A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 481 The truth!They are all mortals

Chapter 481 The truth!They are all mortals
The Nine Serenity Secret Realm and the Floating Sky City are both existences that control the Nine Serenity World.

What Linghusheng said made Ye Cansheng, Yu Wuji, Zhao Xiu, and Li Ziliang look at each other in amazement.After all, they are all Jiuyou monks.

"All the Nine Nether Secret Realms are actually Shura fields for selecting sacrificers, or puppets!" Linghusheng said helplessly, "It's a pity, but that makes the entire Nine Nether monks crave for it."

"What's going on in the Nine Nether Secret Realm? Why, you didn't tell them the truth." This time it was Ye Cansheng who asked the question.He has entered the Nine Serenity Secret Realm twice.The second time, if it wasn't for Su Mo, he might suffer as well.

"The truth? Haha!" Linghusheng smiled wryly, "Who would believe the truth? The secret realm did bring them the possibility of promotion. Moreover, every monk who had no choice seemed to have been implanted with memory. All the monks who came back , all secret realms are treasures!"

"Actually, in the early days of the Nine Nether World, there was no secret realm, no city of the underworld, and no division into nine divisions. However, with the development and growth of the Nine Nethers, the nine divisions gradually formed. The descendants of the five major families established the city of the underworld. Since then, this place has become the center of Jiuyou."

"Of course, there are other descendants of the Three Realms, scattered in various parts of the Nine Nethers. However, as time goes by, time is merciless. Except for the ancestors of the five major families who passed on the past of Galaxy, the other descendants of the Three Realms gradually forgot who they are. In other words, they don't even know that they are descendants of the Three Realms."

"I'm also a descendant of the Three Realms? Where is the Three Realms?" Li Ziliang looked at Linghusheng blankly.

"Haha! Look." Linghu Sheng smiled helplessly and sadly, "Ninety-nine out of ten monks in the Nine Nethers have the blood of the Three Realms Galaxy. But you don't know it yourself. Besides, are you puppets? , I'm afraid I don't even know it. This is the current situation of cultivators of Jiuyou!
"I'm not a puppet!" Li Ziliang said.

Several other people frowned and listened, but did not speak immediately.

"The sacrifice contract has also changed in the course of millions of years of execution. Perhaps, the gods no longer need too many sacrificers. Therefore, except for the city of the underworld, the other parts only rely on secret realms to select sacrifices. Those in the underworld, those who choose sacrifices among the monks above the Immortal Realm Dzogchen."

"What about below the Immortal Realm Dzogchen?" Su Mo asked.

"Let them live and die, they are worthless existences in the eyes of gods!" Linghu Sheng said.

"Doesn't that mean that only the children of the five major families in the Underworld, or monks related to their sects, will be selected as sacrificers?" Li Ziliang said, "Ordinary monks, on the contrary, are fine."

"That's the reason!" Linghusheng nodded, "Our five great families have no virtue and incompetence, and we are the ones who trapped you in Jiuyou. Therefore, we can only use this method to keep the peace of the descendants of the Three Realms. How sad it is ?”

"Today, there are actually sacrificers all over the five major families! They—" Linghu Sheng paused again, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, and then he was overwhelmed by a kind of determination.

"In the end, they are all killable people!"

At that moment, the white-clothed Linghu He Huan, who had been sitting upright, seemed to sigh slightly.

But at this moment, the ones who were most shocked were actually Zhao Xiu and Li Ziliang.Although Zhao Xiu is a reincarnation, he is also a pure underworld monk.

For many years, the monks in the Underworld thought that the five major families controlled everything, and even many monks were already dissatisfied.Including, Zhao Xiu and Li Ziliang have always harbored resentment towards the five major families.

Unexpectedly, I only found out the truth today!

For many years, it was actually the five major families who silently carried all the suffering, and gave peace and worry-free to the ordinary cultivators of the Underworld.

At that moment, Zhao Xiu and Li Ziliang felt reverence in their hearts; Su Mo, Ye Cansheng, and Yu Wuji also let out a long sigh in their hearts.

The truth of this world is often like this.

Ridiculous, deplorable, sad!
"This may be our fate!" Linghu Sheng said slowly, "However, we can completely atone for our sins in this way!"

"Atonement?" Su Mo shook his head, "Senior, in fact, no matter which generation of patriarchs made the decision, why are you guilty? You have tried your best to do everything well. Because the enemy you are facing is too powerful .That is not an existence that you can contend with."

"This Jiuyou is simply a prison! Those who know the truth will suffer the most!" Su Mo said in a deep voice.

"That's right! Jiuyou is a prison." Linghusheng nodded, "As time goes by, in fact, not everyone in the five major families has no complaints. Therefore, in today's Jiuyou world, there is a so-called line of innocence .They have always wanted to get out of Jiuyou!"

"Going out of Jiuyou, there is nothing wrong! Why not? Have you been here all this time?" Ye Cansheng said.Yu Wuji beside him also nodded.

In fact, they are all steadfast innocence.

"Hehe!" Linghu Sheng shook his head, "It's certainly right to get out of Jiuyou. In fact, the so-called original sin lineage is also looking forward to getting out of Jiuyou day and night; it's just that we are more calm and restrained."

"The power of Tianfu City is far beyond your imagination! In fact, there is no need for monks from Tianfu to descend in Jiuyou. The sacrificers can suppress everything!"

"If we don't have an absolutely powerful force and act recklessly, we can only let Jiuyou be destroyed. The so-called innocence lineage, in the eyes of us old guys, is simply nonsense!"

"It's not that I'm pessimistic! It's just that we don't have the strength to fight against Tianfu, let alone the God of Pure Land!" Linghu Sheng said.

Ye Cansheng and Yu Wuji wanted to say something more.

However, Su Mo nodded seriously.

"Senior Linghu is right! I have seen the strength of Tianfu City with my own eyes. God Burying cultivators may not even be enough to guard the gate in Tianfu City."

"Huh? Really?" Yu Wuji asked.

"Hehe! Of course it is true!" Su Mo smiled helplessly, "Actually, I have entered Tianfu City once. However, I only saw the tip of the iceberg."

"What's the state of the monks inside?" Ye Cansheng asked hastily.

"Boundary?" Su Mo shook his head, "Currently, that is an existence that we can reach. The people I met, it is said that Tianfu City is just her palace. And she is the Immortal Realm!"

Everyone gasped.

The second stage of Immortal Realm of Pure Land World Practice: Burying the God, Breaking the Realm, Destroying the Sea, Immortal for a lifetime.

Immortality for one lifetime is the pinnacle of immortality!

After breaking through the immortality of one life, after five declines, one can reach the realm of reincarnation.At present, immortality for one life is like looking at nine days in the world for them, and it is impossible to achieve it at all.

"Liangzi, from this point of view, our days in the Illusory Sect are actually the days of gods! Ha—" Zhao Xiu patted Li Ziliang on the shoulder and laughed at himself.

Everything today had the greatest impact on Li Ziliang.

He didn't speak in a daze.

"Ha!" The atmosphere was gloomy, but Linghusheng laughed, "However, you don't need to despair. Our five major families and our former ancestors did not sit still and just survive! What I want to say next is the key point."

"Several reincarnators, stay safe and don't be impatient!" A ray of bright light shone from Linghusheng's eyes.

In reincarnation, there is always hope!

(End of this chapter)

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