Chapter 399 Death of the Heavenly Venerable Again (fourth update)
Above the chaos, because the three people in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty were chaotic in time and space and cut off the years, Dao sent down the catastrophe of Taoism, intending to destroy the three people directly.

Facing this catastrophe, Yuanshi's face changed drastically. He propped up Yuanshi Daluotian. After refining the mysterious "empty" character, Yuanshi Daluotian's strength has reached the level that even the strongest Tianjun can hardly break through.At this moment when Dao Tribulation came, he did not dare to claim to be great, and used Da Luotian as a defense.

The Dao Tribulation with a destructive nature fell down, and Yuanshi Daluotian was trembling, making a creaking sound, and then cracks appeared one after another.


Yuanshi gasped, Da Luotian, who could defend against even the strongest of Tianjun, couldn't defend against this calamity of punishment?So how strong is this punishment calamity?

However, Yuan Shi was not flustered. He flipped over with one hand, and a round seal shining with purple light appeared in his hand.It is the first seal of the Yuan Dynasty.

Yuanshi sacrificed the Yuanshi seal, and the circular seal rotated, emitting a faint purple light, swallowing up countless tribulations.Yuan Shi Da Luo Tian was originally between the visible and the intangible, and at this moment the light flashed, and it returned to its original state again, without any scars at all.


At this time, another terrifying destructive thunder bombarded, firmly locked on the three of Yuan Shi, pierced the sky, and struck straight.

Chaos was trembling, and an extremely dangerous breath hit the bodies of Eternal God and Xuanhuang Tianzun. The two dared not neglect, and quickly sacrificed their own artifacts.

A fist-sized ball of light flew out of the head of the Eternal God. As soon as this ball of light appeared, it illuminated the entire universe brightly. The endless rays of light flickered and were incomparably bright. This divine light seemed to gather the brilliance of the entire universe. , nothing can compare with it, even the sun does not dare to compete for its brilliance in front of it, it can only be dimmed.

On this ball of light, a strong original breath circulates, and as it spreads, the holy light gathers to form a huge light net, which intercepts the descending Dao Tribulation.

At the same time, the Xuanhuang Tianzun on the other side also sacrificed a Xuanhuang Great Seal at this moment. The quaint yellow seal is horizontal in the sky. That Supreme Destroys Dao Calamity.

Countless kalpas were struck down, exploding in the air, and the terrifying breath diffused down. Just a ray of thunder and lightning could kill a celestial being who had just entered the celestial realm and turn it into ashes.


Suddenly, a sound came out, and the Xuanhuang Seal began to explode. The Xuanhuang Seal was trembling, as if unable to withstand the destructive attack, endless Xuanhuang Qi surged out, and began to obliterate the Dao Tribulation Qi.

Yuan Shi could see that the Xuanhuang Great Seal was a treasure of chaos comparable to Pangu axe and chaotic green lotus, and it couldn't resist this catastrophe at this moment.

On the contrary, the ball of light was beyond Yuanshi's expectation. Under such a terrifying catastrophe, the ball of light was only slightly dimmer without any damage.

The second dao calamity passed quickly, and countless tribulation thunders were absorbed by Yuan Shiyin, and then absorbed by Da Luotian after filtering. The destruction and thunder contained in this tribulation thunder were more superior than the previous ones.


There was another explosion, and the third tribulation thunder came. This time the tribulation thunder was the last blow, and it was also the most terrifying blow, a blow that destroyed chaos.

Under this blow, even the strongest Tianjun might be injured.


The Xuanhuang Great Seal was at its limit after receiving the second attack, and now the third, more terrifying tribulation thunder fell, splitting the Great Seal in an instant, countless Xuanhuang fragments flew, and the Xuanhuang Qi exploded. Then it was overwhelmed by countless thunderbolts.

The tribulation thunder didn't stop, and it blasted straight towards Xuanhuang Tianzun.

"Kill! The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow!"

At this time, Xuanhuang Tianzun seemed to know his own destiny. He no longer passively resisted, but launched a supreme attack. The boundless Xuanhuang Qi gathered and became a giant sword. Dark yellow light mixed with the destructive thunderbolts, and there were constant explosions.

