My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 418 Nine Great Spirit Seas

Chapter 418 Nine Spiritual Seas
As soon as Yuan Shi stepped into the door, he felt a very unfriendly aura rushing towards him.

An incomparably powerful suppressing force came to him, trying to suppress him.Of course, Yuanshi couldn't allow it to suppress him. Yuanshi Da Luotian in his body instantly propped up, just forming a light shield, covering him, and all power was blocked outside.

Although Yuanshi Da Luotian blocked all the power outside, Yuanshi still felt that powerful force. When he walked, he seemed to be an ordinary person walking in the torrent, and the surrounding powerful resistance was facing him. He charged and wanted to rush him out.

Although Da Luotian resisted these powerful resistances, he still felt that he was struggling and unable to move an inch. He felt that the time here seemed to stand still, the space seemed to be solidified and turned into eternity, and this world seemed to be transformed into A complete piece of solid, and outsiders like them are like worms that are almost frozen in the solid, like a piece of amber, solidifying some substances in it and turning them into permanent existence.

At this moment, Yuanshi felt here, as if he wanted to turn all their creatures into a large piece of amber and freeze the whole world.Even all principles of time, space, etc., are frozen at this moment, turning into eternity.

Yuan Shi looked forward and took a deep breath, the shock in his eyes was hard to hide.What did he see that could surprise him so much?

A few miles ahead, a vast and boundless ocean blocked all the way out. Even so, Yuan Shi still couldn't be surprised. What surprised him was that the ocean was completely composed of primordial aura.

The Primordial Spiritual Qi is the same level as the Primordial Spiritual Qi, the Eternal Spirit, and the Immortal Spiritual Spiritual Qi. They are all Spiritual Qi that transforms the Primordial Purple Qi. It is almost invisible in the world, even in the Eternal Realm. It is rare, but Here, it seems that money is not needed, and it is placed here at random, forming a vast and infinite sea of ​​spiritual energy.

In front, Yuanshi saw several people, among them were the Emperor of Heaven, Hongjun, Pangu, Nuwa, etc., who were the first group of people to come in, but at this moment, everyone seemed to be frozen, and there was no movement at all. , all have their own sky standing in front of them, blocking the terrifying mysterious power.

You can't advance, you can't retreat, these people are really in a dilemma at this moment.The most precious source of aura in the world is right in front of you, it is within sight but out of reach. This feeling of being able to see but not being able to get it is really uncomfortable.

Yuan Shi found that he couldn't move an inch at this moment. With his own strength, it was impossible to catch up with the few people in front. What was going on?Doubts arose in his mind.

Others can advance miles, but he can't, it's impossible, he must have forgotten something.

As soon as this idea appeared in Yuanshi's mind, he knew the reason in a ten-thousandth of a second. This place is the place of good fortune left by Daoist Venerable, so naturally he should follow his will.

When Yuanshi thought about it, a three-foot-high light gate suddenly appeared on the top of his head, and the Taoist divine light appeared, and various divine lights flickered, and the Taoist rhyme spread, surrounding Yuanshi.

This is the gate of primordial origin.

Yuan Shi didn't release it all at once, but concealed it a lot. He didn't want people to know that he had comprehended the whole sect.

Sure enough, the moment the Yuanshi Gate appeared, Yuanshi felt his whole body loosen, and the mysterious suppressing force before was naturally absorbed by the Yuanshi Gate, which released immeasurable divine light, refining everything into eternal power. go.

At this moment, Yuanshi felt that the mysterious power had not completely disappeared from him. With a thought, he added several avenues on the gate of Yuanshi. In an instant, all that power disappeared. He felt as if he was walking on In the ordinary flat ground, like a leisurely stroll in the courtyard, Yuan Shi passed one strong man after another and walked towards the front.

one, two, three...

Cangtian Taoist, Heavenly Venerable from the Other Bank, Goddess Venerable, Old Man Time, Lord of Dreams, Wuhen Celestial Venerable, Kongyi Divine Venerable...

All the Heavenly Venerates were blocked and frozen in this world, unable to move an inch.

However, Yuan Shi didn't have the mind to pay attention to them. He stepped forward directly, surpassing everyone, ignoring everyone's horror, and came to the front of the Hongmeng Linghai.

