A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 485 Eternal Life!Yin and Yang 2 Orders, Split Inheritance

Chapter 485 Eternal Life!Yin and yang order, split inheritance
Gather the ancient orders, summon the power, and wake her up?

Su Mo and the others stared blankly at the white-clothed Linghu He Huan, Mo Wenqing, Bai Wangchen and the others.What these words mean is their common question.

Mo Wenqing looked at Linghu Sheng and said with a smile, "Just now, didn't you tell them?"

"I haven't finished yet!" Linghu Sheng said.

"Hehe!" Mo Wenqing smiled, "Then you go on! Immortal beauty is our biggest secret in Jiuyou."

"Okay!" Linghu nodded, and then he looked at Su Mo and the others and said, "On the No.16 floor just now, I haven't finished the story about the city of the underworld! Let's continue."

"All ears!" Su Mo laughed.

"The sacrifice contract of the God of Pure Land is only for controlling the descendants of the Three Realms. There is no doubt about it. However, the ancestors at that time still reserved some means." Linghusheng had a smile on his face, "So, I Said we are not sitting still."

"The ancestors secretly concentrated their strength and created seven ancient orders of the Nine Serenities! Each of the ancient orders contained the most powerful power in the city of the underworld. Because, the ancestors of that generation divided the most powerful The powerful soul and power are all sealed inside. This power can resist the power of washing the soul. All those who hold the ancient order of the Nine Serenities are monks who can be trusted."

"At the same time, they passed down the formula. In the entire Jiuyou, only the two guardians and the city lord can open the seal."

"The five major families control the tokens; the Dharma Guardians and the City Lords have the magic formula!" Su Mo said, "This is a technique of checking and balancing each other just in case."

"That's right!" Linghu Sheng said, "Because at that time, the ancestors didn't dare to predict the future. No one can tell the direction of Jiuyou."

"Then there are a total of seven tokens, how will the five major families distribute them?" Su Mo asked.

"Hehe, this is indeed a problem! In fact, it is also a key point!" Linghu smiled, "At the beginning, a total of seven ancient orders were forged. Each of the five major families has one. They are based on gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The five elements are named. The remaining two are named Yinyang Erling."

"Back then, the patriarchs selected the two most powerful monks outside the five major families as the guardians of the Yin-Yang Order. Moreover, they were passed on from generation to generation outside the five major families."

"Nine Nether Ancient Tokens can actually absorb spirits. The guardians of each generation of Ancient Tokens will seal their soul power in the ancient Tokens when they are dying, and then pass them on to the next Patriarch. Therefore, in the Five Elements Ancient Tokens His bloodline attributes are extremely pure."

"The bloodline attribute in the Yin-Yang Ancient Order is a fusion of hundreds of schools. The bloodlines of each generation of its inheritors are different."

"Is the Yin-Yang ancient decree in my hand?" Su Mo asked.

"That's right! What you have in your hand is the Yin Token." Linghu Sheng said, "Actually, you will find that its color is darker. It is the result of the fusion of different bloodlines."

"Oh?" Su Mo took out his ancient order and looked at it carefully.Compared with Linghusheng's token just now, the color is indeed different.

"Senior, where is the Yang Order?"

"Hehe! The Yin order came from Linghu He Huan, and the Yang order is also in the hands of Linghu He Huan." Linghu Sheng gestured to Linghu He Huan in white.

Look again, He Huan, the white-clothed fox, stretched out one hand, and a token that was exactly the same as Su Mo appeared in his hand.

"Nine Youyang Order!" White-clothed Linghu He Huan smiled faintly.

Su Mo was taken aback.

He really couldn't figure out everything in front of him.Ye Cansheng and the others were completely clueless.

"Hehe!" Linghu smiled, "Everyone, listen to me. The ancient decrees of the five elements of the five major families have been passed down from generation to generation, and they have been forbearing, so there has not been any change. The five ancient decrees are all under our control. among."

"However, there have been some twists and turns in the other two Ancient Yin-Yang Tokens. In the first ten thousand years, the holders of the Ancient Yin-Yang Tokens have kept in touch with Mingcheng."

"However, I don't know in which generation there was a problem. First, the holders of the Yang Token had no news for tens of thousands of years; later, the holders of the Yin Token did not know whether they were dead or alive."

"We have sent a large number of monks to search the entire Jiuyou, and even the left and right guardians who used to go out in person, but there is no news."

Linghusheng sighed softly when he said this.

"At that time, everyone was in despair. The patriarchs of the Underworld even thought that the God of Pure Land had discovered the secret of the Jiuyou Ancient Order. However, just one million years ago, they suddenly turned around."

"A young monk came to the city of the underworld! He broke through the Palace of Bliss all the way, and came to the bottom of the city of the underworld just like you. But at that time, there were no so-called reincarnations of the three realms."

"But, that cultivator, he is holding a Yin-Yang double token!" Linghu Sheng's tone was tinged with surprise.Although, what he was talking about was the past.

It is indeed unimaginable to have both yin and yang orders in the hands of one person.

"Who is he?" Su Mo asked.

"Actually, we really don't know!" Linghu Sheng shook his head, and then he looked at the two guardians, Mo Wenqing and Bai Wangchen.Unfortunately, they also shook their heads helplessly.

"His real identity is actually still a mystery!" Linghu Sheng smiled at Linghu He Huan in white, "Because some people don't even know who they are!"

"Hehe!" The white-robed Linghu He Huan smiled wryly.

It seems that everything Linghusheng said has something to do with him.

"Now, what we know is that the young monk said that his surname is Mu. At that time, his cultivation was already in the realm of Miehai. This realm is definitely No. 1 in Nine Netherworld!" Linghu Sheng said.

"My surname is Mu?" Su Mo's heart skipped a beat.Back then, Linghu He Huan also told her about the surname Mu.

"Looking at the whole Jiuyou, even the Pure Land World, I'm afraid there is no sea-extinguishing monk! The people of Tianfu City, in fact, they should not belong to the Pure Land World." Linghu Sheng continued.

"He came with two ancient Tokens of the Nine Serenities, and his strength is invincible. So, after the old city lord became immortal, the young monk succeeded as the lord of the Nine Serenity City!"

"It is said that in the first 10 years, everything was normal!" Linghu Sheng smiled helplessly.However, what happened later became a little strange.

"Actually, the affairs of the Nine Nether City basically do not require the presence of Dharma protectors or city lords. It is common for them to retreat for a hundred years, or even a thousand years."

"However, that city lord was closed for ten thousand years! Moreover, something unbelievable happened to the city lord."

Linghusheng looked a little nervous.

Even, when he said all this, the faces of several masters around him were a little condensed.Mo Wenqing and Bai Wuchen also frowned slightly.

Because, this matter, even now they can't explain it clearly.

"What happened?" Su Mo asked curiously.


Linghusheng raised his brows, as if it took a lot of effort to say those two words.

"Split?" Su Mo, Ye Cansheng and others were taken aback, "What split?"

"After the city lord retreats, not long after, he will split into another self!" Linghu Sheng said slowly, "That is not an ordinary clone, but a kind of split. Because the first one will die soon. "

"Such a magical ability makes him almost immortal!"

 Father as a mountain!May all fathers in the world be healthy and happy!
(End of this chapter)

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