A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 428 Three Worlds of Muyun!Blue Demon, in a corner of 3 Zang

Chapter 428 Three Realms Muyun!Blue Demon, in a corner of Yizang
"Luanshen Continent, Siyun Villa? I've never heard of that place." Ye Cansheng frowned, then shook his head, "But—"

"But what?" Su Mo asked.

"My family used to be in Muyun Villa. Asura Demon Continent, Three Realms Muyun!" Ye Cansheng's eyes flickered with light.

Muyun Villa, Muyun in the Three Realms.Back then, it was indeed something to be proud of.

"Three Realm Muyun?" The corner of Su Mo's mouth curled up, and then with a wave of one hand, a picture appeared in the void instantly.It was a memory projection of Su Mo.

The purple mountains are continuous, and the purple air is dense.A mountain villa with extraordinary momentum.

Among the mountains, there is mist.

There are many purple mountains, guarding the surroundings, which makes the villa noble and extraordinary.The most eye-catching thing is that above the ancient temples, there are a few frozen purple clouds.

Those purple clouds seem to be a little special.

They condense but do not disperse, and together form four big characters like ancient seals——Three Realms Muyun.

Su Mo knew in his heart that this should be the Muyun Villa that Ye Cansheng was talking about.However, he didn't know why Ye Wuhui told himself it was Siyun Villa.

Sure enough, when Ye Cansheng saw the scene in the void, his face changed suddenly.

Muyun Villa?However, that is impossible.Back then, he returned to the star field of Shura Mozhou cloud.But the entire Muyun Villa has fallen into the abyss and ceased to exist.

"Brother Su, is this villa the Siyun Villa in the Chaos God Continent you mentioned?" Ye Cansheng asked.

"That's right! It's in the deep mountains of Xiliang in the Immortal Country of Chaos God Continent." Su Mo said.

"Is there anyone else in it?" Ye Cansheng tried to calm himself down.Because, he was wondering if it might also be a fragment of the Three Realms.

After the Great Shattering of the Three Realms, can everything be reassembled?Ye family, is there anyone alive?

"No!" Su Mo shook his head, "But—"

"But what?" This time, it was changed to Ye Cansheng's questioning.

"There are many puppets in that villa. They are all extremely advanced existences, not only able to speak, but also have a very high sense of autonomy!" Su Mo replied.

At the same time, he waved his hand again, throwing his part of the memory picture into the void.

That is the gate of the villa.

A young man in black and a mother-in-law in green stood at the front.Behind them are the black and white guards and many other monks.

"Brother, Patriarch?" Ye Cansheng frowned instantly.

He naturally knew Ye Xingmu and Qingye Granny.The Black Guards, Swift Eight Guards and other clansman Ye Cansheng behind them also remembered them.

"Brother Su, are they all in that villa?"

"Yes!" Su Mo nodded, "But, they are all puppets, none of them are real monks."

Ye Cansheng's face was serious, his hands holding Mo Luo's Star Chasing Whip turned slightly pale.

"Brother Su, how do you know about the so-called Siyun Villa?"

"A friend, let me go inside to get something! I got lucky." Su Mo looked at Ye Cansheng and said, "That friend is a female cultivator. Her surname is also Ye, and her name is Ye Wuhui! Unfortunately, I don't know where she is now. She said it was her home!"

"Female cultivator? Ye Wuhui! His home?" Ye Cansheng frowned, controlling his emotions.However, in his memory, in Muyun Villa, there is no female cultivator named Ye Wuhui at all.

"Brother Ye, if you can leave Jiuyou, I can take you to Siyun Villa to see what's going on." Su Mo said, "That villa is very special. The black and white transformation is quite different."

"It's a deal!" Ye Cansheng said in a deep voice, "I will definitely get out of Jiuyou!"

Yu Wuji did not speak at the side, but listened quietly.Su Mo's soulless puppet shocked her quite a bit.

"Brother Su, are you a child?" Yu Wuji asked suddenly.

