Chapter 413
Fire, fire everywhere!
In this world, there is a vast and boundless sea of ​​fire. The temperature here is extremely high. Burning the sky is just a trivial matter. Even if a celestial being comes here, he will be burned to ashes.

From the same point of view, as before, he has been greatly restricted. Even if the spiritual consciousness is detected, he will feel an extremely high temperature and incinerate the spiritual consciousness.

Spiritual consciousness is equivalent to an instrument that magnifies all perceptions. Not only can people see farther and more clearly, but at this moment, he also makes the temperature felt by Yuanshi magnified by more than ten times, which is far more painful than what he feels .

Yuan Shi cut off the connection with the divine consciousness instantly, and once again saw the essence of this world with the Dao Eye.

In this sea of ​​flames, all kinds of fairy fires, divine fires, sacred fires, heavenly fires, dao fires, and strange fires can be seen everywhere. These top flames in the world are thrown here casually as if they don’t need money, and burn silently.

Daluo Xianyan, Fengqingyan, Dazzling Purple Skyfire, Brahma Starfire, Heaven Swallowing Creation Flame, Nine Qi Burning Heaven Flame, Heaven and Earth Five Elements Flame, Shenming Youhuo, Hell Ghost Fire, Six Paths of Reincarnation Flame, Ziwei Skyfire, Galaxy Holy Flame, True Sun Fire, Taiyin True Fire, Nirvana Flame...

All kinds of sky fires can be found here, and there are many, each kind of fire has thousands of fire seeds.

Yuan Shi walked in this world of boundless sea of ​​fire, feeling the strong breath of flames, he knew that this was a world of fire origin.

Appearing in this world, his Yuan Shiyin really had a feeling again, and he followed that feeling to go deep. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he looked into the distance, where a huge chaotic fire was in the distance. quietly burning.

A small chaotic fire in the outside world will attract many heavenly monarchs to fight, and there is one here, and it seems that there are many, because this place is not the deepest part of the sea of ​​fire, the deeper The flames get stronger.

"It's strange, there are so many divine fires here, and even the top flames are quite a few, and the origin of the flames is so strong, how could there be no spiritual wisdom?"

Yuan Shi suddenly thought with some doubts.It stands to reason that in such a world with rich origins, these top-level divine fires have long produced spiritual intelligence, but Yuan Shi did not feel the slightest breath of life in the flames here, which is strange.

With doubts, Yuan Shi continued to rush to the depths. Sure enough, soon, he encountered another chaotic fire, and then dozens of chaotic fires appeared in front of his eyes.

He had already started to feel numb, and finally, when he came to the deepest point, he saw what he wanted, a huge fire character standing in the center of the world, like an emperor in the fire, aloft, accepting the worship of hundreds of millions of divine fires in the world.

Beside the huge fire character, three equally huge purple fire lotus swayed in the sea of ​​flames. On the huge lotus platform, a majestic purple aura was spreading, and the huge lotus leaf, which was tens of thousands of feet wide, swayed gently, with strands of The inexplicable dao rhyme breath circulated, nourishing the other flames.

"That's—" Yuan Shi's pupils shrank, and he said in surprise:
"It turned out to be the Primordial Purple Origin Fire! The supreme fire among the primordial."

At this moment, the three primordial purple source fires are all worshiping the huge fire character in the center, making a gesture of surrender.Yuan Shi looked at the huge fire character again.

This fire character exudes a high imperial prestige. On it, Yuan Shi saw all the shadows of flames that he had seen before, such as Primordial Purple Origin Fire, Chaos Fire, Five Elements Fire, Samsara Flame, Yin-Yang Flame, Life and Death Flame, etc. Obviously, this The word fire contains all the fires in the world. This word is the origin of all fires, the ancestor of all fires.

Yuan Shi looked at other places. Sure enough, he found a small broken corner in an inconspicuous corner, which was slightly illusory. Obviously, a part of the source here was missing.

"Is it the Chaos Fire Demon God?" Yuan Shi guessed in his heart, and he felt that his guess was right.

Immediately, he shook his head, no longer cared about these things, and wanted to use Yuanshi Yin to put away the fire character and refine it later.

As soon as Yuan Shi took action, the huge fire character burst into bright flames. Immediately, the whole world seemed to shake, and countless flames rioted.

