Chapter 534
Lunar and bright moon!

The silver light was like a dragon, splitting into three beams of brilliance in an instant, directly covering Chu Fei, Chu Yun, and Gu Xing.Their mutual positions changed again, and Gu Yue turned forward into that arrow.


At the same time, the water lines under their four feet retreated sharply.

They want to play.

However, it is easy to get in, but difficult to get out.They are already filled with the power of the ghost gate.The color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and clouds turmoiled.At this time, the surroundings of the tomb seemed to change the world.

Not to mention, the few of them in the formation, even the monks outside the formation felt dizzy and shaken.

The monks of the Xianmeng with low cultivation have already retreated to the outermost periphery.

Only God Burying monks can watch the battle.

But, look at that red-clothed Gu Yue's hand seal.The bright moon above her head suddenly became bigger.At that moment, it was like a silver bridge in the sky.

It is surrounded by tens of feet, a piece of light.

That scene was extremely shocking.

The black and red brilliance of the ghost gate has already appeared, but for a while, it can't do anything to it.

Burial God Dzogchen!
At this time, Gu Yue erupted with a powerful combat power that far surpassed the other three.Long hair flying around, red clothes like fire.Relying on her own strength, she actually protected the three of them, and they were as stable as Mount Tai in front of the ghost gate.

Such a scene almost made all the monks of the Xianmeng dumbfounded.

Even Yu Wuji raised his eyebrows.

There are such monks in the Sannan family, no wonder they can stand up to the Immortal League.

However, Su Mo sighed softly.

Because, he knew that although Gu Yue was powerful, she had already fallen into hell.The absolute gap in realm cannot be smoothed out by her power.

She can't last long.

Sure enough, a terrifying ghost cry suddenly came from the ghost gate.

Jie Jie Jie - Jie Jie -

No one could tell what kind of ghostly cry it was.However, that sound was ear-piercing, shaking the entire Star Soul Valley, soaring high above the nine heavens.

Today, cultivator Sannan can't make it out!

must die!
That ghost scream seemed to convey that kind of information.

Gu Yue's expression also changed.

The power of this tomb formation far exceeded their expectations.At this moment, they understood that this tomb was no longer within the reach of ancient Shu monks.

Here, it should be a taboo place.

Even if the boundary-breaking monks in the clan come, they will fall.

However, it was too late.

The power of the ghost gate is gradually compressing the space of the silver bridge.The silver light is dimming little by little.In just a moment, that bright moon will collapse.

None of them will survive.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Gu Yue's eyes.

Seeing her long skirt fluttering, she suddenly flew up.She has broken away from their previous common watermarks.

"Come on!"

Gu Yue yelled coquettishly, and at the same time she raised her hand, and finally sacrificed a magic weapon.Unfortunately, except for Su Mo, no one saw what it was.

I saw that a silver light broke through everything and rushed out of the formation.

At the same time, with a wave of Gu Yue's hand, with the silver light, Chu Fei and the others were already sent out of the formation.

"Junior Sister Gu!"

"Little sister—"

Chu Fei, Chu Yun, and Gu Xing shouted almost simultaneously.

However, the great wave of spiritual energy directly drowned their voices.Gu Yue saved them, but she herself was completely trapped in the formation.


The vision of the silver bridge above her head collapsed in an instant.

Jie Jie Jie - Jie Jie -

Accompanied by ghostly screams, black and red tide-like power rolled directly towards Gu Yue.The red dress was instantly submerged.Even the ancient Shu monks frowned.

A burial god, Dzogchen, fell like this.

When the rabbit dies and the fox is sad, who doesn't sigh?
However, among the people present, only Su Mo's pupils shrank slightly.

Because he can see what other monks can't see.

In the black and red tide, Gu Yue did not sit still.Although her vision has been shattered, she has even been seriously injured.

However, Gu Yue still has secret techniques!
In the black and red tide, Gu Yue formed a seal rapidly.

The power of Burial God Dzogchen burst out suddenly.In an instant, endless white light glowed on her red dress, and everyone felt the space around them freeze suddenly.

Then, the air in the entire Star Soul Valley seemed to freeze.

The temperature drops sharply!

The cooling speed is far beyond everyone's imagination.In an instant, the entire Star Soul Valley was like an ice valley.Especially in front of the ghost gate, a huge ice palace was formed.

Air conditioning is overflowing!

The power of the ghost gate was actually frozen by Gu Yue.

In the ice palace, the black and red brilliance flowed like water, but the flow was extremely slow.At the same time, Gu Yue was slowly withdrawing, but her actions were more difficult.

For a while, the ghost screaming stopped.

At the bottom of the Star Soul Valley, heavy snow had already fallen, and it even turned into ice in an instant when it fell on the ground.

That is a great art against the sky!

This move shocked all the monks of the Xianmeng.

Gu Yue, is he still alive?

At this time, a look of shock flashed in Yu Wuji's eyes, and she immediately looked at Su Mo.There was also a strange light in Su Mo's eyes.

Not because Gu Yue was still alive, but because of Gu Yue's spells.

Because, that is the magic of the Three Realms!

And within the Three Realms, there is only one person who can perform such a freezing technique.

click - click -

Gu Yue's skills are indeed powerful, but it's a pity that the techniques used are not human.Gu Yue's Taoism has not yet reached the pinnacle of perfection.

Her realm limits everything.

The ice palace began to crack.It simply cannot completely freeze the power of the ghost gate.

Everything, starts to loosen.


It exploded suddenly, the sky was filled with ice, and the stars fell like rain.


The red-clothed Gu Yue was directly rolled up tens of feet high by the power of the ghost gate, blood spurting like a rainbow.

She still can't reach the gate of hell.

This time, if she fell into the formation, she would definitely die.

Yu Wuji wanted to make a move, but he didn't have the ability.

However, Su Mo made a move.The moment Gu Yue's body was flying up and about to fall, Su Mo's body moved and turned into a black light, which had reached the void.

With a wave of one hand, he wrapped Gu Yue's body with a strong force, and then quickly moved back.

Su Mo fell gently out of the formation, completely unharmed.

At that moment, everyone hadn't recovered yet.


After being rescued by Su Mo, Gu Yue spat out two mouthfuls of blood.The whole person was crumbling, and his face was as pale as paper.Her vision was shattered, and she was already seriously injured.

This time, Su Mo saved her life and came back.

"Little sister!"

"Junior Sister Gu!"

Gu Xing and the others rushed over.Gu Xing immediately took out the pill from his bosom and gave it to Gu Yue.

At this moment, Gu Yue's consciousness was still clear.

"Thank you!" Gu Yue looked at Su Mo and said two words awkwardly.

"Who is your master?" Su Mo asked.

When Gu Yue heard Su Mo's words, she couldn't help shaking her head slightly.Her eyes were a little strange, as if she didn't want to talk about her master with others.

Su Mo looked at Gu Yue and sighed.

"Little girl, I'll know if you don't tell me."

"What you just cast was the magic of the Three Realms. And there is only one person in the Three Realms who knows that kind of magic—Murong Haiqing, the heir to the sea!"

As soon as this remark came out, Gu Yue stared at Su Mo in a daze, without saying a word for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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