A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 198 Hearing a Buddha's Voice!Who is Buddha?

Chapter 198 Hearing the Buddha's Voice!Who is Buddha?

The gate of the temple is wide open, and everything remains the same.

No words for two days.

The two nights were peaceful, no one went out at night, and of course there was no sound of the undead.

However, less than [-]% of the monks and pilgrims who stayed in Wanhuang Temple that day were left in the end.Many people, ended up hurrying down the mountain.

But when someone goes, someone comes.

Therefore, Wanhuang Temple is still full every day.

What happened that night, of course, finally got out.

However, there are always people in this world who believe that seeing is believing and hearing is not.Therefore, the real thing turned into a legend in the end.

Even, it was despised by many believers who believed in Wanhuang Temple.They thought it was a slander and slander to Wanhuang Temple.

The third day is the God's Day Dharma Assembly.

That day was extremely lively.

After the morning bell, the drums sound three links.The gates of Wanhuang temples are wide open, and the common people enjoy themselves together.Almost all the cultivation sects in the Southern Bone Region have people coming.

Listen to the Dharma, offer generous gifts, and respect the myriad desolations.

At three quarters of the hour, the Shenri Dharma Assembly is about to start.

Some monks shouted praises, and in an instant, the bells and drums rang together, and the Dharma conch played in unison.

In Wanhuang Temple, seven eminent monks and masters attended the Dharma meeting.Under the protection of 27 young monks and 36 lay disciples, they walked to the altar in mighty strength.

The believers on both sides stood with palms together, while the offering envoys and some ordinary pilgrims knelt on both sides of the passage to welcome them.

The scene was majestic and sacred.

Su Mo and Guan Xiong naturally put their hands together in the crowd.

The seven eminent monks are all Nascent Soul Dzogchen, one-step cultivation of soul.However, they are not very old, and they are basically middle-aged, wearing red robes and solemn treasures.

The 27 young monks were all at the early and middle stages of Yuanying.

Of the three hundred Nascent Souls, only one-eighth showed up.

"Worthy of being the Bulao Temple!" Guan Xiong said through voice transmission, "The lineup of this ceremony is enough to sweep away the bones. Looking at the entire Bone Continent, there is absolutely no immortal sect that can have so many Nascent Soul cultivators."

"So, if you really want to comment on the No. [-] Immortal Gate of the Bone, Bulao Temple deserves it!" Guan Xiong praised.Because, he knew in his heart that the so-called Holy Wheel Historic Site was nothing but ruins.

And Xianxu is originally a misty place, and it cannot be regarded as a fairy gate at all.

What's more, his brother is the only so-called descendant of Xianxu.

The girl in white who was talking directly to him was not a descendant of Immortal Void.That Miss Miao, who is playing in that continent now?

Therefore, Bulao Temple is definitely number one.

It's a pity that the root of this temple of immortality is in the continent of bones, otherwise there should be a possibility of improvement.

Su Mo was speechless after listening to Guan Xiong's words.

He doesn't really care who is the number one bone.Su Mo was just waiting for what he needed.

Sprinkling, offering incense, chanting scriptures, worshiping and confessing...

The process of the Shenri Puja is relatively complicated, with many items.However, each item has strict regulations and is full of a sense of ritual.

For these, Guan Xiong has always sneered.

Because, he thinks this is all a trick to deceive ordinary people.Although Su Mo didn't have the same idea as Guan Xiong, he didn't enjoy it either.

But those ordinary people, even some lowly monks, are very devout.Be respectful and sincere.In fact, because of this, their hearts are peaceful.

Therefore, the whole Dharma conference was quite grand and solemn.

Everything went according to plan.

That God's Day Dharma Assembly, a total of nine days.A few days ago, it was basically all kinds of satirical scriptures recited by monks, and then each mage went to the altar to preach Buddhism and enlighten sentient beings.

After a few days, Su Mo and Guan Xiong sometimes listened and sometimes didn't listen, but they also benefited a lot.When they are free, the two of them travel around the mountains and rivers.

The situation around Wanhuang Temple made them feel confused.

Both of them understood that the main event was in the back.

