My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 370 Good fortune Tianzun

Chapter 370 Good fortune Tianzun
Thousands of years passed by leisurely.

In the prehistoric world, there is an oppressive atmosphere at this moment, as if in the sky, there is a huge mountain pressing down on everyone's heart.All living beings in the prehistoric world can feel that terrifying coercion.

The prehistoric calm is terrifying, it is the tranquility before the storm, it is the dusk before the darkness, and the mountains and rain are about to come and the wind is full of the building!
Many Hunyuan masters in Honghuang all looked very heavy. Today's Honghuang has not fully grown up. If they are given some more time, they are confident that they are no worse than others.Unfortunately, no one will give them time, the enemy will not be merciful, and the short time is not an excuse for being weak.

A shadow of destruction hangs over the hearts of all the prehistoric people.

Many great powers in the prehistoric are starting to prepare, because everyone knows how terrifying the enemy they are going to face is.The lowest one in the Heaven Realm is about to lead their world to attack their prehistoric world.

Even ordinary creatures in the prehistoric world felt the unusual atmosphere, as if something great was about to happen.

In Kunlun Mountain, Tongtian and Taishang gathered together, both of them looked heavy-hearted. Obviously, the problem this time was not simple.

Tong Tian was no longer as arrogant as before, he said in a deep voice, "I don't know when the eldest brother will be able to come back?"

"Brother wants to break through the Dao of Heaven this time, I'm afraid it won't take too long." Taishang said.

"My prehistoric catastrophe is coming. As far as we know, recently the world of Motian, the world of creation, and the world of ghosts have begun to move around, and they tend to attack my prehistoric world." Tong Tian said with a serious expression.

These three worlds are similar to his prehistoric world, they all exist at the bottom, but even if they are at the bottom, at least every world has a strong man of the heavenly realm, while the prehistoric world does not have one. The gap is clear at a glance.

"Is there no movement in the other five realms?" Taishang asked.

"No, what are they paying attention to, don't you and I know? Isn't it just to watch the fire from the other side, and the fisherman will benefit. Hmph! Don't be afraid of the mantis catching the cicada, the oriole is behind." Tong Tian said angrily.

There was no surprise on Taishang's face, he picked up the teacup on the table in front of him, took a sip, and said slowly: "I'm afraid this matter is not that simple, the rest of the world has different ideas and ghosts, they are also mutual Beware, they don't want to be attacked by other worlds, and of course, they don't want to watch other worlds grow slowly. On the contrary, these weaker worlds are different. They don't worry that these worlds will grow and threaten them, because they want to It takes time to grow. They can easily destroy these worlds during this time.

And these relatively weak worlds not only have to face the attacks of the world above, but also want to devour others to improve themselves, so they will hug each other.As the weakest world in the Nine Realms, I, the Great Desolation, was the target they were isolated and wanted to devour.The other worlds are probably also helpless. They obviously have the strength to destroy our prehistoric world, but because they want to guard against each other, they can't make a move. "

Tong Tian said mockingly: "It's like big fish eating small fish, and small fish eating dried shrimps. But at this moment, a group of big fish wants to fatten up this group of small fish, and then divide them up among each other. It's a good idea! "

"Exactly that!"

Tai Shang nodded, and then said: "But even so, we have to accept this fact, because we are those shrimps who are not even small fish."

"Damn it, the time for me to rise from the wilderness is too short. If you wait for me for a while, and the big brother breaks through, why should we be treated as the nourishment of the world like we are now." Tong Tian said helplessly, his face resentful.

Honghuang's potential is not weak, not only Hongjun is about to break through, but also mysterious people such as Hun Kun Patriarch, Nu Wa, Lu Ya, and Yuan Shi, but unfortunately, the time given to them is too short.

Taishang is silent, and the enemy is also interested in this, otherwise they would not invade Honghuang so quickly, they are just worried about changes in Honghuang.