"Chizi?" Su Mo shook his head and smiled wryly. He already had some memories about Chizi in his memory, "Ziyou Chizi, I am not!"

Yu Wuji nodded and didn't ask any more questions.The soulless and Taoist people in the Three Realms are controlled by Chizi Yueshuai Yunxuan.However, Su Mo denied that he was a child.

"Master Fish, don't worry!" Su Mo looked at Yu Wuji and smiled, "No matter who I am, we are all in the same robes of the Three Realms! If there are old grudges, let's go back to the Three Realms and settle the matter. Unfortunately, I don't remember many things .”

"Oh?" Yu Wuji seemed to be slightly taken aback, and then smiled immediately, "Brother Su, that's right! Don't ask about the past life, only ask about the Three Realms. The galaxy is gone, and we are all wanderers."

Su Mo called out to be the master of the fish palace, which naturally revealed her identity.

At this time, Ye Cansheng finally confirmed Yu Wuji's identity, he hurriedly bowed and saluted, and said very solemnly: "Ye Xingbai, I have met Yu Palace Master!"

"Hehe!" Yu Wuji shook his head, then took off his veil, revealed his beautiful face, and sighed, "Master Ye, you are welcome. Actually, I would like to ask other people in Potianxuan Pavilion Is it still possible?"

Ye Cansheng helplessly shook his head.

"The destruction of the Three Realms, according to the theory of the Yizang world. Only the mirror of reincarnation, that is, the monks of the eternal realm, can reincarnate. In the past, there were many killing immortals in the Poxuantian Pavilion, except for me who reached the eternal realm because of my family background. Only Shenlong Gan Tianqing ranks in the Eternal Realm. I am afraid that everyone else will not be able to reincarnate."

"Broken Heaven Pavilion, Shenlong is the number one!" Yu Wuji smiled lightly, "Back then, Qingmo said that Shenlong and Mogui are all dragons and phoenixes among men, but the master of Mogui Pavilion is calm and low-key, and Gan Tianqing's ancient blood is half human and half dragon. The style of acting is somewhat similar to him. The green devil has always admired you."

"Nine Transformations of the Divine Dragon!" Ye Cansheng sighed, "I believe that the Divine Dragon must be reincarnated. However, I don't know where he is. Yizang's world should be very big."

"That's right! How difficult is it to meet the vast Yizang?" Yu Wuji felt something in his heart, "I've been looking for the green demon. Unfortunately, there is no trace!"

"The master of the Green Demon Pavilion, the clouds are calm and the wind is light. He is fixed in a corner of Yizang!"

"Hehe!" Su Mo listened to the two reminiscences, and felt a little touched in his heart, "Heaven has reincarnation, so it gives us a chance! Let's go out of the valley first! If everything goes well, I can try to help you get out of Jiuyou!"


Ye Cansheng and Yu Wuji nodded.

After the first battle just now, the relationship between the three people is one step closer.Now, apart from Su Mo's identity, the identities of Ye Cansheng and Yu Wuji have been clarified.

Companion of the Three Realms!

This world is like that sometimes.Who would have thought that Xiao Luo, the devil, would fight side by side with Ye Xingbai and Yu Qiumu one day.

Su Mo remembered that he had tried to use Yu Qiumu to balance Qing Mozi many times in the Three Realms.

Now, Su Mo most wants to restore all his memories.Then everything will be clearer.But Ye Cansheng and Yu Wuji wanted to get out of Jiuyou and find what they wanted in their hearts.

Three people have their own ideas, but the same goal.

So they followed the valley to the mountain pass on the other side.

Ten miles later, the eyes suddenly opened up.

Outside the valley, a large lake appeared in front of them, with vast expanses of blue waves, as horizontal as a mirror.And around the great lake, there are actually eight valley entrances, and in front of each valley entrance, there are monks of Jiuyou sitting cross-legged.

Undead Dzogchen!

The Jiuyou cultivators here are all washed away by the big waves, and they came here after a narrow escape.

(End of this chapter)

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