Chapter 325
Under the law of heaven, all living beings are like ants, nothing can stop the law of heaven from destroying the world, but there are always a group of people who disobey, respect, and obey the sky. They always think that one day they can go against the sky and destroy the sky. Killed the day!
They are not afraid of life and death, even if it is death, they will fight against the sky, one after another, one after another, throwing their heads, shedding blood, and fighting in the sky.

Now, another reincarnation has come back, and the heavens want to destroy the world again, and all living beings are innocent, so they are naturally unwilling to obey, so an eternal killing situation that has been laid out for tens of thousands of years has appeared.

They may succeed, start a new era, they may die, but they never flinch.

Tens of thousands of peerless killing arrays emerged and headed towards the Heavenly Dao to seal and kill. This is the killing situation set up by the Demon Lord and others since ancient times.

In this world, the murderous aura is soaring, the divine light and the magical light are together, and the souls of all beings fluctuate like the ocean, turning into the strongest fighting souls in history and returning. They will use this last time to compose a battle song to express their unyielding.

Chu Xiangyu shouted: "The soul power of all beings is too strong, and a few people are always needed to lead. The seven kings of the ancient times are willing to give up their bodies to lead the Seven Killing Formation!"

Afterwards, Chu Xiangyu, the king of the world, and Hei Qi, who held the magic knife of despair, and others calmly shattered their bodies and turned into seven powerful fighting spirits. Together, they were enough to destroy the world, and everyone trembled.

The seven ancient kings rushed into the formation, and the murderous aura in that area was soaring to the sky. The seven immortal war spirits flickered, guiding all living beings to kill towards the heaven.

"The eight souls of the Chen family are here, and we are willing to destroy ourselves and join the hundreds of millions of holy spirits to guide the trapped magic formation!" The eight heroes of the Chen family who sacrificed their lives for the return of their ancestors are all absolute heaven-defying, At this moment, everything collapsed, and they threw themselves into the big formation.

"My Starry Sky Fighting Soul, leading hundreds of evil spirits under me, into the Zhoutian Star Formation!" Twenty, and there are many subordinates. The demon lord and others have already informed everyone of the details of the two Great Desolate Formation. He can definitely control this formation.

"The strongest dragon knight in history..."

"The strongest fire element god's mansion in history..."


Afterwards, the strongest fighting spirits who returned also went forward to control a killing formation each, and they let themselves rush to the forefront.

Twelve of the strongest elemental deities entered the Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons Formation, and gathered into a chaotic giant with a height of tens of millions of feet.

In the end, hundreds of formations were dominated by the strongest battle spirits, and the murderous aura of this area was so high that even the Dao of Heaven retreated to the Nine Heavens, allowing this realm to expand.

At this moment, everyone's blood is already boiling. This battle, which everyone has been waiting for for a long time, will finally be completely over.

The demon lord handed over the last soul of Qijue Tiannv to Chen Nan, and the powerful heaven-defying king Qijue Tiannv returned again, and another strong man was added to the war against heaven.

"Let's start a new cycle!"

The long-lost voice of heaven came from above the nine heavens.

The world built by the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian immediately trembled.

A huge millstone fell from the sky and crushed all living beings. It was the millstone for destroying the world.

Large cracks appeared continuously in the void, the starry sky was shattered, and the light of chaos flooded in, covering the world.


The souls of hundreds of millions of beings in the world moved together, and the most powerful force surged against the sky, covering the sea of ​​stars and repelling the power of the heavens. The heavens and the earth were rapidly unfolding, expanding towards the heavens.

"The way of heaven is immortal!" The huge voice was very cold and calm.

Dugu Baitian and others control ten thousand peerless killing formations, rising into the sky, and the strongest among them are all controlled by the top [-] fighting spirits, killing towards the heavens.

"Very well, I haven't felt this kind of threat for a long time." Tiandao's voice was extremely indifferent.

"The world is silent!"

A faint voice came, endless destruction, the motto of the way of heaven, determined the direction of the heaven and the earth, it said that the heaven and the earth will die, and they will die.In the blink of an eye, the entire world was shaking, and in the dark, an unmatched force was gathering, fluctuating layer by layer, like a stormy wave, rushing towards, the world was destroyed, and an overwhelming force rushed towards it. Hundreds of large formations in front of them collapsed, and thousands of souls were scattered and turned into ashes.

"Fix my sword, kill nine days, sprinkle my blood, and go forward!"

However, the battle song has already been played, and the sentient beings are not afraid, and they still rush forward indomitably, turning into the ultimate source of power.


A group of reincarnations have already started their actions. Although they did not enter the main formation, they each launched their own strongest attacks and killed towards the heaven.

The way of heaven breaks through this world, it is a huge light group, a huge life form formed after endless resentment erodes the will of all living beings.Of course, it is only a part of the breakthrough, because it is really too vast.

