My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 384 King's Landing

Chapter 384 King's Landing

Yuan Shi looked at the six people in front of him, raised his eyebrows, and his face was calm, without any emotion.After a long time, he suddenly said:

"It's really lively today. The Primal Chaos Dragon, the Primordial Heavenly Dragon, the Lord of Truth, the Immortal Heavenly Venerable, the Nine Heavens Godly Venerable, and the Batian Kuangzun are all acquaintances? You all know that I have broken through the heavenly realm today, so I came here on purpose. Send the head, congratulate me?"

Yuanshi naturally knew in his heart that the current situation, the rising trend of the prehistoric, is already unstoppable. There are two powerful Tianzun in the prehistoric, and there is also a mysterious existence hidden. This is already comparable to the top three worlds. Other worlds They didn't want to see a world that could threaten them, so at this moment the Five Realms came together to kill this crisis in its infancy.

It's a pity that Honghuang is no longer a cradle at this moment.

Yuan Shi is sure that there must be other strong people secretly watching here at this time. Once they realize that something is wrong, they will immediately take action to kill Yuan Shi here. The scene of Yuan Shi's previous tribulation can already threaten them.

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being the beginning of the primordial era, you are indeed worthy of being a person who can survive the Dao Tribulation, and your arrogance is boundless. After today, let's see if you can still become arrogant!"

Among the six, Batian Kuangzun is worthy of his title, and he is also the most domineering and arrogant existence among them. Seeing Yuanshi's tone at this moment, he is even more arrogant than him, and he was immediately furious.

Yuan Shi smiled slightly, and did not respond to his words. Although this Domineering Kuangzun is strong, he is just like that. Even if all these people add up, Yuan Shi is not afraid at all.

After breaking through, he can be said to have accomplished the Dao of Yuanshi, and his strength has long been different from what it used to be.

Although he hasn't played against them yet and doesn't know where his limit is, Yuan Shi knows that at least these people are not enough to watch.

Yuanshi ignored the others, but turned his attention to Wutian Demon Lord, saying:
"Fellow Daoist Wutian, you, the Three Realms of Demon Heaven, Netherworld, and Creation, joined forces to invade our Primordial Realm and kill my millions of monks in the Prehistoric Realm. How should we settle this account?"

Seeing Yuan Shi's appearance, the others didn't seem to worry about their own safety at all, and they ignored them directly, feeling a little unhappy in their hearts, but they were still the strong Tianzun anyway, and they didn't show this emotion on their faces.

Wutian Demon Lord breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the six Tianzun powerhouses, and even if his seven powerhouses couldn't kill Yuanshi, it would be easy to leave by himself. After hearing Yuanshi's words at this moment, he immediately Furious, said:
"Yuanshi, you wiped out my demon warriors, but you are still alive at this moment, you still have the face to settle accounts with me! Don't even think about it!"

"Ha ha……"

Yuan Shi chuckled and said, "It's just a few robbers and murderers. If you kill them, you'll kill them. What can you do to me? It's your demon world that invaded Honghuang in advance. You can't just let it go."

Yuan Shi's tone was light and calm, as if he didn't care about those demons at all, as if he was crushing two ants to death.But it was so harsh to Wutian Demon Lord's ears.

That is his Demon Sky World is a master of all high-level combat powers, who has grown up in countless epochs (one epoch is 1000 billion years). After this incident, his world will go back hundreds of millions of years and become the weakest world in the Nine Realms. May be wiped out.

Hearing Yuanshi's words, Wutian Demon Lord was angry at this moment even if he was in a good mood. He shouted coldly: "Yuanshi, don't talk nonsense. Today we have seven people, but you only have one person. Whoever lives and who dies doesn't matter. Surely?"

After finishing speaking, he shouted to the other six people: "Fellow daoists, everyone is well aware of the current prehistoric situation. If the original beginning is not eliminated, it will become a serious problem in the future! Fellow daoists, please take action and kill this person!"

"That's right, Yuan Shi must die today!"