In the last three days of the Dharma conference, we will solve the doubts of sentient beings, which is no small matter.That was the time when Wanhuang Temple's skill was seen the most.Because, sometimes many fairy gates on the Bone Continent will attack again.

Questioning and resolving doubts can be regarded as a literary battle between monks.

The seventh day of the Fa Conference.

The first six days of the Dharma Conference can be described as the light of Buddha.Every day, countless people listen to scriptures in Wanhuang Temple.The mountains are high and the road is far away, but none of them can stop the faith in the hearts of believers.

Hear the Buddha's voice, or you can be safe for the rest of your life!
On the seventh day, the seven great mages gathered again on the altar.A few days ago, all the Dharma masters have taken turns giving lectures, and each one has profound Buddhist knowledge and great wisdom.

Today, the reunion here is to solve the confusion for all beings.

The seven masters sit high, with three young monks standing on each side.Other listeners gather around the altar, but must keep quiet.In addition, this confusion meeting was presided over by a respected old layman.

If in doubt, raise your hand.

Only those selected by the old layman can ask questions.Those who ask questions can designate a mage to answer them.If not specified, any mage can answer.

"Amitabha!" The old layman clasped his hands together at all the people around the altar, and said loudly, "The Buddha saves all living beings, but all living beings are difficult to cross, what can we do? Because the mind is lost, it is like a thick fog. The fog will not dissipate, and it will eventually become an obstacle." .Today, all the masters take advantage of the light of God’s Sun, with compassion in their hearts. Wish to solve the confusion of all beings, and to overcome the lost heart. Ladies and gentlemen, if you have any doubts, please appeal to this.”

The old layman's voice was not loud, but it could clearly reach everyone's eardrums.

After the old layman finished speaking, there were no noisy voices and many people raised their hands to ask questions.Instead, the audience was silent and everyone was waiting.

The first question at the Shenri Fahui is that it is not ordinary.

The old layman seemed to have presided over the meeting, so he smiled lightly and was not in a hurry.

After a long while, a middle-aged monk in gray finally stood up slowly and bowed his hands in salute.

"In Xiamei Wannian, I am a disciple of the Tianhe Gate in the Southern Region of the White Bone. I have met lay Buddhists and other mages here first. I have a few questions. I don't know if I can ask them?"

The grey-clothed monk spoke politely, but he was a core-forming monk.

Although Tianhe Gate is not a first-class fairy gate in the Baigu Continent, it still has its place.The monk who formed the alchemy was absolutely unknown in the Tianhe Gate.

The first question of a cultivator who formed an alchemy at the Refresher Day Dharma Assembly was quite important.

"Benefactor Mei, please tell me!" said the old layman.

The grey-clothed monk Mei Wannian smiled faintly.

"Majests, where is the Buddha?"

As soon as this question came up, many listeners present frowned slightly.Because this question itself implies a kind of doubt.

The gray-clothed monk did not explicitly deny the existence of the Buddha, but only heard where the Buddha was.

This first question is quite sharp.

"Hey! Good question!" Guan Xiong couldn't help laughing.

The seven great mages looked calm after hearing the gray-clothed monk's question.Mei Wannian did not specify which mage to answer.

So, the mage sitting on the far left spoke slowly.

"Master Mei, the Buddha is in my heart!"

"Oh?" Mei Wannian smiled, the mage's answer seemed to be in his expectation, "the mage said that the Buddha is in the heart, so doesn't that mean that everyone has a Buddha in their hearts?"

"Master Mei, what you said is very true!" The mage nodded and smiled, "All living beings are Buddhas."

"Hehe!" Mei Wannian nodded, and said again, "Just now, that layman once said that the Buddha saves all living beings, but all living beings are difficult to cross. However, the mage also said that all living beings live together with the Buddha. Isn't that contradictory?"

"Master, all living beings are Buddhas, that is, Buddhas are all living beings. Why do we need to cross? If we really need to cross, then who will cross all living beings, and who will the Buddha cross?"


Hui Yimei Wannian's question was pressing every step of the way, extremely sharp.

Guan Xiong watched with a smile.

Su Mo, on the other hand, looked at Mei Wannian in gray with a sneer on his face, because he actually had the answer in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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