Chapter 420

The strength of the Gate of Yuanshi was beyond the expectations of all the experts. Originally, everyone thought it was just a Taoist soldier from Yuanshi. Who would have thought that it would shatter several Taoist soldiers and blow up ten Heavenly Venerables in just one encounter? .

The light rain exploded, the blood mist was flying, and the endless Dao God was flying. At random, a buzzing sound sounded, and an incomparably terrifying devouring power erupted. They are not given the chance.

In an instant, the ten Heavenly Venerates completely fell.

"The bridge to the other side!"

"The way of heaven is eternal!"

"Illusory World Allure!"

"Fengxue strikes, there is no trace of death!"

"Immortal Heavenly City!"

"Qiankun Good Fortune Palm!"


At this time, everyone no longer dared to underestimate this Yuan Shi, ten Heavenly Venerables died in an instant, and everyone was full of dignity, displaying their own peerless avenue supernatural powers. Yuan Shi.

At this moment, everyone knows that either you die or I live, there is no other way.

"Heart Realm Comes!"

Yuan Shi gave a cold cry, as if the voice of the god of death had come, making everyone shudder.Immediately, everyone saw nothing else, only felt their minds blur for a while, as if their minds were attracted away by an irresistible force, their minds gradually became blurred, and they lost all resistance.

"Open, open it for me!"

Everyone roared in their hearts, but unfortunately, there was no way, the power could not be seen clearly, touched, or even perceived, so they could only resist passively.

"Boom!" "Boom!"...

Another six people fell down directly, gradually turning into nothingness, and disappeared without leaving anything.

At some point in Yuanshi's hand, a dao sword appeared in his hand. He swung it out, like a child dancing a sword indiscriminately. There was no mystery, but flaws were revealed everywhere. At the extreme, all the avenues are restrained, and the ordinary is not ordinary.

An unstoppable sharp burst out, the light shines into nothingness, directly cut off the heavens of countless celestial beings, cut through several people, the light rain continued to explode, and under the blow of the sword, three more people fell, and the gate of the beginning suddenly burst out with a powerful devouring power , devouring everything.


At this time, an incomparably domineering fist bombarded, directly attacking Yuanshi's face, suddenly caught off guard, and suddenly attacked, it can be said that the timing was grasped to the extreme, if one was not careful, he would be directly bombed.

But Yuan Shi casually stretched out a hand, which came out of nowhere, and the unpredictable hand grabbed the punch firmly, making it unable to move, and then, a terrifying suction erupted.

Cangtian Taoist, this terrifying Tianjun powerhouse, has all the power in his body, and at this moment, Yuanshi is continuously entering Yuanshi's body. At this moment, Yuanshi seems to be a black hole, swallowing all the power that is close to him, no matter it is Many Tianzun The attack, or their Taoist soldiers, were all swallowed up.

In this instant, Yuanshi's strength increased again, and it could be vaguely seen that behind him, another Yuanshi Gate was condensed.


At this time, Taoist Cangtian also found out that something was wrong. The attack by himself and others seemed to have no effect, but was absorbed by Yuanshi instead, helping him grow his strength.

"Yuanshi, you are really unfathomable!"

He immediately stopped sending mana, because if he continued like this, not only would he not cause trouble to Yuanshi, but it would increase his cultivation.Taoist Cangtian found out that something was wrong, so he was about to retreat. Unfortunately, would Yuan Shi give him this chance?
"keep going?"

Yuanshi grabbed Cangtian Taoist with one hand, and wrote lightly: "Why don't you continue to attack? Since you don't attack me, then I will attack you."

Yuan Shi wrote the word "kill" in the void with one hand. The bloody word "kill" was earth-shattering and murderous.

At this time, Taoist Cangtian also felt an incomparably terrifying aura locking him, his mind was shocked, his secret path was not good, and he wanted to escape, but unfortunately his body was still imprisoned by Yuanshi at this moment, so he couldn't succeed.

The word "kill" fell, carrying endless innate murderous aura, like snowflakes, falling between the eyebrows of Taoist Cangtian, turning into endless killing, and killing it.


Taoist Cangtian let out a scream, and immediately followed the endless murderous aura, the explosion exploded, and the endless light rain exploded. It was the light rain that contained a Tianjun Dao, and it also contained the endless fetish in Tianjun's body.Tianjun fell, but without his body exploding, the endless fetishes in his body also exploded.

The gate of Yuanshi behind Yuanshi fell suddenly, swallowing everything, and then the gate of light shook, becoming more and more solid, and its power became even more terrifying.


Yuan Shi stretched out one hand, and five huge "death" characters appeared on his five fingers. Immediately, his surroundings were filled with a black mist, all of which were composed of death characters, and each death word contained the supreme way of killing. .

Endless words of death, as Yuanshi's giant hand fell down, the last five heavenly lords, such as Nuwa, Patriarch Hun Kun, and Lord Lu Ya, were directly covered by the endless words of death, but after a few breaths, they melted away. For nothingness.

Yuanshi didn't have the slightest pity in his heart, or he was merciful in the face of his fellow acquaintances and former friends, and he would never tolerate those who deserved to be killed.So what about Nuwa, from the moment she confronted herself, she was dead.

The 24 Heavenly Venerates were all killed in just a few breaths. The strength of Yuanshi shocked everyone who remained.Even if they knew that Yuan Shi was strong, they never expected that Yuan Shi would be so strong. They killed a group of enemies in an understatement, destroyed Tianzun in a flip of their hands, and wiped out with ashes with a snap of their fingers. Tianzun was just an ant.

"Brother, are you so strong?" Tong Tian under the Guangmen opened his mouth wide open, dumbfounded.

"It is indeed very strong. One Tianjun, 24 Tianzun, just... died?" The Taishang was also a little stunned.

They originally thought that even if Yuanshi killed these people, it would take some means, but they didn't expect it to be so easy. Killing Tianzun was like chopping vegetables and melons. After a few clicks, they were gone.

After witnessing all this, Wangu Tiandi, Hongjun and Pangu's expressions became more serious. They knew that at the moment of fighting, they had no way out and could only move forward. Either you die or I die.

Originally, they thought that these people could hold Yuanshi back for a while, cause him some trouble, and attract a lot of attention. Unexpectedly, Yuanshi's strength was beyond everyone's expectations. These people held Yuanshi back and distracted him. Strength, but only holding a few breaths, what's the use of this.

"These people are still called strong? They are really trash!" Eternal Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly, his eyes were full of sarcasm, he didn't know whether he was mocking himself or the just died Heavenly Venerable.

"At all costs, the only option is to fight, to fight!" Pangu realized that he was transformed into billions of feet, holding the ax that opened the sky, his heart was full of fighting spirit, and his whole body exuded the aura of gods and demons. To monopolize the three thousand demon gods, to slay the enemies, to be unparalleled in domineering.

Hongjun didn't say much. Among the five Heavenly Venerates just now, his junior and junior sisters all died. Although he didn't care much about their lives, they were also his junior and junior sisters who came out to seek good luck and plan for endless years. In the end, they failed. Being exterminated by Yuanshi, this hatred has already fallen on him.

He knew that whether it was against himself or his junior sisters, he had to fight Yuan Shi, and this time, it was unavoidable.

On the opposite side, Yuan Shi looked at Pangu and the others calmly, without making a move first.Beside him, two primordial gates are ups and downs, swallowing endless dao rhymes, facing the huge light gate in nothingness.

After a long time, Yuan Shi said slowly: "You three, it's time to go on the road."

 That's it for tonight, this book will be finished in a few days, and the new book is being prepared...

(End of this chapter)

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