Looking at the endless divine sea in front of him, he was thinking about how to deal with this sea-like primordial aura.After pondering for a while, Yuan Shi made up his mind that he couldn't take advantage of others.

Immediately, Yuanshi sacrificed the Yuanshi Seal of Hongmeng, and used great means to collect the entire sea of ​​gods into the Yuanshi Seal.Sooner or later, Yuanshiyin will give birth to the primordial space and the primordial space. Since there are so many primordial auras here, Yuanshiyin can give birth to the primordial space first, and can also speed up the speed of perfection.

With a loud bang, the entire Sea of ​​Primordial Mist shrank rapidly, and instantly turned into a point, which was taken away by Yuan Shiyin.

Yuanshi didn't stop, and continued to move forward. Soon, he encountered a sea of ​​gods again. This time, it was the same vast and boundless original aura, but this time it was the aura of primordial beginning.

The silver-white primordial energy turned into a silver-white spiritual sea, shining with silver light, full of psychedelic colors.

Yuanshi was overjoyed, and immediately used his means again to include it in the Yuanshi seal. As a result, a tiny prototype of the space in the beginning was bred in the space.

With two harvests, Yuan Shi was in a good mood and moved on.After walking nearly [-] light-years away, he encountered a sea of ​​gods again, this time it was the Qi of Taishi, and the golden Qi of Taishi shone with golden light, illuminating the entire space.

Yuanshi used the same method to take away Taishi Linghai and moved on.

Immediately, the Eternal Spiritual Sea transformed by the Eternal Qi, the Immortal Spiritual Sea transformed by the Immortal Qi, the Chaos Spiritual Sea transformed by the Primal Chaos Origin Qi, the Immortal Spiritual Sea transformed by the Immortal Qi, and the Immortal Spirit transformed by the Immortal Qi The sea and the Taixu Linghai transformed by the Qi of Taixu appeared in front of Yuanshi one by one. Yuanshi would not be polite and took them all away. Even if all the space could not be opened up in Yuanshi Yin, it does not mean that it cannot be used in other places. these things.

Whether it is refining tools, alchemy, or cultivation, they can all be used.Adding a bit of original aura to the refining tool will make it one of the strongest Dao tools in the world. Adding a ray of original aura to the elixir, this elixir is the best Taoist pill in the world.Not to mention cultivation.

In short, this is the most precious thing in the world, incomparable, many powerful people don't even want it, and no one will think that this source of aura is rich.

As Yuanshi took away the nine original spiritual seas, the mysterious suppressive force in this world also slowly dissipated, and the world began to return to normal.

At this time, the others found themselves able to move.

As a result, many people began to fly towards the front, and they naturally would not forget that there was one person who surpassed them just now, probably all the treasures in this world were taken away by him.

Doesn't that mean that they came here for nothing and didn't get anything.If there were only one or two people, they might have dropped the matter because they were afraid of Yuanshi's strength, but when two or thirty people gathered together, the fear in everyone's hearts would no longer be so great.

This is a kind of psychology. When a person faces a wolf, he will feel afraid, but when a group of people face a wolf, that kind of fear will be diluted. Everyone will have a subconscious feeling in their hearts. So much Even if a person dies, it is not his turn to die first.

At this moment, everyone has such a mentality, but the enemy is more than a billion times stronger than wolves, and they are also more than a billion times stronger than ordinary people.

When everyone was chasing forward, Yuan Shi had already reached the third huge light gate at this moment.

Obviously, this third gate is another test. This gate is the same as the previous two gates, but the law of the great way on it is not only the number, but also the depth of the source is more than a hundred times more complicated.

Although the three doors of light are the same on the surface, the difficulty is increasing step by step. I don't know if there is a fourth or fifth door...

Of course, Yuanshi is not concerned about the existence of the fourth or fifth gate of light at this moment, because there are already 28 strong men who have faintly surrounded him, among them, there are four heavenly kings and 24 heavenly gods.

Yuan Shi knew what these people wanted at a glance.It took time to pass the test, but nothing was obtained. Seeing that people have taken away all the treasures at this moment, I am naturally unwilling. It is not an ordinary treasure. The most precious source of divine aura in the 20 heavens and earth, almost no one can restrain themselves Psychology, Yuan Shi, he can't either.

Because he knows, he understands that the war is inevitable.

The battle between the two sides is imminent.


(End of this chapter)

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