Chapter 416
The breakthrough of the state of mind led to the breakthrough of the power of the soul, and the speed of Yuanshi's refining of Dao characters was instantly accelerated.

After he figured it out, Yuan Shi no longer worried about the things in front of him. He knew that all the answers were in the infinite heights in this space, and he could only explore them if he had enough strength.

Yuan Shi continued to start his journey to collect the world.Along the way, Yuanshi threw up the Hongmeng Yuanshi Seal, suppressing, subduing and expanding the space of the original world one by one.

Yuan Shiyin is constantly advancing, and his power is getting stronger and stronger. He has already bred the consciousness of Lingbao, and he can suppress one world after another without Yuan Shi taking action.

Since Yuan Shi advanced to the Primordial Realm, he no longer worried that someone would take away his Yuan Shi Seal, and he began to take it out generously to fight.

After Yuanshi took control of the Dao of Karma, he consciously avoided those original worlds where people existed, and he began to collect unowned worlds frantically.

Pieces of the world were collected by him, one, ten, hundred, thousand...

When it reached two thousand, Yuan always stopped, because other worlds were either taken away, or there were still people refining the mysterious Tao characters.

At this moment, Yuanshi refined two thousand words of Taoism, and more than half of the origin of the primordial Dao in his body was transformed. The Taoism of Yuanshi became more and more brilliant, like an invisible huge beam of light, running through the core of countless avenues.

If he compares his countless avenues to a giant tree, at this moment, the Dao of Yuanshi is like the root and trunk of this giant tree, and the other three thousand avenues are like branches branching from the trunk, and the other billions of small avenues, for Branches branching off again from the trunk.Mana is like the branches and leaves of this giant tree and the various organic and inorganic substances within.

The three thousand here is an imaginary number, not an exact number, which means the infinite way.

At this moment, Yuan Shi already has the ability to absorb the original spiritual energy from the endless empty primordial space, the primordial space, the primordial space, the eternal space, the eternal space, etc., which contain the endless original energy, and transform it into the primordial purple energy.

Primordial space, primordial space, and other original spaces exist in endless nothingness and infinite dimensions. They are the most original spaces between heaven and earth, giving birth to the heavens and myriad worlds and the eternal world, which cannot be touched or found.

Only by being promoted to the Grandmist Realm and transforming the three thousand Dao in the body into a certain number of Daoyuan, can you perceive these spaces with your own Dao. After breaking through the space, you can absorb these original auras, integrate the mana in your body with the Daosource, and transform into a Hongmeng Ziqi.

In addition, the legendary Nine Treasures of the Grandmist were conceived and passed down from these spaces.Therefore, it is also possible to use the Grandmist Supreme Treasure to communicate with these original spaces, receive and draw the infinite source of spiritual energy, and transform one's own mana.For example, the primordial species can lead to the primordial space, and even the primordial species itself can give birth to a primordial space, but there is still a gap compared to the real infinite and vast original space.The gate of eternal life can also lead to the eternal life space...

The previous Yuanshi Seal was not complete, so it did not have such a function. At this moment, with the increase of Yuanshi’s collection of the original principles, the Yuanshi Seal has become more and more complete, and has the ability to guide the original space, and even breed a small original space.

The space that Yuan Shi Yin connects is Absolute Beginning Space and Primordial Meng Space, yes, they are two spaces, this is also the reason why Yuan Shi Yin and End Seal can transform into Primordial Meng Yin after merging, if they are fused, they can even lead three spaces.

At this moment, Yuanshi is trying to attract the primordial space in the endless nothingness, absorb the primordial qi, and begin to transform the primordial purple qi.On the other side, it is to break open those worlds with owners and suppress the creatures in the world.

Introducing the Qi of Primordial Beginning requires a strong mind and spirit and the cooperation of the Dao, which is very exhausting. Ordinary monks in the Primordial Realm only absorb it for several years at a time, and they need to re-cultivate their minds and minds for the next time.Only an existence like Yuanshi who has opened up the mind world can multi-purpose with one mind, and can even absorb it for a long time.

