My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 411 Reappearance of Dao

Chapter 411 Reappearance of Dao

Yuan Shi's heart suddenly moved. Since this light gate is used to test people, what aspect of the test is it? Could it be something that was just comprehended in front of this giant gate? After all, everything before it has nothing to do with the giant gate. , Only this thing was comprehended in front of the light gate, and it has the greatest possibility.

The more Yuan Shi thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high.Without hesitation, he slowly stretched out a finger and pointed forward.

Yuan Shiyi pointed out that all kinds of avenues, thousands of ways, and endless divine ways are entangled and collided with each other, and finally merged into one point.

This point has a purple light, which is as beautiful as a mammoth, and as beautiful as a rainbow.This points out that an indescribable slender light penetrates all space and time, passes through endless principles, ignores everything, and sweeps towards the most fundamental and original place of things.

"Hongmeng opened up, the first finger in the beginning!"

This move of the Dao supernatural power is a peerless supernatural power that was finally fused together with what he had comprehended on the Light Gate when Yuanshi broke through the Primordial Realm.This is not much worse than Yuanshi's Vientiane Renewal and One-Year Renewal. They are all the same, and their power can increase as Yuanshi's cultivation level increases.

The so-called Taichu refers to the beginning, the beginning, the oldest, and the oldest, and also refers to the origin.This finger is also a finger that attacks the most origin of things. If the origin is destroyed, then everything about this thing will disappear.

Yuan Shi found that he especially liked to crush the enemy with one finger, so creating such a magical power with one finger was in line with his wishes.

Sure enough, as the powerful Taichuyi pointed out, the light curtain in front of the light gate directly opened a hole, enough for Yuanshi to enter.Immediately, Yuanshi no longer hesitated, and led the Taishang and others straight into the giant gate, because at this moment someone came in front of the giant gate.

However, what Yuanshi didn't expect was that he went in, but the superior person was left outside by the giant gate.Yuan Shi had no choice but to tell the Supreme Master how to get started, and he went in alone.

The people who followed outside were none other than the Emperor of Heaven, Hongjun and others. Seeing that Yuan Shi stepped in first, their faces changed. Although Yuan Shi was delayed in front of the door for a while, it was only a few breaths away. Time, not long.

At this moment, the Eternal Emperor and the others didn't stop, without thinking much, they rushed directly towards the light gate.


With the sound of an impact, several figures flew upside down and flew far away before stopping.But at this moment, several people in the rear didn't know why, and they were fooled again, so several people flew out backwards.

At this time, everyone realized something was wrong, and they all stopped in front of the door.

"What's going on? Is there any trap?"

"How did these people fly out?"

All of them looked at the giant gate with suspicious expressions.Later, someone finally noticed something was wrong, and said loudly: "This door may be a test, and only those who pass the test can enter."

"He's right, it's true." Then someone tried it out and responded.

"Whatever the test is, just bombard it in." A man who was full of devilish energy rushed over and said coldly.

Then, regardless of other people's thoughts, a magic fork appeared in his hand, his mana surged, the avenues intertwined, and he blasted towards the giant gate.The magic light erupted, and a huge force surged from the magic fork, sending the man and the magic fork flying away.

"Brute force is not enough, you can only enter if you find the right method." Someone saw this scene, shook his head, and said.

"Let's attack it together!" Someone proposed this, and everyone agreed.

In this world, there are more than 30 Tianzun masters now, and the power is unimaginable at this moment.Their goal is only for the creation within that giant gate.


All kinds of sword lights, sword lights, spear lights, fists, giant palms, all kinds of avenues, gods, and various supernatural powers gathered to wipe out the chaos, annihilate everything, and blast directly on the huge light gate.

More than 30 Heavenly Venerate powerhouses, which one is not the pinnacle of one world, the terrifying powerhouse who dominates the endless years, are fighting together at this moment, one can imagine what a terrifying scene it is.

If these people's attacks hit Chaos, even if Chaos was crippled or shattered, no one would doubt it.