Tongtian also knows that this is a fact and cannot be changed. He only hopes that Yuanshi or Hongjun can break through as soon as possible, so that Honghuang can at least be saved.

The two of them looked at each other, and there was a bit of bitterness in their hearts. In the past, they were one of the best masters in the prehistoric world, respected by thousands of saints, but now that they have seen the horror of the heavens and the world, they know what it was like at that time. In the chaos, masters stronger than them can be found everywhere.

Soon, they adjusted their mentality and prepared to face this war. They are the saints of the prehistoric era and the brothers of Yuanshi, and they cannot lose.

Under the restraint of many Hunyuan masters, many races and forces in Honghuang did not have direct friction for the first time, and Honghuang fell into a strange silence and peace.

Such peaceful days, which lasted until a certain day, will be brought to an end.

Create the great world, create the supreme world ruled by Tianzun.

At this moment, above the Lingxiao Palace of the incomparably huge Good Fortune Heavenly Court.

The great God of Creation sits at the highest place, with bare feet, a green robe, and long blue hair hanging loose. He is tall and has gentle eyes, overlooking the bottom.

A group of densely packed courtiers stood respectfully below, all of them were in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"The basic situation of the prehistoric world has been clarified." Heavenly Venerable Good Fortune looked down and said slowly.

Immediately, many Hunyuan masters below began to commotion.

"Our Creation World ranks seventh among the Nine Realms, and there are six powerful worlds above us, and they may invade our world at any time." The Creation Heavenly Venerable said with a serious expression.

"Of course we can't just wait for death. If we want to strengthen quickly, we can only plunder and devour other worlds. Now, our hope has come. The prehistoric world is the weakest of the nine realms, and the strongest in this realm is only half a step away." The Dao of Heaven is our best choice."

The people below were immediately discussing. They are no strangers to world wars, because they have been staged countless times since they came to this chaos.Some of them are Hunyuan strong people from the previous world. After the defeat of the war, they are now integrated into the world of creation.It's just that the previous wars were all about devouring relatively weak worlds, but now it is about devouring one of the nine worlds, the ancient prehistoric world.

Tianzun Good Fortune glanced at everyone, seeing everyone's reactions in his eyes. After a long time, he said slowly: "This time, our world joins forces with the Demon Sky World and the Nether Ghost Realm to invade the Prehistoric Realm. This war is about It's time to start."

All the courtiers raised their heads to look at the great God of Creation, feeling tension, anticipation, excitement, and fear...

Finally, is the war about to break out?

"The previous battles were nothing, they were just small characters, this time is the real world war! And the prehistoric world is about to have a strong man in the Dao of Heaven, and two of them have already mastered the ultimate way, and began to derive the rules of the Dao of Heaven , They are destined to continue to grow stronger, and more holy masters and heavenly masters will be born. After a long time, we will have no hope."

"We have no way out."

"If you win this war, you will get countless treasures from me, which can easily allow you to break through to Hunyuan Consummation." Tianzun Creation said, "If you fail, you will really die."

At this moment, Tianzun Haohua no longer had the elegant attitude before, and there was only a frightening and terrifying light in his eyes.

His will can be felt by all the courtiers below.

"Go, the war starts now!" Heavenly God Good Fortune ordered.

"Yes, God!"

There is madness in everyone's eyes. At this time, fear is useless. They only have to fight hard. If they win, they will get countless treasures they dream of. If they fail, they will die. No one wants to die by themselves.

Everyone retreated and went back to prepare for the upcoming war.

On the huge Lingxiao Palace, only the God of Creation sitting on it is left.

With a heavy complexion, he murmured softly: "Cultivators in the prehistoric world, don't blame us, and I don't want to be swallowed by other worlds. Hey! I don't know why, so many worlds gather here, I control the world of good fortune After that, I just want to live well. How long can this war last. Sigh..."

When he thinks of other powerful worlds, his heart is full of emotion and worry, not for himself, but for the creation world.

At this moment, the other two worlds also began to act, and the war was about to break out.


(End of this chapter)

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