A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 399 Monument! 9 You are the reflection of the sky?

Chapter 399 Monument!Is Jiuyou the reflection of the sky?


Su Mo and Li Beihan clinked glasses and drank them all in one gulp.Although this Beigan Yizui wine is not sea soul wine, it has a special taste.

"The wine is good!" Li Beihan praised.

"Oh? Hehe!" Su Mo laughed, "How does this wine compare to the Haihunniang in Tongyou Town?"

"Each has its own merits!" Li Beihan put down his wine glass, then picked up the jug and filled another glass for Su Mo and himself.

"You drink very well!" Su Mo said.

"Actually, it's not that I drink well, but that I have a special constitution. The so-called sea dragon soul blood poison has no effect on me." Li Beihan explained.

Li Beihan didn't say how special his physique was, and Su Mo didn't ask further.After all, physical fitness is a monk's secret.

"Brother Li, how do you know that someone must have intercepted and killed me on the way I came?" Su Mo changed the subject.

"Hehe!" Li Beihan smiled, "Brother Su, Jiuyou is a special existence in the Pure Land World. Looking at the entire Jiuyou World, there is not a single white top-quality spirit stone mine. The top-quality spirit stones in the Jiuyou World are all is black."

As he said that, Li Beihan flipped one hand, and a black spirit stone appeared in his hand, and its brilliance flowed.That is the best spirit stone of Nine Serenity World.

Su Mo looked at the top-quality spirit stone, and said with a faint smile, "So, the white top-quality spirit stone must come from outside the Nine Netherworld, and monks who own the top-quality white spirit stone will be considered traitors to the Nine Netherworld."

"That's right!" Li Beihan nodded and said, "That day, the Nascent Soul in Ziqiong Pavilion spread the news about you. Whether it's the top-grade spirit stone on your body or your status as a rebellious monk, it will definitely attract attention. Come and kill."

"But, wouldn't there be monks other than Jiuyou here?" Su Mo was puzzled.Isn't it absurd to judge everything based on a few spirit stones?

"Except for traitors, Jiuyou monks will never trade other top-grade spirit stones. At the same time, monks on the Pure Land Continent cannot enter the Jiuyou inland at all."

"What do you mean?" Su Mo asked.

"The Nine Serenity World can basically be divided into two parts, the inland and the Earth Sea. You came from the Black Valley, which is actually one of the passages through which you can climb out of the Nine Serenities World. However, that passage is irreversible. You can go out, but you cannot enter. " Having said that, Li Beihan looked at Su Mo and smiled, "I don't know how you got in, Brother Su, but theoretically you shouldn't appear in Heigu."

"Oh? Hehe!" Su Mo smiled and said nothing.

Li Beihan didn't ask any more questions, and continued, "Come out of Heigu, you should have seen a boundary marker."

"The Realm of the Netherworld?" Su Mo said.

"So, Heigu can be regarded as a gateway to the Nine Nether Worlds." Li Beihan said, "Out of Heigu, you can walk along the small road. When you get on the main road, you can choose two directions."

"One direction is leading to the Qiangong Department, and the other direction is leading to the Kulundi Sea. You chose the direction of the Qiangong Department. Therefore, within a hundred miles, you should see a towering stone tablet." The corner of Beihan's mouth curved.

Su Mo raised his glass to invite wine, and the two drank it down again.

"That's right! There are big red and white characters on both sides of the [-]-foot stele." Su Mo nodded, "If you enter my Nine Netherworld, you can't turn back; the original sin is immortal!"

"Gods, ghosts, and fairies; the sin is unforgivable, and you will be right!" Su Mo said one thing, and Li Beihan said the other.

"What kind of stele is that?" Su Mo asked.

"Hehe, that should be regarded as the obsession monument of the founder of Jiuyou!" Li Beihan laughed, "There are four similar steles in the world of Jiuyou, and they are located at the four corners, corresponding to Qian, Gen, Xun, and Kun. The Four Palaces Department also corresponds to the four gates of the Nine Nether Inland.”

