My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 396 Eternal Emperor

Chapter 396 Eternal Emperor
Time flies, and the three yuanhuis are nothing to the prehistoric gods, they are fleeting.

On this day, a decree flew out from the Zixiao Palace and flew into the prehistoric. All the creatures in the prehistoric can clearly see the content of the decree. Obviously, it was none other than Dao Patriarch Hong who issued this decree. Jun.

Hongjun used the power of heaven to condense a golden decree. The decree is huge and boundless, traversing the sky, as if covering the entire prehistoric sky. It is difficult to know.

The content of the decree is to require all major forces and races in the prehistoric, whether it is human race, witch race, monster race, or phoenix race, dragon race, unicorn race, or other ten thousand races, to allocate two-thirds of their The elite, forming a joint army of monks is on standby.

And the targets of this army are none other than the Eternal Heaven Realm, the Eternal God Realm and the Xuanhuang Great World.

Hongjun didn't have any hidden purpose. The mobilization of an army of this level couldn't hide it from others at all. What's more, as far as they knew, the three-party world seemed to know that they would attack before the two yuan meetings, and had already done so. Well prepared, and among them, the Xuanhuang Great World and the Eternal God Realm have begun to merge due to the loss of the Tianzun powerhouse and the pressure of the prehistoric.

Now there are only three worlds in this chaos, namely the Eternal Heaven Realm, the Eternal Xuanhuang Realm, and the Primordial Universe.

Since you can't hide it from others, it's better to say everything and declare it to the world. At least it will be more open and aboveboard, so that people won't underestimate it.

For a time, the whole world was shaken.

At this time, everyone understood why Daozu would call all the strong people in the prehistoric to Zixiao Palace before the three Yuanhuis. It turned out that it was the same as before, and a boundary war was about to be launched.It's just that someone else attacked Honghuang before, but now it is Honghuang attacking other worlds.

As soon as this news came out, the whole world was talking about it. No one thought that in the stage of rapid development in the prehistoric period, a boundary war would be launched to destroy other worlds.

Some people are happy and some are sad. Not everyone wants to start a war, especially this kind of war that will destroy the world at every turn, and not everyone wants peace. If they are fought by others, they will naturally have to fight it. The fastest way to plunder resources.By killing the enemy, you can get the other party's resources. Some practitioners who do not have enough resources have long hoped to plunder other people's cultivation resources.

Cultivation is a way of plundering, stealing the creation of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, taking life from the sky, and taking other people's resources to help oneself.

At this moment, the war is facing countless enemies, which also means that countless resources are beckoning to them. As long as they can destroy the enemies, those resources will be all their own.

This time the conquest of the chaotic world is a battle of plunder, and it is also a war to show the prestige of the prehistoric overlord.

When the news came out, the whole Honghuang was boiling. In fact, more than an era has passed. For Honghuang, the strong have changed several times.As the saying goes, there are talents from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years.

The prehistoric powerhouses rose one after another, and then became lonely. There are many geniuses, but there are very few who can become the ultimate powerhouse.For these people, they did not participate in the last World War, but they will not miss it this time.

For the strong who can live through more than one generation, they will never forget that war. Countless brothers, friends and relatives died. , Therefore, they will not miss this opportunity to go to another world war.

It is Daozu's will to launch a war in Honghuang now, and no one dares to disobey his will, because the person who disobeyed has long since died.

Therefore, under the decree of Hongjun, the whole Honghuang acted quickly, whether it was willing or unwilling, but wherever the decree of the Taoist ancestor passed, all tribes, all races, and sects began to mobilize The most elite army in their own clan, and two-thirds of them have to be transferred.

Two-thirds of the strength of a race or sect may not be much, but when two-thirds of the entire world is taken away from the army, one can imagine how terrifying it is.

The mobilization of the army at this scene naturally cannot be concealed from the two worlds of Eternity and Eternity, and people in both worlds were in an uproar.

In the eternal heaven.

Eternal Heavenly Emperor was dressed in a golden imperial robe, wearing an imperial crown on his head, sitting majestic and domineering on the highest throne in the heaven, looked at the people below, and said coldly:

"Everyone, I think you all know that Honghuang has already started to mobilize the army, and is preparing to come to my eternal heaven."

Everyone below quickly lowered their heads, not daring to raise their heads. Everyone knew that their Heavenly Emperor was about to get angry, so they didn't dare to argue at this moment.As for the news of Hong Huang's conquest of Chaos, they naturally learned of the news. The small Hong Huang only had three Tianzun powerhouses, and they dared to conquer their world. In their view, it was hitting a stone with an egg.

It's not that they are overconfident, but that the invincible majesty of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven has had too much influence. It has affected as many as eight epochs. One epoch is 6000 trillion years. How many years are eight epochs? Countless, that invincible belief has long been rooted in their hearts.

"You think that the Great Desolation is very simple, and this conquest is a joke?" the voice of the Eternal Heavenly Emperor became colder.

"Then you know that a powerful Yuanshi appeared in the prehistoric world, as powerful as me."

"how is this possible?"

At this moment, the ministers were finally amazed. The strength of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor was obvious to all, and no one could object to it.

Their world was not originally called the Eternal Heaven Realm, but just a small Great Thousand World, and the highest was only a strong man in the early Hunyuan period.But because a mythical boy appeared in the endless years, he cultivated at the age of five, became an immortal at the age of ten, became a golden immortal at the age of 30, Da Luo at the age of 50, and became a Hunyuan at the age of two hundred.

It took only 200 years for an ordinary person with a weak body to stand at the top of the world. This is almost impossible for everyone. Not to mention those children of gods and demons, they are born as golden immortals. It belongs to Da Luo, but this young man cultivated with a mortal body, which is almost a myth.

The youth set up the Eternal Heavenly Court, beheaded the evil spirits that invaded their world, and then frightened the heroes, unified the entire world, and changed the name of the world to Eternal.

After that, the Eternal Emperor led their world to invade the outer world, swallow other worlds, and fight for the ages. Countless enemies fell in the hands of the Eternal Emperor. Compared with the Eternal Emperor, the countless Tianjiao were like ordinary people. He killed the Tianjiao It's as simple as harvesting leeks.

He stepped on the bones of endless gods and demons to build a road, climbing all the way, and step by step evolved a small world into a perfect world, a chaotic world of gods and demons.

The Eternal Heavenly Emperor reversed the law of the way of heaven with his own law of emperor way, replaced the sky with his body, and created the law of the whole world with his own way of law.

In the ages, there were six Heavenly Venerate powerhouses who fell in his hands, and there were even more who were defeated.

He even evolved the eternal heaven to the most top-level world of gods and demons. It can be said that his life is an undefeated legend.

At this moment, when they learned from His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven that there was a strong man not weaker than him, they were extremely shocked at first, but they believed it, because what His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven said was the truth, and the Emperor of Heaven would not say Incorrect.Since the Emperor of Heaven is correct, then there is indeed such a thing.

At this moment, they were no longer as relaxed as before, and began to discuss this war solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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