A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 201 Rejoice Before the Buddha!The Wanhuang Temple is full of monsters!

Chapter 201 Rejoice Before the Buddha!The Wanhuang Temple is full of monsters!

"Tsk tsk! Tsk tsk!"

Hearing the words of the female cultivator in black, Guan Xiong actually clicked his tongue, seemingly admiring him.

"Isn't the joy of men and women happy? Then I would like to ask Master, where do all beings come from?" Guan Xiong smiled and repeated the words of the black-clothed female cultivator, and looked at the black-clothed female cultivator with eyes full of admiration.

"It makes sense! It makes sense! A frank and beautiful woman makes people like her!" Guan Xiong rubbed his hands.

"Oh?" Su Mo smiled, "Guan Xiong, if you like it, how about I capture that female cultivator in black as your wife?"


Guan Xiong actually took a long breath of air.He seemed to be seriously thinking about Su Mo's suggestion.But actually, that's not the case at all.

With Guan Xiong's aesthetics, there is no female nun who is not beautiful in his eyes.Back then, he felt good about the false appearance of the Seventh Senior Sister Fenglun.

It's just that his immediate boss, the girl in white, has a bit of a bad taste.

That Miss Miao has something to say first: Guan Xiong, if you dare to enter the female sex in the Bone Continent.Hey, I'll cut off your little bird and feed it to the little bird.

Just because of this sentence, there is no resentment for heartbroken!
However, Guan Xiong didn't complain, but dared to be angry and dare not speak out.That Miss Miao was spoiled by her master, but she could do anything.

"Hey! Although the female cultivator is good, just take a look." After hissing, Guan Xiong shook his head and sighed.Su Mo didn't understand his pain.

Looking at the altar again, the monk and mage was speechless after being questioned, and his face was pale.

Even if he practiced the Dharma every day, no matter how good he was at nourishing his qi, he couldn't suppress the fire in his heart when faced with such a challenge from the black-clothed female cultivator.

The six mages beside him also had extremely ugly faces.And those 27 young monks looked even colder, their eyes were wide open, and they were eager to try.

Everyone understood that the words of the female nun in black were even an insult to the provocation of the Wanhuang Temple by the Bliss Palace.

However, after all, this is the Shenri Fahui, and the other party argues in the name of solving doubts.Even if the demonic words confuse the crowd, Wanhuang Temple cannot, as the host, turn a literary fight into a violent fight.

That would be too embarrassing.

"Amitabha!" A monk recited the Buddha's name again, suppressing the anger in his heart, "What the benefactor said, I will forgive you for doing so. Please don't say it again."

"Oh? Hehe!" At this time, the woman in black had eyes shining brightly, and she smiled coquettishly, "Master, why not? I rejoice in front of the Buddha, but I also devote myself to the Buddha. Could it be that I, the Lady of Ultimate Bliss, can't practice the Dharma? Or, The master of your temple doesn't like our sisters? Which one of our sisters is not beautiful, understanding, and profound?"

"Hehehe!" The female cultivators who came together, except for the cow guide and the female cultivator in white, all the female cultivators smiled coquettishly.

For a moment, Yingying and Yanyan, smiling coquettishly, filled the entire Dharma altar.

And the laughter didn't stop for a long time.


You know, that female cultivator in black is Nascent Soul Dzogchen.When she casts her charm, even the seven mages on the opposite side must fight with all their strength, and they will never dare to take it lightly, let alone other monks and ordinary people.

In an instant, some monks couldn't hold on to themselves.Their eyes were already dull, hallucinations appeared in their eyes, and they even went straight to the altar.What's more, some of those ordinary men and women began to hug each other and undressed.

Ordinary people are most likely to get lost in lust.What's more, the charm of Bliss Palace is unparalleled in the world.

Wanhuang Temple seems to be turning into a place of love and moon.

"Hehehe! Hehehe——"

The laughter of the female cultivator of bliss echoed endlessly, like a demon dancing in the void.In an instant, the entire Wanhuang Temple was in chaos, unsightly.

Guan Xiong watched with a smile, but Su Mo frowned slightly.


At this time, a master monk's cassock fluttered, and he looked like a vajra glaring, and suddenly let out a Buddhist lion's roar, piercing clouds and cracking rocks.Finally, this roar of the Buddha subdued all the demons and heretics.

The laughter of the female cultivators in the Palace of Bliss scattered.

Everyone present, the Lingtai was cleared.

Those who couldn't hold on to themselves just now were ashamed in every way.Their xinxing still needs to be improved.Therefore, they hurriedly recited the Buddha's words silently to straighten their minds so as to avoid evil spirits re-entering.

It's just that the black-clothed female cultivator was just trying to make ends meet.A Buddha's roar broke her charm, she didn't feel anything, and she was still smiling at this moment.

"Master Yiseng, good cultivation! However, please ask Wanhuang Temple to explain the little girl's confusion!"

The female cultivator in black kept asking.

However, at this time, the seven mages were speechless.

One is that the question and answer of a monk just now has fallen into the rhetorical trap of the woman in black.The second is that at this moment they still have to be wary of the charms of the Bliss Palace, how can they think about it?
Charm is a special spell.


Wanhuang Temple is a pure place.

Therefore, if one of the mages present showed timidity after being bewitched by the charm, it would be an indecent act.I am afraid that the only way to not tarnish the reputation of Wanhuang Temple is to die.

Those masters would rather be questioned than to lose their minds.

Therefore, for a while, all the masters looked at each other in blank dismay, really unable to solve the confusion.

Such a situation has almost never happened.

The Shenri Fahui has been handed down for tens of thousands of years, and it has never been in such an embarrassing situation today.Just because the other party is a female cultivator who dares to throw out the love between men and women.

"Hehehe!" The black-clothed female cultivator laughed tremblingly, "Shenri Dharma Assembly is said to be able to solve the confusion of sentient beings. But, masters, you are so speechless. Isn't the little girl a sentient being? I think, since you masters, I can’t solve the confusion. After that, it doesn’t matter if we don’t hold the God’s Day Ceremony. What kind of God’s Day Ceremony is just deceiving the world and stealing our name!”

"What else is there to be immortal? Whether it is a person or a monk, how can it be immortal? In my opinion, those who are not old are all monsters!"


Inside Wanhuang Temple, there was an uproar again.

Because, this female cultivator in black is really bold.Looking at the entire Bone Continent, she is probably the first one who dares to say that the Wanhuang Temple is full of monsters.

This has been made even more intense by the words just now.


Guan Xiong squinted his small eyes, stroked his chin, and took another breath of cold air.It seemed that the female cultivator in black attracted him again.He was wondering if he could ignore the bird eating the bird for the sake of the woman in black.

It has to be said that this black-clothed female cultivator was extremely well-prepared, and the mages of Wanhuang Temple were speechless when asked.

At this moment, Wanhuang Temple's Shenri Dharma Assembly was completely kicked out.

Many monks headed by a monk had extremely ugly faces.

How can they save the defeat? Do they have to let the people in the backyard show up?
And at this moment, someone suddenly sneered.

"Beautiful words to confuse people, you are not ashamed to speak out! My Buddha is merciful, and I don't want to get entangled with you. But, you witch, you are pressing every step of the way, and you really don't know how much you are!"

"Today, I will come to enlighten you!"

The crowd followed the sound.

I saw a man in Tsing Yi in his early twenties walking slowly up to the altar.In his eyes, the divine light is restrained.A whole body of breath, hidden but not released.

That was Su Mo!
(End of this chapter)

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