A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 390: Tongyou Town!Ziqiong Pavilion! 9 Others

Chapter 390: Tongyou Town!Ziqiong Pavilion!people outside Jiuyou
In an instant, Su Mo arrived at the entrance of the small town.

That small town is not big, but it is very lively and prosperous.

The void here also does not see sunlight, but it is slightly diffused.In the void, there seemed to be many inexplicable shiny substances.In fact, after passing the Jiuyou City Gate, Su Mo found that the sky here was different from the outside world.

It's not dark here.

High above the sky, there are still clouds that seem to flow, but the clouds are silvery white.

Su Mo thought to himself: Could it be that this is the clearest water in the Kulun Sea?But shouldn't all sea bottoms be dark?
In short, this Nine Serenity World is very miraculous and cannot be understood with common sense.

At the entrance of the town, there is an archway, with three ancient seal characters written on it - Tongyou Town.

"Tongyou Town? Is the winding path leading to seclusion?" Su Mo smiled inwardly: "The first town in Jiuyou City is named Tongyou, which is very appropriate."

In Tongyou Town, a long street.

On both sides of the long street, there are many shops and stalls.There are also many monks coming and going.Except for children, there seemed to be no mortals in this small town, and the most common ones were foundation-building monks.

It should be said that this is a fairy town.

Su Mo observed carefully and found that the monks' costumes here were quite simple, unlike other places in the Pure Land World.

Su Mo secretly used spells to quietly change his green robe into the clothing style of the monks in the town.At the same time, Su Mo also noticed that the architectural style of this town is different from other places in Pure Land World.


Su Mo still feels these two words about the architecture of Jiuyou World.

In short, Su Mo has a feeling that he seems to have returned to the relatively ancient period of the Pure Land World.He only knew and understood many things in this small town from ancient books or the inheritance of the wind wheel.

ancient, mysterious.

Su Mo stepped into Tongyou Town.

There are many stalls on both sides of the long street, and there are medicine pills, talismans, magic tools, etc., which can be said to be everything.

Su Mo walked slowly, carefully looking at the items on both sides.

There are so many things to see and do.

Then, he stopped in front of a stall selling pills.

"Soul Preservation Pill, sixty top-quality spirit stones!"

"Jiechen Pill, eighty top grade spirit stones!"

"Mie Shen Pill, eighty top grade spirit stones!"

"Purple Soul Pill, one hundred top grade spirit stones!"

"Immortal Burial God Powder, 150 top-grade spirit stones!"


When Su Mo glanced at those prices for the first time, he thought he was wrong.Juechen Pill and Mie Shen Pill, these two kinds of pills Su Mo just refined a few pills not long ago.

That was the top pill in the Immortal Realm, and it was quite precious to Su Mo.

But here, only eighty top-grade spirit stones are bought?

This is the absolute price of cabbage.

Not to mention the undead-level pills, on the Luanshen Continent, even the Shenjie-level pills cost more than this price; and on the Baigu Continent, the soul-changing-level pills are probably priceless, let alone undead-level pills. Grade pill.

Su Mo secretly took a breath of air. It seemed that he hadn't traveled enough and his vision wasn't broad enough.Judging from the price of the elixir, this Nine Nether World is simply a monk's paradise.

For Su Mo, the top-grade spirit stones measured in hundreds are just a drop in the bucket.

So, Su Mo's heart moved slightly.

The person who sold the elixir was just a young monk at the Nascent Soul level. When he saw Su Mo standing in front of his booth, he knew that the buyer was coming. Qiongge's elixir is definitely high quality and cheap, and it's worth the money."

"However, we only accept top-grade spirit stones. Others cannot be exchanged!" The Nascent Soul cultivator added.

Su Mo smiled faintly, the most important thing he lacked was the top grade spirit stone.

In the southern region of the Chaos God Continent, Su Mo has mines.However, he didn't say what pills he wanted to buy, but instead scanned the booth for pills.

There are no less than dozens of types of elixirs on this booth, among which there are more than ten kinds of immortality and above.

Su Mo thought to himself: Ziqiong Pavilion, could it be a sect that specializes in refining elixir.Otherwise, how could such a small stall have such a scale?
Of course, Su Mo couldn't buy all these dozens of pills.

Although he definitely has such financial resources, Su Mo still understands the reason for not revealing his wealth.

What's more, since he just entered the Nine Nether World, he doesn't understand everything, let alone purchase a large amount of pills rashly.

Purple Soul Pill and Immortal Burial God Powder are both pills of the Burial God level.

Su Mo didn't have any pills of this level.These two kinds of elixirs can help monks who have just been promoted to the Burial God level to quickly stabilize their realm and create an immortal foundation.

Although they are all primary pills in the Burial God Realm, they are still out of reach for the current Su Mo.

Without pills, Su Mokong has the Cauldron of Hidden Souls and the Valley of Flowers in Dongfu.

Therefore, Su Mo's eyes paused slightly on the two pills.

The Nascent Soul cultivator's ability to perceive words and emotions is by no means ordinary, and he immediately smiled and said, "Purple Soul Pill and Immortal Burial God Powder are specially made by Ziqiong Pavilion. Even if you don't need it, you can give it to the elders in the clan or clan Do your best!"

Su Mo is only a soul-transforming class at this time, and theoretically he doesn't need those pills at all.Therefore, the Nascent Soul cultivator thought that Su Mo would give it to a higher-ranking cultivator.

Sending pills is very popular in the Nine Nether World.

"Hehe!" Su Mo nodded and smiled, "There are indeed elders in my clan who might use it. But, do you have any quality assurance for your elixir?"

"Senior, don't worry!" Cultivator Nascent Soul patted his chest and said, "It is produced by Ziqiong Pavilion, it is absolutely good medicine. All of our elixirs come from Jiuyou Beiming. It is the number one deep-sea hunting ground in our Jiuyou Realm, and our Ziqiong Qiongge has its own exclusive area. Many deep-sea animals can be hunted and killed. Therefore, Ziqiong elixir is well-known in Jiuyou and guaranteed by the whole world. You must have heard of it. In the future, if something goes wrong, you Any Ziqiong branch in Youjie can apply for compensation!"

The Nascent Soul cultivator was eloquent.

Ziqiong elixir, famous in the world!
It's a pity that Su Mo just came here, so I really haven't heard of it.What else is Jiuyou Beiming? It sounds like it should be a very famous place in the Jiuyou world.

Global joint insurance, apply for compensation!
Su Mo couldn't remember when or where he seemed to have heard these words.However, he didn't ask much.Anyway, hundreds of top-grade spirit stones don't matter to Su Mo at all.

So, Su Mo didn't say anything more, and said directly: "One piece of Purple Soul Pill, one pack of Immortal Burying God Powder!"

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, Cultivator Yuan Ying hurriedly took an ordinary pill storage box and packed the pills.

Su Mo flicked his hand and handed out a storage bag.There are exactly 250 top-grade spirit stones in it.

Pay in one hand and deliver in one hand.

Su Mo took the elixir, swept away his consciousness, and there was no problem.The Nascent Soul cultivator took over the storage bag and scanned it with his spiritual sense, and the number was correct, but there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Because, the storage bag is definitely not Jiuyou's best spirit stone!
The Nine Serenity World does not produce this kind of spirit stone at all.People outside Jiuyou?What is the origin of this Tsing Yi soul-transforming cultivator?Cultivator Yuan Ying of Ziqiong Pavilion had doubts in his mind.

The young man in white on the restaurant not far away kept smiling and watching everything.

(End of this chapter)

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