My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 332 The Mysterious Powerhouse

Chapter 332 The Mysterious Powerhouse

The years are rolling, time is like water!
Chaos Tianzun and others went up against the years and saw the four quasi-immortal emperors besieging Huangtian Emperor.

When the four of them saw Tianzun and the others, they immediately sensed the unfathomable strength, and their expressions changed dramatically.

At this moment, they had some guesses in their minds that Emperor Huangtian might die today, so some future strong will appear and come over time to change the ending.

Perhaps, this battle has a lot to do with it!
It has led to a series of major events in later generations. In order to change, some people would not hesitate to travel through the ages, even if they suffered huge karmic backlash, they had to rewrite the ending.

"That's right, Huangzai is going to fall today, and these people are here for him." The old man Mieshi nodded and said to himself.

Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong and others also nodded secretly, because there are four quasi-immortal emperors besieging and killing the wilderness here, and it is not difficult to guess how it will end.

Today, if anyone comes to intervene, it is mostly hostile forces.If they are in the same camp as them, there is no need to do anything extra.

"Well, you think too much, Huang will not die today, not only will he not die, but he will live well, but you are going to die." Chaos Tianzun said lightly.

"Young man, your tone is not small, but I don't know if your ability is as great as your tone?" The old man Mieshi and others said with a gloomy expression.

Tianzun smiled disdainfully, and said: "Whether the tone is loud or not, you will know after trying it."

"Hey! What day is it today? Another kid from the future is here. Is this going to kill the wilderness?" Tianzun suddenly exclaimed, and then said, his eyes cast towards the downstream of the long river of time.

The demon lord and others also turned their heads to look, and immediately saw three creatures coming up from the downstream of the long river of time, two men and one woman, all turned into human forms, and the aura emanating from them was incomparable and suffocating.

Brilliant runes surround their bodies, and the densely covered lines indicate that their Taoism is extremely mysterious, and they are invincible and powerful.

They are all quasi-immortal emperors!
The three great creatures moved forward together, staring at the world, staring at Jiehai, saw Chaos Tianzun and others, and at the same time saw Huang and others.

Two men and one woman, filled with gorgeous rain of light, walked here, separated the sea of ​​realms, and trembled the sky.

At this time, the three masters stared at Shi Hao, and when they saw him, they suddenly smiled.

"It's him, I really found it!"

One muttered to himself.

When Cangdi, Yudi and Hongdi saw their smiles, they immediately felt bad, thinking that these three people had something to do with Huang and they were probably enemies rather than friends.

Even Mie Shi old man's heart sank.


The woman among the three strong men scolded lightly, she stretched out a snow-white and crystal-clear palm, and slapped it towards the battlefield.

The power of this palm is extremely frightening, driving the monstrous avenue runes, covering the sky and covering the earth, shaking the ancient and modern.


However, a chaotic divine light suddenly shot out from the other side, collided with it, and there was an explosion sound. The divine light turned all the Dao runes into nothingness, and then kept brushing towards the woman.

The woman's face was normal, and she quickly moved away, but the divine light still did not let her go, and the overwhelming divine light brushed towards the woman at an elusive speed.

The faces of the two men around suddenly changed drastically, and they rushed to save each other, but at this moment, two hands hit them with unparalleled power.


The sky and the earth exploded, the waves of the world sea boiled, everything disintegrated, and the Tao was broken.

The two of them missed the body and looked at the person who made the shot. They were also two men, one with a fairy cauldron on his head, and the other holding a Fang Tian painted halberd, facing them from a distance.

The hearts of the two sank, because both of them were quasi-immortal emperors.

The two are Ye Fan and Chen Nan.

After such a delay, the chaotic divine light had already struck the woman, and as soon as the divine light passed, the woman disappeared without even a shadow, as if she had never been here before, and there was no trace of her in the world.

In fact, she was taken away by Chaos Heavenly Venerable. He wanted to find out some things about the future. Looking at their combat methods, these three people obviously did not belong to the future of this world, and they probably came from the future of other worlds.

"The Immortal Emperor?"

The expressions of the two of them changed drastically, and they looked at Chaos Tianzun and the others, their eyes full of surprise, how could there be such a strong Immortal Emperor here, and there are so many?

"Who are you?" After a long time, the two future men turned to Ye Fan and asked them, their faces solemn.

"Ye Fan!"


"Why stop me from waiting?" the two said angrily.

"You are the people of the future, so it happens that we are also the people of the future. But we have never met you, so it must be our juniors. Now that the juniors are messing with the time and space of the seniors, the seniors naturally have to teach them a lesson. Junior." Ye Fan said with a chuckle.

"How courageous, you and I are both quasi-immortal emperors, and strength is the most important thing, how can we judge people by age!" the man said angrily.

