A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 361: Burial God Patriarch!I would rather die in battle than live

Chapter 361: Burial God Patriarch!I would rather die in battle than live
There are still ten heads, the heads of the Immortal Kingdom?
As soon as Guan Xiong's words came out of his mouth, all the elders of the Immortal Kingdom changed their colors.At the beginning, when Fangzheng went to Beihan City to fight, he brought back a sentence.

Guan Xiong wants the eleven heads of the Presbyterian Church of the Immortal Kingdom!
This once made the elders of the Immortal Kingdom quite scrupulous.However, because of the appearance of Messenger Ye, they put all their eggs in one basket and took the risk.

For this bet, they collectively chose to forget or deliberately never mention it again.

"Hahaha!" Guan Xiong brought it up at this time, and Fangzheng was busy laughing, "Guan Fushi, you're kidding! You're kidding! At the beginning, the Immortal Kingdom sent a war letter to Beihan City, just for the sake of learning from each other. Three rounds The two victories, the agreement is only between immortal monks. Our mutual bet is also very sincere."

"Three burial-level magic weapons are enough to make up for the loss of your city!"

Fangzheng smiled all over his face, deliberately showing that what Guan Xiong said was just a joke.The elders of the Immortal Kingdom also smiled, pretending to be relaxed.

It felt like everyone was already familiar with each other.Although I owe you several million, but what to mention to pay back the money, it is too outrageous to mention money, ha!

But, very embarrassing!

Almost none of the monks in Beihan City smiled.Only Su Mo was laughing, but unfortunately it was also a sneer.At that time, he had personally witnessed Fang Zheng's fight.

The Fangzheng at that time was not the attitude he has now.

"Elder Fang!" Guan Xiong looked at Fangzheng and paused, then said in a deep voice, "You are not qualified to joke with Guan! Not to mention you, no one in the entire Immortal Kingdom is qualified to joke with Guan. "

This sentence instantly made the scene awkward, and it was extremely embarrassing.The monks below the Immortal Realm in the Immortal Kingdom felt even more terrified.

Eleven undead heads, each of them understands what it means?The Presbyterian Council of the Undead Dynasty has a total of eleven undead monks.

Zhong Yishan died, and there were only ten elders left.There are still ten heads left, and that is to kill all the elders of the Undead Country's Presbyterian Church.

This is basically equivalent to abolishing the undead country.

"Hehe!" Qin Yuyi, the great elder of the Immortal Nation, forced a smile, "Vice Envoy Guan, it's serious. We, the Immortal Nation and Beihan City, have never had any enmity or enmity, and the rivalry at the same level is to exchange ideas. Today's battle, we The Immortal Kingdom is convinced of its defeat. Fushi Guan, why do you have to take the joke seriously?"

Guan Xiong looked a little tired.

"I, Guan, never joke! In this battle, Beihan City won. Then we have to be reasonable. Little Immortal Country, do you think that Beihan City is an existence that you can easily challenge?"

"My Northern Chill City is not the whetstone of your Immortal Kingdom. Do you understand? Now is the time for you to pay the price! When you go to war, you should think about it."

Guan Xiong's soul was damaged, and he had been trying his best to support it just now, but now he really feels extremely tired, and he doesn't want to talk anymore.

"Elder of the Immortal Kingdom: Listen, either, commit suicide; or, let's do it. I'll give you ten breaths to think about it. No need to say any more!"

After all, Guan Xiong had already closed his eyes slightly, waiting for the result.

The time of ten breaths, in fact, is an instant.

Guan Xiong's attitude caused the temperature in Tianyu Square to drop to freezing point in an instant.The pupils of the ten elders of the Immortal Kingdom headed by Qin Yuyi shrank slightly.

Immortal realm, that is the pinnacle of a monk in the world of mortals.

Which immortality is not thousands of years of penance?Which undead state is not the leader among monks?All the undead realms in the Immortal Kingdom add up to nearly thirty statues.

Looking at the entire Chaos God Continent, it is also a top-level existence.