Xuanhuang Tianzun killed seven in and seven out, and finally exploded in the boundless thunder with a bang.

Yuan Shi secretly sighed, this Xuanhuang Tianzun is also considered a proud man, he never succumbed to anyone in the end, not even the calamity of the Dao, if he survived this time, his achievements may not be low in the future.Unfortunately, there is no if.

For a supreme arrogance to fall, Yuan Shi couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional in his heart.

At this time, Yuanshi sacrificed the Yuanshi seal, and the purple round seal turned into a stream of light, flew into the world of endless thunder, and began to swallow it violently, a huge vortex formed, and countless destructive lightning strikes in the Yuanshi seal, leaving nothing behind The traces of it will be swallowed by it.

On the other side, the sphere of light seemed to be of good quality. Although the formed optical network had exploded, the sphere of light was still intact, but much dimmer.With a ball of light on his head, Eternal God fought against the attack transformed by Jielei. Although he was terrified by the bombardment and splashed with blood, there was no fatal wound.

Three months later, the Great Dao Tribulation Thunder was finally swallowed up, and the Thunder Tribulation had also dissipated. Yuan Shi Da Luo Tian's range expanded again, and its defense power greatly increased.

Yuanshi put away the Yuanshi seal, stepped out, and came to the Eternal God. Although the Eternal God was not dead at this moment, he was also in a state of distress. On the ball of light, it was also dim at this moment, and an obvious crack appeared.Obviously, although the ball of light is powerful, it can't withstand the continuous bombardment of Dao Dao Jie for three months.

"Eternal God, what else can you say?"

Yuan Shi looked at the Eternal God indifferently. In fact, he was far more interested in the ball of light than the Eternal God at the moment, because he felt a familiar original breath from the light ball. Anything with the original breath, Neither is simple.

"Nothing to say, Holy Light Annihilation Strike! Kill!"

Eternal God seems to know his end, he also did not choose to retreat, although he survived the catastrophe, but he has been severely injured, not as good as Yuanshi in his prime, not to mention, even if he was in his prime At that time, it seemed that he was still being beaten by Yuan Shi.

The ball of light turned into a holy light, with the characteristics of annihilation, splitting the chaos, and at an incredible speed, traveled through time, annihilated all things, and shot towards Yuanshi.

The ultimate eternity is annihilation!

"If that's the case, then you can go!"

Yuan Shiyi pointed out that the chaotic light spots converge, like the beginning, but also like the end, creation in destruction, and reincarnation in life and death.

One yuan starts again!
As soon as this point of light comes out, time stops, space condenses, and the Tao loses all its brilliance, because all the light is absorbed by this point, even when the holy light is wiped out, before it touches Yuan Shi's body, absorbed by this.

The world was silent.

In the blink of an eye, Chaos returned to normal again, but in this world, the character of Eternal God has long since disappeared.

Yuan Shi put away the damaged ball of light, turned around, and stepped away.

Countless chaotic qi surged in from a distance, and the world was covered by chaos in an instant. Once the emptiness of chaos was wiped out, everything disappeared, but there were some traces that chaos could not erase.

Endless murderous intentions are contained in it, and this piece of chaos has become a terrible Jedi.


Yuan Shi came to the chaotic battlefield in the blink of an eye. At this moment, the two sides are still fighting, and the sound of fighting continues.The Honghuang side was beaten badly, and they could almost only defend passively. There was no way, who made them inferior to the enemy.

But when the two sides saw Yuan Shi's figure, their faces changed drastically. Hong Huang was also cheering and excited, while the Eternal Xuanhuang Realm side showed horror and disbelief.

To them, this is tantamount to the sky falling. In fact, it is true. The Eternal Xuanhuang Realm is already falling. In the world, because of the fall of the Eternal God, it has begun to collapse, and a devastating explosion erupted. disaster.

Everyone knows that the Eternal God and Xuanhuang Tianzun have fallen.

Yuanshi didn't talk nonsense with others, he slapped his palm towards the side of the eternal coalition, and the world was destroyed.


 The fourth watch is over, the weekend is over again, are you all having a good time?Anyway, I am not happy, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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