A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 205 Unspeakable!How to conquer the world?

Chapter 205 Unspeakable!How to conquer the world?

At this time, there were no more than a hundred people in the second courtyard of the backyard of Wanhuang Temple, and half of them were monks of Wanhuang Temple.

However, as soon as the female cultivator in white said the words, there was an instant uproar.

Originally, because the Palace of Bliss was known as lewdness, the [-] or [-] bone monks who came together with Su Mo and Guan Xiong were all inclined towards Wanhuang Temple in their hearts.

However, the woman in white spoke out.In an instant, it made them feel very reasonable.

It would have been.

No matter who they are, since they live in Wanhuang Temple, and all the people who live here need to offer incense, Wanhuang Temple is obliged to be responsible for their safety.

Those monks who were killed went out without authorization, of course there was a reason for their lack of character.However, those four nuns were young monks from Wanhuang Temple who stayed in the woodshed.

Knowing that the female cultivator of the Palace of Bliss is good at charm and not a kind person, she still takes her in.Doesn't this put all tenants at risk?

Furthermore, the female cultivator in white asked the right question, why did no monks in Wanhuang Temple come out to stop the accident?Afterwards, the body was burned casually and immediately.

Thinking hard!
Is it to destroy corpses and wipe out traces?What is Wanhuang Temple covering up?
Human thinking is like this. Once it is mobilized, it will become active instantly and expand infinitely.

Not to mention those alchemy cultivators from the Southern Bone Region, even Su Mo and Guan Xiong didn't understand what Wanhuang Temple did.

At this time, the twenty or thirty bone monks couldn't help but look at each other.You know, these alchemy monks may not be very conspicuous in Wanhuang Temple.

However, in the South of the Bone, they are not ordinary people.

For example, Mei Wannian is the Great Elder of Tianhemen.Tianhe Gate also has tens of thousands of disciples.The other sects of Dandan also have a certain status.

If these sects are taken out alone, of course they cannot be compared with the Bulao Temple.However, they are almost scattered throughout the southern Baigu domain.

"White Envoy, what you said is reasonable!" Mei Wannian was the first to agree.

"That's right! This time, I'm standing on the side of the Palace of Bliss. Master Yiseng, you should have an explanation." The one who spoke was a late alchemy monk.

A knot that died that day was his good friend.

"That's right! That's right!" The remaining monks basically stood by the side of the Palace of Bliss.

Such a situation was unexpected by Master Yiseng and others.

Neither Su Mo nor Guan Xiong spoke.

Because they know that things must not be simple.If something goes wrong, there must be something inside.Su Mo had experienced this point when he was in Wulunzong.

The truth of things is often unexpected.

Even the monks of God Tribulation can't explore the night, just thinking about it is scary enough.It's just that those alchemy cultivators didn't know that there was another great power who lived with them in the tenant that night.


At this time, a master monk shook his head and recited the Buddha's name.To be honest, except for the monks of Wanhuang Temple, everyone else felt uncomfortable when they heard the Buddha's name.

Don't you have nothing to say, just chant the Buddha's name?

"Buddhism has a saying: some things should not be said." A monk master sighed.

"Hehe, how can the three words 'do not say' convince the world?" the female cultivator in black said sharply.Indeed, who would be convinced to deal with everything with the unspeakable?

Those bone monks also showed their faces.

"Black and white envoy!" Master Yiseng uttered the four words, instantly silenced the audience.Because, a master monk has always called them female donors.

That is to have a dialogue with them as a monk.

However, in fact, Master Yiseng certainly knew that those standing on both sides of the bullock cart were the black and white emissaries of the Palace of Bliss.The two of them are the most powerful figures seated by the Lord of Bliss Palace.

In the past, Master Yiseng didn't want to lead everything into a dispute between immortals, so he was very euphemistic in addressing him.

But the current situation does not seem to be what he thought.If he is allowed to speak out, it may be even more detrimental to Wanhuang Temple.Therefore, a monk master directly changed the title.

This represents a change in attitude.

Since it doesn't make sense, we can only look at the fist.

"You don't believe what I say. Then I ask the two envoys to tell you what to do." The master monk said.

"First of all, we naturally have to take away our disciples." The nun in white said.

"Secondly, we need three monks to make up for the crime. Three disciples of bliss died in Wanhuang Temple. Then please ask a master monk to send three young monks to my palace of bliss. Stay for ten days, no matter whether you live or die!" the woman in black monasticism.

Three monks, sent to the Palace of Bliss?
hehe!Not to mention three monks, even thirty monks or three hundred monks, if they arrive at the Palace of Bliss, they will probably turn into medicine dregs after ten days.

Therefore, it is impossible for Wanhuang Temple to agree to the conditions of the Bliss Palace.

Guan Xiong smiled and said via voice transmission: "Su Mo, there will be a fight soon. Which side shall we help?"

"That depends on whether you want that female cultivator in black?" Su Mo laughed.

"Huh?" Guan Xiong was speechless.

"Let's watch from the wall!" Su Mo said, "There must be something weird in Wanhuang Temple. But the Palace of Bliss is obviously using the topic to make use of it. If Linghu He Huan can force out Wanhuang Temple's soul transformation and divine robbery power, Let's see the situation."

"That's right! We're not here to help fight. In my opinion, the two fairy gates are not very good. Hehe." Guan Xiong's eyes kept looking into the third courtyard of Wanhuang Temple.

However, he didn't see anything either.

However, he can be sure that there must be a divine catastrophe in the third courtyard.

"These two conditions are hard to follow. The Bliss nun must stay in the temple for seven to forty-nine days before she can leave. At that time, she will return to normal." A monk said.

"Hehehe!" The black-clothed female cultivator laughed, "Since Wanhuang Temple forcibly detains people, the little girl is willing to ask the master a few tricks of immortality. If I win, I will do as I said in the Palace of Bliss. If I don't win, My Bliss Palace will go down the mountain immediately. Master, what do you think?"

"Just follow the messenger in black!" Master Yiseng didn't want to say much at this time.

If the words are not speculative, naturally there is no need to say more.In the world of practice, the strong prey on the weak.

If it doesn't make sense, let's see who is better!

The Nascent Soul aura on the female cultivator in black suddenly dissipated.


The five-color divine bull turned to the sky and neighed.All the nuns in the Palace of Bliss retreated directly.

The Nascent Soul battle is not ordinary.


A master monk frowned, and the cassock on his body fluttered.

"Brother Yi Monk, let me come!" said the middle-aged monk who had just talked to Yi Monk.All the monks in yellow clothes in Bulao Temple are Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

In terms of realm, there is not much difference.

However, a monk is the presiding abbot on duty, if there is a mistake, it will not be very good either in face or in reality.

Therefore, the middle-aged monk took the initiative to take over the battle.

Master Yiseng certainly understood that it was really inconvenient for him to fight in person today.

"I'm sorry, Junior Brother!" The monk stepped back,

"Brother, don't worry!"

Master Yijing made a gesture, telling everyone to scatter back, and then shouted: "Open Bulao Temple Fighting Barrier!"

(End of this chapter)

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