A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 290 Poison!With ghosts and shadows, may you be safe

Chapter 290 Poison!With ghosts and shadows, may you be safe

Seven days!

Su Mo has waited long enough.

Because, according to Ye Wuhui's cultivation, this time is enough for her to rush here from any place in the Chaos God Continent.Unless, she doesn't want to come or can't come.

However, Ye Wuhui did not appear, so it can be said that there was no news at all.

Therefore, Su Mo had an ominous premonition in his heart.Ye Wuhui might be in trouble.Theoretically, if he could come, then Ye Wuhui would definitely not show up for such a long time.

Su Mo believed that the three-inch doll was definitely what Ye Wuhui wanted.After the two separated, Ye Wuhui should also think of waiting in a separate place.

This is almost a common sense.

However, Ye Wuhui didn't come.

At the same time, on the seventh day, Su Mo felt a slight numbness in his left shoulder.At first, Su Mo didn't pay attention to it, thinking it was caused by his practice in the past few days.

However, after two hours, the tingling feeling not only didn't improve, but became heavier and heavier.

Su Mo's heart sank.

Because, that location happened to be the place where he was grabbed by the Eastern Wood Blood Claw.

Unbuttoning his skirt, Su Mo frowned.

On the left shoulder, there was actually a clear paw print faintly left.The paw prints were red and black, clearly poisonous.At the same time, Su Mo also felt a little dizzy.

This was Su Mo's carelessness. Su Mo thought the injury was all right.

Actually, thinking about it, how could Dongfangmu's technique before he died be so simple?However, Su Mo didn't expect that the poison of that claw had been lurking for seven days before it started to take effect.

However, Su Mo was not nervous. After all, he had the medical heritage of the three senior brothers.

Su Mo directly took out three silver needles from the storage bag.

chi chi-

With a flick of Su Mo's finger, three silver needles were directly pierced on the acupuncture points on his left shoulder in the shape of a finished product.Those are three special silver needles, the middle of which is hollow, like a thin needle tube.

Look again, black and purple blood gradually flowed out from the tails of the three silver needles.The blood fell on the bluestone, and the bluestone was burned instantly, leaving scars.

"Huh?" Su Mo frowned, "What a domineering poison!"

If it wasn't for his cultivation, the poison would have soaked into the bone marrow.

In less than a quarter of an hour, all three of Su Mo's silver needles turned black and purple.

However, the poisonous paw prints on his shoulders did not go away.Especially where Su Mo pricked the needle, there were three black moles the size of mung beans.

Su Mo understood that although he used the silver needle method to drive away part of the poison, it also concentrated the poison and could not be removed.There is no major problem for the time being, but he accelerated the penetration of the toxin.

In other words, Su Mo temporarily suppressed the toxicity, but once it broke out again, it would be difficult to control.

It's a pity that even with the inheritance of the three senior brothers, Su Mo can't completely break the poison of the Dongfang Clan.Su Mo poured out another detoxification pill from the pill storage bottle and took it.

Although Su Mo didn't know what kind of poison it was, he should be able to guarantee that he would be free from worries for a month.

Su Mo let out a long breath.

The trouble should end it!
The poison of the Dongfang Clan, of course, has to be solved by someone from the Dongfang Clan.So, Su Mo took out Dongfangmu's storage bag, hoping to find an antidote or a clue to detoxification in it.

I have to say that there are a lot of dry goods in Dongfangmu's storage bag.There are even a few spirit beasts hidden in several dark pockets.

As for those spirit beasts, Su Mo was not polite.

He directly summoned the Black Feather Goddess and the Dragon Elephant Soul Devourer.Let the two feast on it, one devours the soul and the other eats meat.The spirit beasts in the oriental wooden storage bag are not low in level.

Basically, they are soul-transforming and divine-level spirit beasts.

It's a pity that they have all become the food in the mouths of Heiyu Shenhong and Dragon Elephant Soul Devourer.If this scene is seen by other spiritual practitioners, they will immediately go crazy.

Violence, but that's all.

