My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 337 Suppression with one hand

Chapter 337 Suppression with one hand
Who is invincible, and who is undefeated?

Chaos Tianzun sneered coldly. Since ancient times, whoever dares to be invincible, whoever dares to be respected, the so-called eternity is just a joke. It is just that he has not encountered a stronger existence and is self-righteous.

Not to mention in the heavens and worlds, even in this world, there are still many people who can crush him. Only he himself is the most ignorant and thinks he is the strongest. In fact, in the eyes of the strong, he is just an ant.

So far, the number of immortal king-level masters who have died in his hands is too many to count.

Even if he was a quasi-immortal emperor and a strong Hunyuan, he had killed him, let alone an immortal king.


That finger didn't have the slightest coercion, didn't have the slightest fluctuation of the law, and didn't have the lingering light. It was just an ordinary finger, but it was only magnified countless times, and he slowly fell towards the bottom.

An Lan roared, unreservedly, and released all his strength. He was glowing all over, trying to break free, but it was useless. He could only watch the finger fall towards him with his eyes open. That feeling was very unpleasant, and his heart was full of Unwilling.

The fingers pressed on the arms in front of his chest, and there was a clear sound of bone cracking, whether it was a strong foreign land or a creature above the Emperor Pass, they could hear it clearly.

Both faces changed, but the former became worried and disbelieving, while the latter was more excited and relieved.

Immediately, everyone saw that the giant finger suppressed An Lan without hindrance, and the whole person sank into the depths of the abyss, unable to see.

"Ancient Ancestor Yu Tuo!"

In the foreign land, there are immortal creatures howling mournfully, wanting to ask another immortal king to take action. .

"how so……"

The immortal king named Yu Tuo had an incredible look in his eyes. In fact, he was ready to attack just now, but he didn't expect the battle to end so quickly.

He and An Lan were equal in strength, not equal to each other. Now that An Lan was being suppressed with one hand, he probably did the same when he went up. Immediately, he didn't dare to go forward easily.

"Come here too."

At this time, Chaos Tianzun looked over through Tianyuan, and his eyes fell on Yu Tuo.

Immediately, he stretched out his big hand indifferently, like covering the sky and covering the sun, and grabbed it in the direction of the foreign land. Even if it was Tianyuan, it was like nothing in front of him, and it could not cause him the slightest obstacle.

That giant hand was filled with chaotic divine light, and wherever it passed, countless foreign armies were instantly annihilated, whether it was the supreme being or the immortal beings, it was the same, and they couldn't stop the half-breath time.

"not good!"

Yu Tuo was shocked, he didn't even think about it, he reacted almost instantly, turned around and fled towards the foreign land, ignoring the foreign army.

But as soon as he took action, he felt his whole body go stiff, and the hairs on his back trembled. The hand was so fast that it covered the sky and the sun, casting a large shadow, covering Yu Tuo.

"Break it for me!"

Yu Tuo desperately used his strongest moves without reservation, not seeking to repel the opponent, but only seeking to open a gap so that he could escape from this place as quickly as possible.

Above the Emperor Pass, everyone was excited.

Originally, today was supposed to be the day when the foreign army knocked at the customs, but in the blink of an eye, things took a big turning point.

No one thought that there would be a strong man from a different time and space who would come against the current of time, and no one thought that the so-called undefeated immortal king would be suppressed with one finger, and the other would be like a bereaved dog, desperately Running away, from the looks of it now, I'm afraid I can't escape the mysterious man's grasp.

The giant hand slapped down mercilessly, and together with Yu Tuo and countless foreign troops, they were all sunk to the ground, and a huge palm abyss appeared on the ground.

AKA the Immortal King, suppressed by One Hand.

"That's it... was suppressed?"

Most of the tens of millions of troops in the foreign land were killed and injured at this time, and the rest of them were all pale at the moment, with disbelief in their eyes.

As for those immortal beings, most of them are running for their lives.

Because the Immortal Kings have all been suppressed, and I'm afraid it will be their turn next, and if they don't escape, they will never be able to leave.

Until now, the heads of those alien creatures are still in a daze, and they can't believe that all this is true. In a short period of time, the situation has changed drastically, and the absolute advantage has been reversed in an instant, just because a mysterious person suddenly jumped out and took the two of them. The undefeated myth has been suppressed.

How could there be such a powerful creature in the world?

They must go back and report this matter to the other Immortal Kings, otherwise, once this mysterious person attacks the foreign land, the foreign land will be destroyed!


Above Diguan, everyone was extremely excited.

Their eyes were filled with admiration and awe, and they looked at the stalwart figure standing above the ancient coffin with unparalleled fanaticism.

"Is that the real strong man?" Huang's eyes flickered, looking at the figure, he murmured, "So strong!"

"Of course he is strong. Those are two immortal king-level masters, but they were suppressed by this person alone. His strength may have already taken that step."

Beside, the Great Elder said.There is awe in the tone, and there are always people who are in awe of the strong.

"That step?"

"That's right, what countless immortal kings pursue is the eternal immortal emperor. However, the immortal emperor is too difficult. I have never heard of anyone succeeding. In between, there is a realm of quasi-immortal emperor. This person is probably the quasi-immortal emperor." The emperor is a strong man." The elder said, if he knew that the immortal emperor did not exist, he would probably say that he was a strong immortal emperor.

"Immortal Emperor... Quasi-Immortal Emperor..., one day, I will reach that realm." Huang pondered for a moment, then said firmly.He firmly believes that he will succeed one day.


Next to him, the Great Elder did not dampen his enthusiasm and confidence.How difficult it is for the Immortal Emperor, how can it be so easy to achieve.However, he didn't say it out loud, young people always need some aggressiveness and enthusiasm, and he will know how difficult it is in the future.

"Are those two dead?"

Huang regained the mentality of a young man, and asked excitedly.

He stared at the mysterious man on top of the giant coffin, with longing in his eyes, this is the real strong man, what kind of immortal king, what kind of An Lan and Yu Tuo, all suppressed with one finger.

"Not yet?" On the side, the Great Elder shook his head.

As if to verify his words, Chaos Heavenly Venerable in the distance stretched out his hand, and two figures appeared in front of him, and then he shot two rays of light at the two of them, the light flickered, and the two disappeared instantly, replacing them in place What is there are two cards suspended in the void.

The two cards are of chaotic color, both exuding mysterious light, one side is the image of the character, and the other side is engraved with the introduction of the character.For example, one of them depicts the image of An Lan on the front. On the picture, An Lan is standing in the chariot, his eyes are looking down at the world, despising the world, his whole body is astonishing, his eyes are shining with gold, he has the majesty of an immortal king.

What is written on the back is:
"Character: An Lan.

Realm: Immortal King.

Introduction: The Immortal King of a foreign land in the perfect world, who is unrivaled in the world. "

"That's right, it's a pity to kill them. You need to learn how to use waste. These two summon cards can be used as mission rewards or as exchange items in the future."

Chaos Tianzun stretched out his hand to take away the two summoning cards, and said with a faint smile.

Then, he turned around and cast his gaze on the Diguan.There, everyone was still excited, and many felt elated.Being oppressed by foreign lands for countless years, they have been aggrieved for a long time, and now they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Are you Huang?"

Regardless of other people, through the void, Chaos Heavenly Venerable cast his eyes on the young man above the Diguan, and said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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