The Immortal Kingdom, which has stood in the middle of the Chaos God Continent for millions of years, naturally has its pride.

Peace is the most important thing, and peace is the most important thing!
However, that doesn't mean that there is no bottom line, waiting to be killed and being slaughtered.It is simply impossible for the ten elders of the Immortal Kingdom to commit suicide at the same time.

Qin Yuyi's eyes were instantly blood red.

"Guan Xiong is forcing Immortal Kingdom! Force us to fight to the death."

Qin Yuyi glanced around.

The nine elders all understood each other's eyes; the heads of the four counties and their main subordinates also showed determination; the head of Tianyun Palace frowned slightly, revealing murderous intentions.

The immortal country would rather destroy the country than let the elders commit suicide.If you choose the country of living like that, the country of immortality will be destroyed long ago!
I would rather die in battle than live!
No words, no discussions.The breath of all the monks of the immortal country is quietly changing.At this moment, they did not pin their hopes on the messengers or help from the No Corpse Sect.

Fight to the death!Nothing but death in battle, so what?

At that moment, Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and he couldn't help feeling a wave of respect in his heart.The Immortal Kingdom does have merit.However, such a country is even more terrifying.

Because they will do whatever it takes to get what they want.

This time, they are facing Beihan City, which is why they will become tragic; and if they are facing a weak country or sect, then they will definitely become cruel.

In the eyes of the Immortal Kingdom, there is only oneself.


In the entire Tianyu Square, Yaque was silent.

Only breath accompanied by cold wind.

At this time, the setting sun was about to fall, and the sky was like blood.The monks in the Immortal Kingdom gradually dispersed.In one breath, they had already surrounded the monks in Beihan City.

Five breaths!Four breaths!Three breaths! ...The few people in Beihan City, of course, didn't just sit and wait.

Su Mo stood coldly on the outermost edge.

Bai Yuesheng, Gongyangqing, Gongyangkang, and Fu Lao stood in four directions: southeast, northwest.The four of them protected Guan Xiong, who was pale, and Chen Jianfeng, who was unconscious.

They looked very calm.

Guan Xiong never opened his eyes.

At that moment, that fat man felt a bit of planning.However, it's not that he is good, but Miss Miao has arranged everything.

During ten breaths, Guan Xiong naturally knew all the arrangements.

Three breaths!two breaths...

The monks on both sides are monks among monks, and no one will really wait until the last moment.The choice of the Immortal Kingdom is to kill the fish and break the net, killing one counts as one.


No orders, no binge drinking.

The tacit understanding at that moment was unparalleled.


In the Tianyu Hall, a Burial God burst out suddenly.The entire Tianyu Hall resounded, and two rays of mysterious light shot straight into the sky.

In the evening light, it illuminates the entire Undead City.

At that moment, the entire Immortal Land could see those two beams of light.

Burying God Patriarch!

All the monks in the Immortal Kingdom all had a bright light in their hearts.

The coercion of the burial god covers everything.

And one of the burial god coercion did not spread completely, but rose into the sky and then poured down.At that moment, it was the water of the Yellow River swooping in; at that moment, it was like the Milky Way and the sea of ​​stars, falling straight down in nine days.

Like a long sword, like a giant axe!
Ka Ka Ka— Ka Ka Ka——

The void is filled with the sound of breaking.All the monks felt a huge shock in their hearts and souls.The expressions of several monks in Beihan City also changed instantly.

Miss, why didn't you lock up the Burial God of the Immortal Kingdom and let him take action?
That is a monk who practiced the second stage of immortality.

And the target of the killing of the buried god was Su Mo, and only Su Mo.It was a beheading attack.Su Mo's eyes froze for an instant, and the murderous intent shook his heart and soul.

That murderous intent, familiar yet unfamiliar, seemed to come from the galaxy world.

One thought of life and death, there is no turning back.

The murderous aura on Su Mo's body also skyrocketed in vain, and his eyes turned as black as ink in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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