Chapter 407 Dao Zun

"Is this...the final place of creation?"

The moment that terrifying fluctuation appeared, in the chaotic Kunlun realm, Yuan Shi suddenly opened his eyes, two sharp gazes pierced through nothingness, crossed the chaos, set off endless storms in the chaos, and drew two deep marks, Can not dissipate for a long time.

"Hongjun, Eternal Heavenly Emperor and the others came here for this good fortune and reincarnated in the lower world? I want to see at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, what kind of good fortune is it that can have such charm?"

"Has it finally been opened? It's not in vain for the emperor to wait." On the Eternal Sacred Mountain, the extremely powerful aura of the Eternal Emperor suddenly erupted at this moment, destroying the world.

But this momentum was only fleeting, and then he was heard whispering:
"No.1 under the avenue, the land of good fortune left behind when detached from the avenue, I hope this emperor will not be disappointed."

Intense heat flashed across the eyes of the Eternal Emperor, his eyes were full of longing, which was the longing for the Dao.

In the Zixiao Palace, the sharpness in the eyes of the ancestor Hongjun disappeared for a moment, and then he returned to his indifferent state, but the fluctuation in his heart did not disappear for a long time. Obviously, his heart was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"The mysterious land left behind by the peak Daoist before the million-year-old era may contain the method of attaining immortality and detaching from the Dao. This is a great opportunity, and I finally waited for it."

At the same time, Nuwa from Wa Palace, Hun Kun from Beiming Palace, Lu Ya, the Lord of the Demon Court, and others also felt this terrifying wave for the first time. Suddenly, their expressions were different, with joy, anticipation, and fear...

Similarly, Taixuan also felt a wave of fluctuations, he said in a daze:
"This is……"

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, with an expression of disbelief on his face, he said, "Isn't this the place in the legend?"

Then, he thought about it carefully, and found that this piece of chaos was indeed the last place where the legendary person disappeared.

"So, the legend is true? How is this possible? Are there really people who transcend the Dao in the world?"

The time of his rise is only about the same as that of the Taichen Palace Master, and the Taixuan Palace only has nearly dozens of Yanji, so it is not so clear about the things before the million Yanji. Many things are just a legend. I don't know if it's true or not.

At his level, he only heard some incomplete legends. It is conceivable that ordinary Tianzun and Tianjun are not qualified to hear these legends.

As far as he knows, before the millions of Yanji, there were no Nine Heavenly Lords in the world at that time, and there were only one God and the Three Lords.That Daoist has already surpassed the realm of heaven and nothingness, and has attained the realm of immortality that is equal to the Dao, also known as the realm of the Dao of Saints.

In the Immortal Realm of the Dao, the Dao survives when the heavens fall, the immortal lives when the world falls, and he survives alone when the Dao decays.All kinds of causes and effects, thousands of fates, and everything in the world cannot be blessed. One word can determine the laws of the heavens, and one word can destroy thousands of heavens.

Time has no vicissitudes of time, space has no distance, destiny is himself, the Dao cannot be engraved, the world cannot leave its traces, the Dao can be tampered with at will, time and space can be reversed at will, one life is eternal life, the Dao cannot be reincarnated...

This is the strength of the Immortal Daoist. Compared with it, God is nothing but scum.The Great Dao Realm and the Heavenly Dao Realm are the gap between the fourth step and the fifth step.

However, in the end, somehow, after achieving the Immortal Dao Realm, this Daoist Venerable was still not satisfied, and wanted to transcend the Dao and reach another realm.But in the end, I don't know what happened, and Da Dao Zun was no longer seen in this world.

Regarding his disappearance, some said that he had transcended the Dao, some said that he was already dead, and some even said that he himself had become the Dao between heaven and earth.

There are all kinds of sayings, but no matter what kind of saying it is, it can't be fulfilled.The only thing everyone knows is that this Daoist powerhouse was indeed No. 1 in the Dao, and even today's Nine Gods powerhouses can't compare.

And this piece of chaos is where the mysterious Daoist finally disappeared.

It is rumored that there are countless good fortunes hidden here, and obtaining them can prove the realm of the gods, and there is even a secret for him to attain the realm of immortality.

In the Eternal Realm, even the powerhouses in the Realm of God covet it.

"Such good fortune comes, it must be another terrifying fight, I'd better meet up with the teacher." Taixuan thought for a while, and then he had an idea.

This fluctuation is extremely terrifying. They will not only discover this piece of chaos, but other chaos layers must also discover it. At that time, there will be another big battle. He has not recovered his cultivation at the peak at this moment, and he can only rely on the more powerful Yuan Shi Only then will he have a chance to return to the top and even go one step further.

In the prehistoric world, the other Hunyuan powerhouses, the powerhouses gathered from the heavens, felt this terrifying fluctuation at this moment, but they didn't know what it was.

"What's going on, how can this fluctuation be so terrifying, it simply surpasses the strong Tianzun?"

"What the hell is going on, I feel like something big is about to happen?"

"I have a hunch that this will be a great fortune. If I can get it, it is not impossible for me to become a heavenly realm."

"Ah, that's..."



In the prehistoric world, the ancestors of the major forces and the powerful people of all parties were all moved by this terrifying wave at this moment, and began to talk about it.

All of a sudden, Honghuang became lively again.

Everyone knows that a terrifying place is about to be born.

The entire chaotic quilt felt that existence, and the extremely terrifying breath wave after wave.Sweeping across the entire chaotic universe, this breath is suffocating, and countless creatures are trembling.

The heavens and worlds, and other chaotic layers, also discovered this fluctuation, and many old monsters hidden in the heavens began to rush towards this chaotic universe.

In fact, Honghuang felt the most profoundly. After all, the fluctuations were emitted by them from this universe. It can be said that they are the closest to them, and they have received the most intense impact.

Fortunately, the protection of the prehistoric heaven transformed by the three major artifacts was immediately activated, covering the entire prehistoric world, thus avoiding the situation where countless creatures fell due to this.

One after another of terrifying auras rushed over the night. However, everyone did not move, because everyone knew that this was just a precursor to the appearance of the land of good fortune, and there was still some time before the real world.

In the depths of the chaos, in the world where the terrifying fluctuations came out, endless darkness and nothingness lingered, and there was no limit to see. At this moment, that area was blocked by a mysterious force, and even Yuan Shi couldn't visit it.

From time to time, that area will emit a mysterious brilliance, which is dazzling and illuminates the entire universe.It was as if a terrifying force was brewing, waiting for the moment to erupt.

With the passage of time, the chaotic movement became louder and louder. Gradually, an inexplicable dao rhyme began to spread out. This kind of fluctuation became stronger and stronger. Many creatures in the prehistoric world were feeling the fluctuation After that, they fell into a state of epiphany in an instant, and their minds became clearer and clearer. Many problems that they couldn't figure out before were all solved at this moment.

This kind of epiphany starts from the weakest creatures at the beginning, but in the end, the creatures that can realize the epiphany are getting stronger and stronger.

True Immortal, Golden Immortal, Great Principle Golden Immortal, Hunyuan Great Luo Golden Immortal...

In the end, even Yuanshi was able to gain a lot from this fluctuation of the rhyme. His Taoism became clearer and clearer, and he captured all kinds of original breaths. Yuanshi Dao circulated and absorbed everything. The Great Luotian is expanding infinitely.

A higher rule was captured by him. This rule contains a hint of immortality. He began to develop this higher rule with his own avenue. The purple of Yuan Shi Dao in his body became heavier and heavier. up.



On this day, with a loud bang, in the endless chaos, an incomparably huge portal appeared.


(End of this chapter)

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