However, with such an attack, the huge light gate didn't even tremble, and all the attacks didn't seem to be directed at it. Invisible ripples rippled out in front of the gate, knocking everyone to the ground.

At this time, everyone also discovered that brute force does not have the slightest effect. Although sometimes it is true that absolute power can destroy everything with one force for ten minutes, their strength has not yet reached the point of shaking the giant gate.

Since it is useless to join forces, then everyone has no choice but to follow the rules of this place and start to complete the test.

But at this moment, Emperor Eternal Heaven and the others also figured out the method of the test, directly used their supernatural powers, blasted open the light curtain, and got in.

"What's going on? Why did they go in?"

At this time, someone finally found out what was wrong, why their attacks were useless, while some attacks were effective, what was going on.

"Only those who comprehend the supernatural power in front of this light gate can enter." Afterwards, someone discovered the way of the test through observation and got such a result.

Sure enough, immediately, everyone made a move, and several people went in directly.However, many people were still left behind.

"Why didn't I go in?" The person who was left outside was stunned, why others went in, but he couldn't get in.

"I think, it should be that our comprehension is not up to the standard." Someone said so.This conclusion was quickly affirmed by everyone.

At this time, people outside are both envious and jealous of those who can go in, and some even hold grudges, and all kinds of thoughts are involved.

But then even though he had no choice but to stay outside the door obediently, he began to comprehend the great way above the giant gate, hoping that he would be able to open the giant gate, enter it, and compete for good fortune.


After entering the gate of light, Yuanshi felt as if he had entered a fog, the world was white, and he couldn't see anything clearly. This place cannot be swept by the divine sense, the effect of the divine sense has been weakened to the extreme, and it is not as good as the naked eye .

Yuan Shi opened his Dao eyes, purple light flickered in his eyes, and the white world between heaven and earth receded in an instant. In Yuan Shi's vision, densely packed god chains of order blocked the whole world. There was not a single sign of life in it.

Everything here seems to be frozen, time cannot flow, space cannot pass through, there is no wind, no water flow, not even clouds and fog.

Everything seems to be standing still.

Yuanshi walked in it, feeling a strong force attacking him, wanting to fix him and integrate him with the surrounding environment.

This force is very powerful, if an ordinary Heavenly Venerable comes here, it will be instantly frozen.If you don't reach the peak Tianzun or Tianjun powerhouse, you will be blocked soon when you get here.

Yuan Shi was very familiar with this force, and it was the power to seal the Dao.

Yuanshi was not surprised to feel the evil intentions of this world. He broke into another world and wanted to take some things away. How could he do it without putting in some effort.

He runs the Yuanshi Dao, his body is like an oven, instantly refining all the forces that invaded him, turning them into nourishment for the Yuanshi Dao.

What he is worried about at the moment is not these. What he is worried about is what to do if the superiors enter here. They have no ability to stop this sealing power.

However, it stands to reason that other people should also enter this place. How come Yuanshi has not found anyone yet.Yuan Shi had some doubts in his heart.

But just for a moment, he thought of the reason. It must be that everyone was dispersed when they entered the light gate. There must be more than one world in this place. There are many passages in the light gate, and he just entered one of them.

At this time, Yuan Shi felt movement in the Hongmeng Yuan Shiyin, who had been motionless all the time, in his body.Yuan Shi took it out and took a look, only to see that Yuan Shiyin's body began to bloom with a rich purple brilliance, covering the whiteness of the world, and then, Yuan Shiyin turned into a rainbow light and swept away towards the distance.

Yuanshi is not worried that it will get out of control, because he can feel that he can still fully control the Yuanshi Seal, he is just curious, what the Yuanshi Seal is going to do.Therefore, he immediately followed by performing escapism, and soon, Yuan Shi knew the reason.

Yuanshi's heart was also full of excitement, because he saw something he was familiar with.

A huge mysterious Tao character appeared between heaven and earth, which is an extremely huge "seal" character.

 That's all for tonight, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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