Chapter 352
On the cliff of the back mountain of Kunlun Mountain, Yuan Shi sat cross-legged on a large rock, facing the rising sun, breathing in the glow of the sun.

His face is calm, and the surrounding environment is also very quiet. The sun is rising, its path is bright, the river is flowing, and the ocean is pouring out.

Yuan Shi adjusted his mentality and prepared to break through.This time he did not break through the realm of heaven, but to break through the ninth turn of "Nine Turns of Shenyuan".

"Shen Yuan Nine Revolutions" eight reincarnations, nine reincarnations return to one.At the beginning, he divided tens of millions of spirits and sent them to the underworld, where they were reincarnated.Each new soul is either alive or dead, the living will be reincarnated for a hundred generations, and the dead will turn into the power of the soul and return to the Yuanshi Yuanshen again.

Today, although there are many dead, there are still many living people. Each of them has been reincarnated for hundreds of lives, or they are ghosts, spirits, humans, mountains and rocks, rivers, gods, or gods. Vegetation, some are not even living things.

They have basically reincarnated everything in the prehistoric world. Once they return, it is a trivial matter that Yuanshi's soul power will increase greatly. Among them, the perception of reincarnation, the cognition of everything in the world, the view of everything in the world of mortals, and the perception of the Dao , these are the most important.

Once Yuanshi absorbs all of these, his morality will definitely increase greatly, as will his state of mind and life perception.

Sometimes, knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you know. The truth of the world is under my control. If this is the case, then I am the truth.

Yuanshi was looking forward to this very much. He practiced the exercises and said a sentence in his heart:
"Hun Xi - come back!"



An invisible and mysterious wave centered on Yuanshi and spread towards the wild land. This wave is invisible, colorless, odorless, and extremely mysterious. No one has discovered it.


In a valley where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, there is a village. In the village, there are some villagers. An ordinary young man lives by chopping firewood...

On this day, the young man was wearing a patched coarse cloth, carrying firewood and a fish in his hand, and walked down with a joyful smile on his face.

There is a stream in the distance, the stream is crystal clear, and there are faint fish swimming.Next to it is a bamboo forest, and the bamboo leaves exude a fragrance.

There are weeds under the feet, and dewdrops are still hanging on the grass blades, and the dewdrops are crystal clear.

"Da Niu, Da Niu." An old woman shouted loudly in the distance.

"Mother!" The young man ran towards the old woman with a smile.


Suddenly, there was a bang, and the young man suddenly disappeared, a pile of firewood fell to the ground, and a fish jumped on the ground.


"Are you ready to die?"

On a high mountain, a man in black was holding a bloody knife, staring coldly at the people in front of him.

"As long as you let us go, we don't want this treasure." Among the group of people, a young man said cautiously.

"You are not qualified to bargain with me yet." The man's expression turned cold, and he was about to strike.


An invisible wave descended, and the man instantly turned into fragments, disappeared, and a bloody knife fell to the ground.

Everyone: "..."


"Help, help!"

A beautiful girl cried out in a cave, with a pitiful expression in her eyes, making people feel distressed and feel pity when they see it.

"Haha, you are yelling, and no one cares about you when you yell out your throat." A monster walked towards the woman with a lewd smile on his face.

Smiling, he stepped forward and violently stripped the woman's clothes off, just as he was about to go further.


The woman disappeared instantly.


The monster didn't stop the car in time, and suddenly let out a scream.


In the stream, a fish turned into nothingness and disappeared.

On top of the snow-capped peak, heavy snow fell, and a piece of snowflake disappeared.

On the high mountain, a big rock standing on the top of the mountain disappeared.

In the boundless sea, a drop of sea water disappeared.

Beside reincarnation, a ghost just took Meng Po soup, then disappeared, a bowl of Meng Po soup spilled on the ground, leaving only Meng Po with a confused face, and a group of ghosts who were also confused behind.

Of the two men who were fighting, one of them just took out the magic weapon, and then disappeared, leaving behind the owner of the magic weapon in a mess in the wind.


At this moment, all over the prehistoric area, there are things that fly in the sky, those that run on the ground, those that swim in the water, those that drill under the ground, those that are alive, those that have no intelligence... At this moment, things suddenly and mysteriously disappear in all over the prehistoric area, and no one knows them Why disappear.

But at this moment, mysterious figures appeared one after another in the Yuanshi Sea of ​​Consciousness of Kunlun Mountain. As soon as they entered the Yuanshi Sea of ​​Consciousness, they immediately began to melt like sea salt meeting seawater.

Yuanshi's sea of ​​consciousness is constantly strengthening, and the sea of ​​consciousness is constantly shining with all kinds of light, full of gorgeous colors, and various visions are emerging, and the entire realm of spiritual consciousness has become extremely dreamy.

Yuan Shi's true self is receiving these memories of the soul, the reincarnation of hundreds of generations, the reincarnation memory of every living being bursts out at this moment, thousands of living beings, hundreds of millions of reincarnation memories appear.

Life after life...

In these memories, there are children, devils, farmers, swordsmen, scholars, doctors, bandits, scholars, ghosts, emperors, monks, gods... There are also mountains, stones, water, fire, thunder, ice, wind and other natural Things, as well as weapons and magic weapons such as swords, guns and halberds, everything in the prehistoric world is contained in it.

At this moment, Yuanshi's huge spiritual power began to manifest, and hundreds of millions of thoughts moved together, colliding with sparks of wisdom. He began to absorb these reincarnation memories and at the same time comprehend the power of reincarnation.

Among these memories, some are already known to him, while some are completely unknown to him. If he knows it, he will naturally become more familiar. If he doesn't know it, he will know it from now on.

Every life is extremely real, because this is an experience that his soul has personally experienced.

Yuanshi was immersed in this process of increasing his spirit and understanding of everything in the world, and couldn't extricate himself.If it is an ordinary Hunyuan strong man, I am afraid that the will has been blurred, and he has forgotten who is the real self, immersed in countless memories, regardless of you and me.

If Yuanshi had just broken through Hunyuan, he might not be able to handle it if his spiritual cultivation base and spiritual will were not enough.

Now his primordial spirit has greatly increased, his mind practice has reached the state of returning to the true state, and his soul and will are constantly being burned by the fire of the soul, so the will can remain clear.Even though these reincarnations are extremely real, with love, family affection, hatred, ambition, and wanton madness... But Yuanshi has always had a sense of detachment, and he has not sunk into it. His will has been observing all these.

I don't know how long it has passed, but for Yuan Shi, time has no meaning, it may be just a moment, it may be a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years...

At this moment, Yuanshi felt eternity.

Yuan Shi, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, suddenly felt a mysterious aura, and the void was twisting, as if something had been born.

The whole world still collapsed, and an incomparably loud roar erupted.

Everything became extremely clear before Yuan Shi's eyes. He was still dressed in white, sitting cross-legged on the boulder on the top of the mountain.His brow consciousness is undergoing a huge transformation.

His Sea of ​​Consciousness time is completely golden at this moment, and the golden light shines through the sky, dyeing the whole sky golden. Fortunately, Yuanshi has already placed restrictions on the surroundings, so others have not noticed this vision.

Yuan Shi's Consciousness Sea World began to transform from emptiness to reality, completely transforming the power of Yuanshen into a real power. In Yuanshi world, all things in the starry sky that were previously evolved by various divine channeling techniques will now turn into real existence thing.

The boundaries and starry sky of his Consciousness Sea World exploded completely, without boundaries any more, and became truly boundless.


(End of this chapter)

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