A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 224 Light Up!Use the body as a guide, use the soul to light the lamp

Chapter 224 Light Up!Use the body as a guide, use the soul to light the lamp
The sky is collapsing, like the end of the world.

The black and white fit person stands in the void, just like a devil.The mantra of Li Yuanchu's mantra is still echoing in the air.That was like a call to the end of the world.

The entire southern region of the Bone Continent was trembling.

That feeling even has a tendency to spread, from the South Territory, to the Central Territory, and then to the North Territory.

Li Yuanchu's technique is a lever to move everything.

"Create soul!"

Li Yuanchu's voice snapped, like thunder.

Look again, the black air in the void instantly condenses into a circle.At first it was gigantic, then it shrank rapidly.In an instant, it condensed into a ball no bigger than a palm.

"Soul group!" Linghu He Huan exclaimed in shock.

She knew that as long as this soul group could fall into the depths of the Bone Continent, and then swim along the meridians of the Bone, it would be able to revive the Bone.

The soul of the bones will be controlled by Li Yuanchu.


The entire Wanhuang Mountain is still splitting.A deep abyss has appeared in the middle of the mountain.The black air billowed under the abyss, like a tide or a wave.

"Return to the soul!"

Li Yuanchu's voice sounded again.At the same time, the seal method of the fit person also changed again.


The soul group, like a fish swimming, fell straight into the abyss.

And at that moment, the imprinting method of Master Mute has been completed.His printing method looks extremely simple.Master Mute just clasped his palms together, and the string of prayer beads was wrapped around his hands.

Master Mute moved his lips, but no sound came out.

In this life, the mute may have forgotten his own voice.

It's just that at that moment, Master Mute's face was solemn, with compassion in his eyes.Because, this technique of his needs the power of all sentient beings, otherwise he would not be able to suppress this bone.

Besides, once the black soul group entered the abyss, it actually entered the meridians of the Bone Continent.

The mass of souls turned into streamers and went straight to the north.

That is to go up according to the bone meridian.

However, at that moment, Master Mute's technique was completed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Three thousand miles away, Bailian Town.

The old priest had a sleepless night.At this time, he had already put on a brand new white robe.That white robe was only worn by him every year when he presided over the sacrifice.

However, no one understood why he was dressed so grandly that night.

In fact, when the old priest changed into the priest's white robe and walked from the house to the small square, almost no one saw him.

Because, in Bailian Town, the night is quiet and everything is silent.

Walking through the whole town, the old priest looked at everything with a smile.

He hoped that everything was always so peaceful.

beck - beck -

The footsteps of the old priest are very rhythmic.

On the bluestone road, footsteps echoed softly.

The old priest had already arrived at the small square and beside the lotus sculpture.

That lotus, slim and graceful, is in bud.It is as white as jade, lifelike, just like a breeze blowing, it will open up leisurely the next moment.

Even at night, the lotus sculpture seems to emit a faint light.

The old priest gently stroked the lotus with his old arms.

Perhaps, in the eyes of other people in the town, that lotus plant is just a sculpture, a totem, but in the eyes of the old priest, that lotus plant is a living existence.

Even, the old priest could feel its pulse, its fragrance.

chi chi chi-

On the Wanhuang Mountain, the old priest could see clearly when the devilish energy surged up to the sky.However, there was no panic in his eyes, but a faint smile on the contrary.

Because, the ultimate value of his existence is for this day.

love monk!holy monk.

Although it was just a misty legend on the Bone Continent, they all believed that everything existed.

The old priest, of course, believed more.

We are all willing to dedicate to you!No!It should be said that we are all willing to contribute to all living beings.A true Buddha doesn't care whether you have a soul or a soulless person.

There is no soul and no way, and it will last forever.

Because all beings are equal.Even if you are a plant, you are also a living thing, let alone a person on a bone?

"My Buddha is merciful!"

The old priest kowtowed in the direction of Wanhuang Temple from afar.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi

On the land of bones, there is a trace of devilish energy and coldness.However, the old priest clasped his hands together, unmoved.However, his expression was more solemn.

At that moment, he had a Buddha in his heart.

For him, what was to come was the holiest of times.

Sure enough, a moment did not arrive.

Endless Sanskrit sounds came from the ears of the old priest.That is the real Sanskrit.Only the three thousand priests on the Bone Continent can understand.

"Namo Holatana Duolaye. Nanwu Alaye. Polujiedi Shuobolaye...."

"My Buddha is merciful, and my disciple is willing to light a lamp with his body! Buddha lotus suppresses demons!"

The old priest answered loudly.

In fact, no one may hear his answer.However, he must say it.

May all beings be happy and free from the sea of ​​suffering.

The old priest changed his hands, forming a seal that he only knew in his life.

That way of sealing, he can only form it once in his life.

Because, that Taoism will absorb his life.

Switching hands, the old priest's complexion is divine and natural!

Look again, the old priest's body suddenly lit up with endless brilliance.On the white clothes, the Buddha's light suddenly rose.At the same time, a little fire flickered between the old priest's eyebrows.

The old priest is the lamplighter.It's just that they use their bodies as a guide and use their souls to light the lamps.


Then look at the light jumping between the eyebrows of the old priest, his whole body is withering, because his life is burning.Then, everything about the old priest began to dissipate.

That dissipation is from the bottom up.

The physical body of the old priest gradually turned into dots of stars.

The old priest looked serene and calm.

At the last moment, what disappeared was the smile of the old priest.


The lights flickered, and the whole old priest turned into a lamp, and then the lamp fell directly on the lotus sculpture.


The lotus flower instantly exuded a strange brilliance.

Immortal energy bursts, rippling layer upon layer.

The lotus came alive, emitting thousands of brilliance.The lamp falls in the pistil.

The lantern lotus is one, and the Buddha's light is infinite, reflecting all worlds.

At this time, the entire Bailian town was as bright as day, and everyone in the town woke up from their dreams.Because, at that moment, they felt a tremor from the soul.

It's a pity that they didn't see what the old priest did.

Among the worlds, many people, many things are like this.They guard you, but you may never know; they watch you silently, never speak, even they will die for you.

As with the mute, so with the old priest.

The Buddha lotus swayed, and the whole Bailian town seemed to come from the world of Buddha.

And this kind of thing is happening almost simultaneously in a small town with a radius of thousands of miles.That kind of death, that kind of going to death, that kind of absoluteness, is the livelihood of all.

That is the real Buddha mind!
Three thousand Buddha lotuses can suppress bones.

No one can tell when these Buddha lotuses were planted; and no one can tell who planted these Buddha lotuses.However, all the Buddha lotuses bloomed on this night.

Under the bones, there really are meridians.

Then these white lotuses are like nails hitting these meridians one by one.

The bones were nailed to death by Folian.

The so-called soul group has no way to go, no way to hide.

If so, you can stand in the sky and look at it, and you will see thousands of Buddha lotuses at the feet of the bones, silent.

 I slipped my hand last night and accidentally posted a chapter from this morning.Even if you add more.This is today's Chapter 1, and there is another chapter tonight.Might be a little late!
(End of this chapter)

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