Even so, the power to destroy the world was not something everyone could bear. Countless souls were scattered, and many parts of this world began to crumble.


All kinds of magic weapons to deal with the Heavenly Dao, such as the Zhentian Pagoda, Yutiansuo, Luotianwang, Fantianyin, and Suotianshuan, were thrown out of the reincarnation's hands and smashed towards the Heavenly Dao.

After these reincarnated people knew the mission, they specially exchanged some magic weapons from the Chaos Temple to restrain the way of heaven.

Many magic weapons bloomed with a powerful brilliance, and the terrifying fluctuations swept away, turning into various shapes, or trapping the heavenly way, or suppressing the heavenly way, or striking against the heavenly way, or cutting off the heavenly way, a large part of the light group They all fell apart.

"Ah—you group of variables are not in the world, but why do you want to come out, ants, die to me!" Tiandao let out a scream. Although it is vast, every loss of power is related to his origin , at this moment, he was actually wiped out by these strange magic weapons, how could this be, it couldn't bear it.

The more powerful Heavenly Dao broke through, and the Mieshi Mill was stirred rapidly, obliterating this piece of heaven and earth. The mighty might of Heaven, like raging waves, slapped on all living beings, and countless living beings turned into flying ash and dissipated.

A generation of evil masters carried hundreds of millions of evil spirits and rushed to the heavens. Before being smashed to pieces, they shouted loudly: "There is no regret in death!"

Afterwards, the Western Nine-Headed Heavenly Dragons rushed into the Heavenly Dao with the killing array. There was no accident. They were completely shattered after they shattered a mass of Heavenly Dao rays of light.

The same is true for the seven kings of the ancient times. With a loud roar, they rushed to the heaven with a hundred strong killing formations.Tian Dao seemed to feel the threat, and the Mie Shi mill turned rapidly, emitting a dazzling light, covering the Seven Killing Formation.

"I, Chu Xiangyu, killed Huang Tian like a running dog back then. Even if I can't kill you Tiandao today, I will injure you severely." Chu Xiangyu attacked and killed Huang Tian completely.

"I've been in the six realms, and I've never served anyone, so what if you are the way of heaven? I'll kill you anyway!" Heiqi rushed to the heavenly way with the desperate magic knife mountain or gloomy light in his hands.

The seven ancient kings rushed to the front and tore apart the huge light group in the sky. With the support of endless soul power in the rear, Dugu defeated the sky, the devil lord, Wu Shi, the empress and others cooperated to tear open a gap in the way of heaven and send everyone into the world. In the way of heaven.


The heaven and earth collapsed, and the Seven Killing Formation did seriously injure the way of heaven. The light ball shattered a large piece, but the Seven Killing Formation also collapsed, thousands of lives died, and only Chu Xiangyu and Hei Qi were left among the Seven Kings. They yelled After hitting the heavenly way, he never came out again.

The same is true for the eight souls of the Chen family. Together, the eight souls play out the ultimate law of the eight paths, which has the power to defy the sky. They burn their battle souls and rush into the heavens, shattering a large ball of light.


The way of heaven is unbearable, and it sends out a howl.

"Kill, even if you die, you will have no regrets!"

The eight souls and seven kings of the Chen family set an example for everyone, and the rest of the living beings, regardless of life and death, rushed to the heaven.It's a pity that the power of the Mieshi Mopan is too powerful, and most people died under it.

The Chaos Giant held a huge sword, blessed by the laws of the twelve realms, and slashed towards the heavenly realm. It was earth-shattering, and the immense strength destroyed a large part of the heavenly realm.But it still couldn't break through the World-Exterminating Grinding Disc with the Divine Light of Destruction.

There was a gloomy cloud, and Zhu Qiang fell forever.

After that, the strongest battle spirit in history charged in with the most powerful formation, the sky collapsed and the earth was torn apart, countless innocent souls were mourning, and the souls in the world were surging and mighty!

The old man who guarded the tomb turned out the life and death disk of his body, and finally, together with the Great Banner, he was going to smash the Mieshi Mopan. At this moment, a chaotic divine light flashed, and the Mieshi Mopan disappeared. The two magic weapons erupted with great power , rushed into the heavenly path, smashing most of the light ball.

A mighty force swept across the heavens.

"Ah—" Tiandao roared.

"Ah—" The gods screamed in sorrow, and the roar of hundreds of millions of living beings.

The sky collapsed, this piece of heaven and earth was completely destroyed, and the way of heaven was also severely damaged, retreating to the ninth heaven.

"Very good, very good!" Tiandao's indifferent voice came down, and the ninth heaven was destroyed.

The human king reshaped the world and completely sealed the way of heaven in this world. Now either you die or I die, there is no other possibility.

Demon Lord, Dugu Baitian, Chen Zhan, Empress, Wushi, Duan De, Qingdi and others are all ready to rush to the heaven, and prepare the remaining lore array for the ultimate battle.

(End of this chapter)

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