As soon as Wutian Demon Lord finished speaking, Taikoo Tianlong stood up and said that the strength of his boundless dragon world ranks fifth in the Nine Realms. If the Motian world is destroyed and the prehistoric world rises, his dragon world will become the target of all worlds to swallow .Among all the people present, only he, the Dragon Clan, most wanted to destroy the prehistoric world and kill Yuanshi.

"The words of fellow Taoist Wutian and fellow Taoist Tianlong are the truth, and I will do it!"

Immediately, the Lord of Truth of the light and dark universe spoke, and the Lord of Truth looked like an old man. When he spoke these words, Yuan Shi felt a breath from the heavens and the earth descending on him. Destiny will be changed, as if the words spoken by the Lord of Truth are the most authentic way and reason, destined to be realized.

As soon as Yuanshi turned the Yuanshi Dao, the locked breath disappeared immediately, and he returned to his original state.

"Yuanshi must die, no one can stop it!" Batian Kuangzun said coldly.

Immortal Tianzun and Jiuxiao Shenzun did not speak, but their actions showed their meaning. Together with everyone, they faintly sealed Yuanshi in the void of this battlefield, and could not escape.

"Hmph! Just because you and the other seven people still want to destroy this seat, you might as well dream! It's not that this seat looks down on you, it's just that you really can't do it!"

Yuanshi is still very indifferent until now. The seven powerful Tianzun might not be his opponents before, but now, it is not difficult to kill them.

"Hmph! You're not ashamed to say anything, if it works, you'll know if you try it!"

Kuangzun Batian snorted coldly. He looked down on Yuan Shi's attitude the most. This was obviously his usual line, but Yuan Shi snatched it at this moment. He was very upset and acted immediately.

A terrifying red sword slashed from the void. This sword was very terrifying, and it was completely condensed by the rules of the Dao. It was unprecedentedly powerful and surpassed any sword Yuanshi had seen before.

With boundless arrogance, this knife crushed the sky, split the rules, subverted time and space, and slashed towards Yuanshi with a terrifying aura that dominated the world.

At the same time, the other six people also made a move immediately. They all knew the horror of Yuan Shi, and they didn't want to give him a chance to make a comeback.

The seven powerful Celestials teamed up to launch a series of terrifying avenue attacks, and all the great supernatural powers of the Celestials exploded.

"Slay the common people!"

"No Sky Demon Palm!"

"The Fist of Truth!"

"Chaos Dragon Mark Spear!"

"My way is immortal!"

"Nine Heavens Thunder!"

"Tianlong strike!"

How fierce is the seven Heavenly Venerates attacking together?It can cause the world to reincarnate thousands of times. If the attack is in the chaos, I don't know how many worlds will be opened up and destroyed, and then opened up again, and the cycle will continue.

It's a pity that all these supernatural powers attacked Yuanshi's body, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea, without even ripples.

"In this seat of Yuanshi Daluotian, I am the ruler. The heaven and the earth are the furnace, and I can refine ten thousand ways and ten thousand dharmas!"

Yuan Shi stood still in the void, lifted his footsteps, and walked forward step by step, sighing in his mouth, watching the falling flowers and flowing water, and the wind and clouds floated by.

"How is this possible? What kind of power is this? Why doesn't our attack have any effect on him? How could his Yuan Shi Da Luo Tian have such power? We haven't had this ability after several centuries of cultivation?"

Wutian Demon Lord roared: "Could it be that he can resist the attacks of all of us by himself, how can he be so tyrannical?!"


The Chaos Ancestor Dragon spewed out nine-colored glazed blood, which fused with the chaotic dragon-patterned golden gun and turned into a bloody murderous golden gun, blasting towards Yuanshi.

"Ancestral dragon blood gun, nail the heavens!"

The blood-colored chaotic golden gun of the chaotic ancestor dragon crossed the chaotic void and landed on top of Yuanshi's head.


Yuan Shi sighed leisurely, the murderous Chaos Golden Spear collapsed inch by inch like this, unable to attack Yuan Shi's body at all.


(End of this chapter)

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