Yuanshi's mind was infinitely high, came to the endless nothingness, touched the most original core, and then, Yuanshi Avenue rotated to build a passage, a mysterious passage completely woven by the law of the Dao, breaking through the space, and looking inside extend in.

If the strength is not enough, the channel built will be unstable and may collapse at any time, damaging one's consciousness.

From the other end of the space came out a mysterious, ancient, eternal, original breath that transcended time and all existence in space, wrapping Yuanshi's consciousness at once and blending into it.

At the moment when the ancient breath merged into the consciousness, Yuan Shi clearly felt his own transformation, a transformation of the original level, that feeling was like a fish in the shoal entering the river and sea, a bird in a cage flying high in the sky, a kind of mysterious and mysterious, saying no Clear, unclear feeling.

Yuan Shi knew that it was the most original breath before the birth of the universe.

What he cultivates is the original way, if he integrates into this original breath, his cultivation base will increase greatly.

After Yuanshi's consciousness entered the channel, he finally saw the world in the space. It was a huge, truly boundless space. This space was filled with something, which was like a substance, slowly The slow-flowing special substance is like jelly, soft and fluid.

The entire space is filled with silver-white "jelly" substances, which are boundless, and the original breath is released by these things.

Yuan Shi knew that this was the Qi of Absolute Beginning, a kind of original Qi that was more primitive and ancient than chaos.

In the beginning there was nothing, there was nothing without a name, the one arises, the one has no form.

Tai, the beginning is also, the primordial qi begins to germinate, it is called Taichu, and it is said that its energy is vast and can be the origin of all things, so it is called Taichu.

The qi of primordial beginning is the first qi, the first produced qi, the beginning of all qi, the source of all qi.

"Is this what the Qi of Absolute Beginning looks like?" Yuan Shi was also shocked for a long time before he came to his senses and began to attract these Qi of Absolute Beginning.

With a thought, the endless primordial energy, used crazily, began to pour down crazily along the channel constructed by Yuanshi and the path extended up by Yuanshi's thoughts.

This Primordial Qi will not overflow, nor will it disappear in other places, it will only be injected into the body of the mind master.

Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling into the sky!
This is far more than three thousand feet, not more than three hundred million feet. The silver-white Qi of Absolute Beginning poured down like a giant waterfall. Such a scene was extremely shocking.

It's a pity that the Qi of primordial origin is not injected into this layer of space. It is specious, just like, I am in front of you, but you can't see me, and the two are not on the same level. , I can't see these primordial qi.

In Yuanshi's body, the sea of ​​immeasurable laws is like a dry sea that has been dry for a long time. At this moment, when encountering these primordial qi, he becomes violent instantly, and begins to expand and extend crazily. The endless way is like a sea fish. Shuttle in it constantly, come and go.

The torrential primordial energy poured down, all pouring into the immeasurable Dao Sea, the rivers and seas were rushing, embracing the heaven and the earth, Yuan Shi's strength was soaring crazily.The Tao derived from Hongmeng Daoyuan began to fuse with the Qi of Absolute Beginning, transforming into strands of purple Primordial Purple Qi.

Wisps of purple began to appear in the immeasurable Dao Sea, which was not very eye-catching in the silver-white Dao Sea.

At the same time, Yuanshi's actions did not stop. He began to use the Yuanshi Seal to suppress those living worlds. Dozens of worlds were suppressed within a short while. Yuanshi knew that other worlds were taken over by Eternal Heaven Emperor and others. gone.

If the four of them are fighting at this moment to fight for the mysterious Dao characters, it will definitely take a lot of time, and besides, he wants to go to a higher level to have a look.

Therefore, he flew up immediately, and flew towards an infinite circle of light above his head.

As soon as the Hongqiao appeared from under the feet, piercing through the world, Yuanshi stepped out, drilled into the light circle, and appeared in another world.

(End of this chapter)

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