"Since strength is respected, then I will come to experience the strength of the younger generation! I am the Emperor of Heaven, and I shall suppress all enemies in the world!" Ye Fan shouted loudly, and waved the Heavenly Emperor Fist. Blast through the sky and kill the man!
"I dare to bury you even in the sky, let alone wait. Kill!"

Chen Nan also let out a cold shout, and waved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, cutting out the Supreme Dao, mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, Dao trembled, and fought towards another man.

The two sides soon fought together, the sky and the earth were broken, the boundless sea rolled, and the heavens trembled.

Cangdi, Yudi, Hongdi, and Mieshi old man were stunned for a while, they didn't expect such a result, then the three of them came to attack Huang?
Could it be that Huang won this battle, and in the future, there will be a big event, big enough to sacrifice three quasi-immortal emperors to kill him against the long river of time?
How can this be?Will they lose this battle?Mieshi old man's expression changed for a while, some couldn't believe it.

However, they quickly adjusted their mentality. After all, they are quasi-immortal emperors. Their minds are so tough, and they can't be stirred up by just a few words.

Their faces were gloomy and cold, and they looked at Huang, and the murderous intent in their eyes was even stronger.

"It seems that you still don't believe it, but unfortunately, the fact is true, you are defeated, and you are defeated by the hands of Huang!" On the other side, Chaos Tianzun looked at the four of them and said lightly.

"Who can be so sure about the future? The existence of Immortal Emperor Zhun is a variable, and who is sure that Huang will not die today?" The old man Mieshi shouted with a gloomy expression.

"You have come here against the tide of time, and you have changed the era. The time and space in the future will definitely be subverted, and the barrenness will be backlashed by the cause and effect of the world." Emperor Cang also said.

"That's right, Huang must die!" Emperor Yu's eyes were cold, and his tone was equally cold.

"Hehe, why deceive yourself and others, you already believe it in your heart, but you don't dare to face failure." Tianzun said with a light smile.


The faces of the four of them became gloomy, and they didn't delay any longer. They joined hands together to surround and kill Shi Hao, intending to suppress him, and then wipe him out, turning him into flames and destroying him physically and mentally.

"What's the point of bullying the few with the more?"

Tianzun sneered, stretched out his hand and summoned the River of Destiny, and went up against it, and he saw the four young Hongdi, Cangdi, Yudi, and Mieshi old man.

"The cultivation system in this world pays attention to combat power, but it misses many other details. For example, becoming a master of the immortal emperor has not cut off the past and the future. This is an opportunity for people to take advantage of. Hehe!"

The mainstream cultivation of immortals will cut off the connection between the past and the future when they reach the Daluo realm, and only exist in the present, transcending the long river of fate, but this world does not have this step, it only pays attention to combat power, and many realms exist to enhance combat power. In their view, strength is everything, and if the combat power is strong, other things are naturally nothing to worry about.

It's a pity that they don't know that some laws are very strange. They don't directly act on the body, but use your past and future body to make a big fuss.

This is a common means of practicing the Way of Time, the Way of Destiny, the Way of Karma, and the Way of Curse.

Just like Chaos Heavenly Venerable now, he stretched out his hand and wiped out the four incomparably weak past bodies including Emperor Cang!

"How dare you do that!"

Seeing this scene, the old man Mieshi and others immediately felt bad. How could this person be so terrifying? Even the immortal emperor masters are afraid of time and space karma, and cannot easily interfere, but this person does not seem to be afraid of these things, and casually kills him. Their past bodies were found and killed!



Four streams of blood exuding endless murderous intent spewed out from the mouths of the four quasi-immortal emperors. The blood of the emperors shattered the heavens and the earth, fell into the depths of the boundary sea, set off monstrous waves, countless tides surged, and slapped away towards the distance. So many worlds are destroyed.

The faces of the four quasi-immortal emperors all became pale, and the power in their bodies was sucked away by the mysterious power in the dark, and they became extremely weak, and their strength was greatly damaged.

This is no longer to reverse the Dao and launch the Dao law to attack, but to achieve the Dao with the heart, the Dao walks freely, and wherever the thoughts go, it is the point of the Dao, and it is also the so-called "I am in the Dao" state of controlling the Dao.

The three realms of the great avenue, the initial state of enlightenment of "the Tao is where I am", after completely walking out of your own avenue, you can abandon everything and walk the road of "I am the Tao", and finally you will be the "no way" territory.

Chaos Tianzun has now reached the realm of controlling the Tao, and the Tao is born by me!
"Well, I think it's fair now. Aren't you going to besiege and kill the wilderness? You can continue!" Tianzun smiled and said to the old man Mieshi and Emperor Cang.

The old man who destroyed the world: "..."

Huang Tiandi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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