However, Su Mo has two great beasts, and he doesn't need other spirit beasts at all.Too much is a waste of spiritual food, who has nothing to raise so many useless spiritual beasts, not to mention that Su Mo is not specialized in spiritual cultivation.

In the storage bag, there are a few magic weapons of immortality, as well as some pills and jade slips. Su Mo feels good.However, Su Mo did not find a way to heal the poisonous wound on his shoulder.

It seemed that he had to return to Dongyin County after all, otherwise the poisonous injury would be a trouble sooner or later.

However, is it unusual to enter the tiger's den?

Su Mo understood that he was in the early days of God Tribulation, and if he wanted to confront the Eastern family head-on, he would be hitting a stone with an egg. It would be great if Ye Wuhui was there.

One life is immortal, all of them can be killed instantly.

"It's a pity, Ye Wuhui doesn't know what happened?" Su Mo frowned slightly, "Is there anything in Chaos God Continent that Ye Wuhui can't solve?"

Ye Wuhui is the pinnacle of Immortal Realm!
Then, Su Mo suddenly remembered the immortal puppet that Ye Wuhui gave him.In the past few days, Su Mo has been waiting for Ye Wuhui, but Su Mo forgot to take it out to have a look.

Thinking of this, Su Mo took out the storage bag Ye Wuhui gave him.


The storage bag was opened, and a purple light flashed inside, and a doll flew out directly.

Wearing a purple robe and a purple hat to cover it up.


Su Mo was slightly taken aback, because he felt that the breath of this purple-robed puppet was very familiar to him.

Look again, the hood of the purple-robed puppet fell off, and then knelt down on one knee in front of Su Mo.

"Ghosting, pay homage to the master!" The puppet knelt down on the ground, its voice hoarse and unnatural.It seems that the puppet only knows that sentence.

When Su Mo saw his appearance, he was [-]% similar to Ye Wuhui.If someone is not familiar with Ye Wuhui, they will probably think it is Ye Wuhui after a cold look.


"Isn't the ghost shadow Ye Wuhui's three major shadow puppets? Why are they here?" Su Mo asked in his heart.

And at this moment, a blue light suddenly radiated from the ghost's body.Ye Wuhui's voice sounded, it was a divine message.

"Su Mo, this puppet is for you. I reshape the ghost image into a tangible body, and its realm is immortal Dzogchen. The ghost image will accompany you... May you be safe!"

For the last eight words, Ye Wuhui's voice was a little floaty.

It seems that this is the recording that Ye Wuhui had prepared before.Although she did not expect that she and Su Mo would suddenly separate, judging from the tone of the voice recording, she was also planning to leave Su Mo.

Undead Dzogchen!

With such a puppet, combined with the Phantom Soul Puppet Art given to him by Ye Wuhui, Su Mo would be able to deal with it if he hadn't encountered a very special undead monk.

In this sense, although Ye Wuhui hadn't blessed Su Mo with an immortal state, he had already made Su Mo's combat power reach the immortal state.

Su Mo looked at the ghost with complicated emotions.This puppet really looks like Ye Wuhui.

Accompanied by ghosts and shadows, may you be safe!
In Ye Wuhui's eight words, there seems to be too much helplessness and sadness.

It's just that Su Mo didn't want to grasp that ethereal emotion.

"Ye Wuhui, thank you!" Su Mo sighed, then took out the three-inch doll from the rag bag and looked at it, "I will definitely send this three-inch doll to you!"

Before that, Su Mo wanted to go back to the Eastern Yin County to find his own antidote.Otherwise, once the poison occurs, Su Mo cannot guarantee to control it.

Putting away the wind and cloud tent, Su Mo rectified a little.

Then, he left a divine sense and contact jade slip in the valley, so that if Ye Wuhui came here, as long as he had not left the Chaos God Continent, he should be able to contact him.

After arranging everything, Su Mo sacrificed the sky wheel flying boat and went straight to the direction of Dongyin County.At the same time, there were two monks from the God Tribulation coming towards Su Mo, full of murderous aura.

(End of this chapter)

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