"The gate tower of 'Jiuyou' that I passed by when I came here is one of the four gates." Su Mo said.

"En!" Li Beihan nodded, "That gate is also called the Gate of Life and Death."

"The Gate of Life and Death?" Su Mo frowned slightly.

"That's right! The Gate of Life and Death." Li Beihan looked at Su Mo meaningfully and said, "You are considered a traitor to the Nine Serenities, and being able to pass through that gate is also the key!"

"Huh?" Su Mo was a little puzzled.

"Don't underestimate that door." Li Beihan said with a smile, "When you came in, there was no difference. It doesn't mean that anyone can come in through that door. The bones under that door can be piled up like a mountain."

"The bones are piled up like a mountain?" Su Mo frowned.When he entered the city gate, he didn't see any bones at all, let alone piled up like a mountain.

"Hehe!" Li Beihan said, "You didn't see it!"

"I didn't see it!" Su Mo shook his head.

"It's right if you didn't see it." Li Beihan nodded and smiled, "Because I didn't see it either! Ha!"

"Eh?" Su Mo raised his wine glass and stopped in the air. He really wanted to wipe out Li Beihan's smile all at once.I didn't see it, what are you talking nonsense about.

"Brother Su, I'm just kidding. But, I'm not talking nonsense. It's just that it's a long story. In fact, it's all old things, and those bones have long been turned into the shady scenes of the Nine Nether World. The shady, that is The infinitely extended black light you have seen before. It is a special kind of barrier."

"Whose bones are those?" Su Mo asked solemnly.

"The bones of all the monks who wanted to enter the Nine Nethers but couldn't." Li Beihan sighed, "Now, anyone who can freely pass through the Nine Nethers Gate of Life and Death should be said to be from the Nine Nethers World. Unless—— "

"Unless, people like you and me?" Su Mo said.

"You and I are different!" Li Beihan took a sip of wine, "You will know my identity in the future. I can come in because of external things. But, brother Su, the reason why you can pass through the Nine Nether Life and Death Gate is because It’s because you have experienced life and death!”

"People who have experienced life and death?" Su Mo raised his eyebrows.

"The life and death mentioned here is not a metaphor, but a person who has died and reincarnated again!" Li Beihan looked at Su Mo and said solemnly, "Besides, you can enter Jiuyou. You must be a reincarnation of the Three Realms !"

"Reincarnation of the Three Realms!" Su Mo's expression remained unchanged.Because, on this point, he has already acquiesced in his heart, but he doesn't know who he is.

Su Mo understood that he must have lost his most important memory.

"Who are you?" Su Mo looked away from Beihan.

The boy in white in front of him seemed to know a lot.

"Brother Su, you will definitely know who I am in the future. It's just that it's inconvenient for me to tell you more now. However, I am not a reincarnation, but I have a deep connection with the Three Realms." Li Beihan said.

"The Nine Nether Worlds are related to the Three Realms?" Su Mo said.

"It must be related!" Li Beihan said firmly, "This is also the purpose of my coming to Nine Nether World. I'm going to Nine Nether City to find something."

"Are you going to Nine Nether City?"

"Yes! It's just that I'm not in a hurry." Li Beihan poured wine for himself and Su Mo, "I have a lot of time, and I'm still waiting for something to happen."

"What's the matter?" Su Mo asked.

"Brother Su, have you heard a saying?" Li Beihan didn't directly answer Su Mo's question.

"That statement?"

"In the center of the pure land, there is heaven above, and Jiuyou below. They are bounded by the sea of ​​bitter wheels, and they are two hundred and eight thousand feet apart from each other. The sea of ​​bitter wheels is like a mirror. Therefore, some people say that Jiuyou is heaven. reflections! They are a virtual existence and a solid existence." Li Beihan frowned.

Obviously, he is also very confused about this statement.

Is Jiuyou the reflection of the sky?

These words shocked Su Mo's heart.Because, he suddenly remembered that he was going to return to Tianfu City from the hidden soul altar cave, but he actually stepped into Jiuyou Black Valley in one step.

Could it be because of this! ?

(End of this chapter)

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