth trembles, and the endless giant in front of it is like a tsunami. , the second heaven was shaking.

Thousands of immortal gods charged up, wanting to kill the group of giants, but this endless divine power could hardly shake the giants at all. Hundreds of immortal gods were imprisoned in the air by the giants, and then were torn to pieces.

Unfurling the Great Banner of the Human King, he pulled the remaining people back and shouted: "Everyone, don't act rashly. This is one of the guardian groups of the heavens, not those giants in the human world."


The giants roared, gathering more and more, and eventually there were tens of thousands of them. Their huge bodies were like mountains, and they could not see the end at a glance. Their eyes flashed fiercely, and they shot out rays of light, intertwining into a giant net , shrouded towards the fairy god.

No one will doubt the power of the optical network, because the void has silently collapsed during the landing of the optical network, and this space is shrinking.

Everyone gasped, because among these giants, the weakest ones were stronger than the immortal gods, and there were even hundreds of heavenly realm powerhouses among them!
The terrifying fluctuations, as vast as the sky and the sea, made everyone feel their souls trembling.

Many gods and reincarnations gasped, this is the second heaven, and there are so many strong people, what will happen to the third and fourth heavens, and the most terrifying ninth heaven, what will happen again? what does it look like
Everyone can't imagine how strong the Heavenly Dao, which is the ultimate combat power, is.

The Great Desolate Banner fluttered in the wind and waved violently. The light net that could annihilate space just shattered, and all the giants trembled.

However, that vast and terrifying fluctuation was even worse. All the giants looked up at the King of Human Beings, and then, under everyone's amazed eyes, they flew up and attacked the King of Human Beings together.


The human king stood still in the void, uttering two words lightly. She was so elegant, with icy muscles and bones, and a peerless beauty, that all the gods felt an urge to worship her.

Words are the law, actions are the law, the law of the world is up to me.

At this moment, the ability to express words is fully reflected in the human king, and it is not comparable to Xuangong at all. This is the real supreme taboo supernatural power.

Just two words, everything really happened.

Destroy all obstacles!
More than a hundred thousand giants melted as quickly as white snow exposed to the sun, and collapsed as quickly as sand and dust in a storm.All the giants were destroyed in a short period of time, their bodies and spirits were wiped out, leaving only the vast energy, which was absorbed by the great banner, and there was no trace of the banner after that.

At this moment, the magnificent King of People revealed her terrifying side.


Without mercy, everyone continued to kill towards the third heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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