There were endless original flames attacking him, and all kinds of divine flames flocked to Yuanshi frantically, as if desperate, trying to burn the guy who invaded this world to death.


Yuan Shi snorted coldly, his body was like a furnace of heaven and earth, once all the flames approached his body, he would never refuse them and refine them all.

At the same time, his movements did not stop, and he used Yuan Shi Yin to imprison the fire character, and put it into the original space, perfecting the original fire way in the space.

Without any accident, Yuanshi immediately refined the fire word.Once the fire word is refined by Yuan Shi, he will become the emperor of thousands of fires. He can mobilize many divine fires. He is the master of the entire original sea of ​​fire world, because the core of this world has been refined by him.That fire character is equivalent to the heart of the world in one world, once refined, it will control the whole world.

Yuanshi put away the sea of ​​fire world and continued to the next world.

In the following time, Yuanshi traveled through dozens of worlds, including Jinyuan World, Yellow Sand World, Wanshui World, Forest Sea World, Wind Spirit World, Yin-Yang World, Thunder World, and so on.

Similarly, he also harvested dozens of mysterious Dao characters and took away dozens of original worlds. His strength has greatly increased, and more and more primordial Dao Origins have been transformed from the Dao of the Beginning.

Stepping into a world again, there are sharp sword storms oncoming. The storm tore the sky and the earth, and hit him with a breath of destruction. Walking, these storms that can easily crush a Tianzun have no effect on Yuan Shi.

"Hey! It turned out to be a world of swordsmanship!"

Yuan Shi's eyes lit up and he said in surprise.The way of swordsmanship is the great way, the way of killing and cutting. In terms of attack power, it ranks at the top. It is much more advanced than some basic worlds of the five elements and yin and yang that Yuanshi has encountered before.

In this world of swordsmanship, everything is transformed by swords. There are sword-shaped trees and beautiful sword flowers blooming. Don’t think that it just looks beautiful. In fact, there are swordsmanship engraved on any sword flower. To be fair, the attack power is extremely powerful.

There are sword seas formed by the condensed sword energy, sword mountains formed by the accumulation of sword blades, stars transformed by sword blades, and the sun and moon condensed by sword light...

This is a pure kendo world, where everything is born from the sword.

In this world, Yuanshi felt the sword of space, the sword of time, the sword of destruction, the sword of five elements, the sword of life and death... and other great swordsmanship. Mouth, you will wake up with a smile in your dreams.

After going through a lot, Yuan Shi is now accustomed to seeing these things, and he is no longer surprised, he directly plundered towards the center.

In a few moments, he came to the very center, and saw a huge sword like a pillar of heaven, and it was also a word, and a sword was a word.

Just like those words of Dao before, one word contains all the Dao of the sword, and one word can evolve all the ways in the world.

However, at this moment, Yuan Shi's eyes did not look at the giant sword, but saw an old man in gray clothes beside the giant sword. He had seen this man before, and it was the evil master Wanjian who was outside the gate of light before.

Yuanshi had a deep impression on this person, because among the group of people, only this person is the most skilled in swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship is biased towards the feminine.Although Tongtian is also good at swordsmanship, after all, he is not a strong Tianzun.

In other words, there are obvious shortcomings in this person's kendo, and the yin and yang are not balanced enough.If yin and yang are relative, his sword is more feminine. If life in life and death is masculine, then death is feminine. Similarly, in destruction and creation, creation is yang and destruction is yin. Although sometimes yin is more lethal, But the way of swordsmanship with unbalanced yin and yang is destined not to go far.

At this moment, there was something wrong with this person's state, and the whole person fell into a dreamlike state and became a little crazy.

Yuan Shi could tell at a glance that this person had fallen into a state of bewilderment, and his swordsmanship had affected his character, which he hadn't noticed before, but seeing this huge ancient sword now, that influence would be infinitely magnified, and he At this moment, he is immersed in the psychedelic, unable to extricate himself. If Yuan Shi doesn't come, maybe it won't be long before he dies at the hands of his own demons.

This was the first time Yuanshi had seen a chaotic creature since he entered the Light Gate. Yuanshi was in a good mood and didn't want to kill this person casually. Therefore, he didn't touch this person and took away the huge sword character directly.

As soon as the sword character was taken away, the huge movement finally woke up the man.

(End of this chapter)

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