A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 250 Puppets VS Betting!You are not from the Chaos God Continent!

Chapter 250 Puppets VS Betting!You are not from the Chaos God Continent!
Betting on puppetry?

Su Mo's heart skipped a beat.Because, among his many spells, if he wanted to say which one he was best at, it would be the skeleton spell.And the skeleton technique is exactly a kind of puppet technique.

Could it be that ghost shadows are also good at puppetry?

Because, since Ghost Shadow proposes betting on puppetry, it must be his strong point.After all, in a gambling fight, no one will use their own weaknesses to attack the other's strengths.

However, Su Mo did not immediately agree, but frowned slightly.

"Puppet art? Ghost girl, I don't know how the puppet art compares?"

"Each of us overtakes a puppet, and then let that puppet shake the cup, roll the dice, and then compare the points, how about it?" Gui Ying said.

Manipulating puppets to shake cups and roll dice?

All the monks present felt extremely novel when they heard it.

Puppetry itself is an extremely advanced spell.

A monk who can override puppets is as powerful as a spiritual master who can control beasts.According to the legend of the Pure Land, there used to be a puppet family in the distant galaxy. They were invincible at the same level, and one person slaughtered one city.

The fighting strength of the puppet monks can be seen.

However, they have never heard of anyone who wants to make the puppet shake the cup and compare the dice.You know, it is much more difficult for a puppet to shake a cup than a puppet fight.

Because, if you want to shake out the points you want, you must control the puppet exactly.Puppetry is not at its peak and cannot be achieved.

"Oh?" Su Mo was taken aback when he heard that.Su Mo had never tried to control a puppet like that.And this gamble was undoubtedly a combination of puppetry and gambling.

Its difficulty is far above the two alone.

Puppetry, gambling!
After hearing this, the monks in Guidu looked at Su Mo and sneered.Because, Su Mo is hesitating.They naturally thought that Su Mo was inferior to Ghost Shadow.The monks in Mengdu felt incredible.

The monks in Wangdu were sweating for Su Mo.

They hoped that Su Mo would reject this gamble.In fact, the gamble in the third round was negotiated, and Su Mo could completely refuse.

Fu Wanqing and Dou Tianlu looked at each other with wry smiles.

Now, their brothers no longer have the burden of recommending Su Mo for fear of making mistakes.Because, Su Mo's performance is enough to explain everything.

Even though he lost a round just now, Ghosting was already injured in that round.

Puppetry?Is Su Mo okay?
The two of them thought of Su Mo's answer almost at the same time: I just understand a little bit!

However, at this time, their brothers had already admired Su Mo so much.

Su Mo is proficient in refining weapons, alchemy, and formations.Now, Su Mo's hesitation actually showed one point. Su Mo must have a little understanding of puppetry, otherwise there is no need to hesitate.

But, is Su Mo sure of winning?If you can't win, then you won't be able to share [-]% of the mines in Wangdu City.

The monks in Wangdu City were a little worried.

"Ghosting girl, how do you choose the puppet?" Su Mo asked again.

"Of course I use my own." Guiying replied.

"How many dice cups and dice?" Su Mo asked.

"Nine dice cups, 81 dice. Each dice cup, nine dice." Gui Ying replied.

Nine dice cups, 81 dice?
The monks in the Chaos God Continent grinned when they heard it. Let alone puppets, it is not easy for the monks to control so many dice cups and dice.

"What? Fellow Daoist Su, don't you dare?" Ghosting sneered.

"Hehe!" Su Mo looked at Ghosting and shook his head and smiled, "Girl Ghosting, has the little aggressive technique failed? But, I'll take over this game. Let's control the puppets, Shake the dice to decide the outcome. I only hope that if I win the ghost, I will be completely convinced."

"it is good--"

"it is good!"

As soon as Su Mo accepted the challenge, the monks on Chaos God clapped their hands and applauded.Because, these chaotic monks also want to see this strange puppet bet.

"If I lose, Ghost City will definitely not trouble Wangdu or Fellow Daoist Su. I would like to admit defeat!" Ghost Shadow said.

"Okay!" Su Mo nodded, then turned around and said to He Yun, "Senior, please prepare enough dice cups and dice! Those dice cups and dice cups just now can no longer be used."

Su Mo made such a request because the dice and dice cups had traces of formations just now.

"it is good!"

As soon as He Yunchang waved his hand, someone naturally prepared everything again, and completely cleaned up all the dice and dice cups in the arena.

Eighteen brand new dice cups, and a sufficient number of dice.They are all listed on the stone case in the middle.

Gambling, of course, is not like martial arts.

However, at this time, there is also a tense atmosphere on the field, and it can be said that the sword is on the verge of breaking out.Because, this game between Su Mo and Gui Ying is the last game.

The outcome of this round will determine the final distribution method of the top-grade spirit stone mine.

"Please!" Su Mo made a gesture of invitation to Ghost Shadow.


Look at that phantom purple sleeve flicking.

In front of her, a man in black robe appeared instantly.The man in black robe was tall and slender, but his clothes seemed to be empty, his sleeves were above his knees, fluttering slightly with the wind.

The man in black was wearing a hood and a white mask, so he couldn't see his true face at all.

That appearance is quite similar to that of a ghost image.

In an instant, there was a commotion among the monks in the field.The ghost actually sacrificed a humanoid puppet.Perhaps, the real face of that puppet is not a real person, but it is wearing a black robe.

Therefore, it looks like a doll on the outside.

Moreover, an extremely subtle aura emanated from the puppet.At that moment, Su Mo felt that he was facing a monk.

However, Su Mo couldn't judge his realm.

This puppet is enough to show that Ghost Shadow's attainments in puppetry are by no means ordinary.

"Fellow Daoist Su, it's your turn!" Ghosting's meaning was obvious.She had already sacrificed her own puppet, and she was waiting for Su Mo to sacrifice a puppet too.

"Hehe!" Su Mo smiled, and then his mind moved.


A white light flew out from his storage bag.At that moment, an even more strange aura instantly permeated the surroundings.That doesn't seem to be the breath of Chaos God Continent.


At that moment, all the chaotic monks felt a slight tightness in their bodies.It was a very special feeling.An unknown force seems to imprison everything around it.

What did Su Mo sacrifice?
The expressions of the monks in Sandu all changed, and even the monks in Wangdu raised their eyebrows.Because, that feeling is too exciting.

The corners of Ghost Shadow's clothes swayed slightly.


That white light fell in front of Su Mo.


The monks of the chaotic gods were in an uproar again.

Because, beside Su Mo, stood a skeleton with white light all over its body.To monks, skeletons are neither scary nor surprising.

However, Su Mo's skeleton is too special.


"Skeleton puppet?"

"Which technique is this on the Chaos God Continent?"

"I haven't heard of it! Could it be the disciple of the No Corpse Sect?"

"Hush! Don't talk nonsense, if the Corpseless Sect comes, none of us will survive!"

At this moment, Ghost Shadow looked at Su Mo and said coldly, "Su Mo, you are not from Chaos God Continent!"

 Master Jin Yong left yesterday!Oh, what year is this year?They all left one by one, the cold wine and the cold wind touched the heartstrings.In a lecture a few days ago, I also mentioned that I was a crazy Jin Yong fan back then, and even writing books now has the original influence.Let's all go, one day we will go too!Master has been through the ages, from now on, there will be no more rivers and lakes! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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