A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 554 Nine Transformations of the Dragon, Origin of the Three Realms

Chapter 554 The Nine Changes of the Dragon, the Origin of the Three Realms

Dragon snoring?

Su Mo, Yu Wuji, and Long Wancheng were all taken aback for a moment.

Behind the light curtain, is it a human or a dragon?
At this time, Gu Yue and Gu Xing stood in front of the light curtain and formed seals at the same time.A spell was cast, and the light curtain slowly opened more than a foot wide, but there were still light paths intersecting vertically and horizontally in the middle.

Behind the light curtain is a big hole.Inside, countless golden runes circulated.Every rune contains the power to break the boundary.

For monks in the ancient Shu continent, the power of the seal in this cave can be regarded as an extreme existence.

And in that cave, there was a monk in blue sitting cross-legged.

Unfortunately, his back was facing the entrance of the cave.

Su Mo and others couldn't see his face clearly.

The most shocking thing is that eight five-clawed dragon souls of different colors surround him in front of and behind him.Those dragon souls were writhing up and down, baring their teeth and claws, looking irritable and restless, but they couldn't break free.


The eight dragon souls appeared and disappeared from time to time following the breathing of the monk in green.With each breath, the eight dragon souls entered and returned within the body of the monk in green.

That was a very special scene.

However, seeing the eight dragon souls, Su Mo and Yu Wuji couldn't help but glance at each other.They both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"Senior Su, Leader Yu, Leader Long, this monk is my brother!" Gu Yue's voice was a little dry.

"Why was he sealed here? What's the situation?" Su Mo asked.

Gu Yue sighed.

"To tell you the truth, this is a secret of my ancient family, and we will not easily tell it to outsiders. However, Lord Su, you know my master, who is a reincarnation of the Three Realms. That's why I brought you here. "

"Because, my master said, my brother is also a reincarnation of the Three Realms. However, he cannot complete the true awakening of himself. He has been struggling. Back then, my master came. Unfortunately, she said that my brother could not be cured. Because , she doesn't have the original power of the Three Realms."

Su Mo, Yu Wuji, and Long Wancheng all listened carefully without interrupting.

"Originally, I have nine older brothers!" Gu Yue sighed, "They are the heirs of my father and my second uncle respectively. They are about the same age, each of them has excellent talents, and they practice very fast. But, apart from my nine Brother, the other eight brothers are all deaf and mute!"

"Deaf, dumb?" Su Mo and the others were taken aback.Because, among monks, there is no such situation at all.

A monk cannot be a real deaf or mute.

At the beginning, the mute master of the Bone Continent was called a mute only after he had practiced closed-mouth meditation.

"It's not that they don't talk, they really can't hear or speak!" Gu Yue understood what Su Mo and the others were thinking, "However, they can communicate with each other, and they are practicing a strange technique, which seems to be They were born with it. For them, the spells of the ancient family are trivial skills, and they can be easily mastered."

"My ninth brother is even more talented. Although he is the youngest, he is like the leader of my other brothers. His cultivation is also the highest among them."

"However, after thousands of years, they have all broken through the world of mortals. Everything about them has gradually become the same, and even their appearance has become similar."

"And the accident happened after they entered the God Burying Realm. My elder brother was the last one to enter the God Burying Realm. He was 100 years later than my second brother."

"And on the night when my elder brother stepped into the God Burying Realm, a tragedy happened in the Gu family!"

Having said that, Gu Yue frowned.

Because, she also witnessed everything back then.That can be said to be an unbearable scene.

"My ninth brother suddenly ran away uncontrollably. That night, he killed and injured many people in the clan, and the blood flowed like a river. In the end, ninth brother actually killed all my other eight brothers. At that time, he seemed completely Crazy."

"On weekdays, my ninth brother is gentle, kind, wise and resourceful. He is not that kind of person at all." Gu Yue said, with tears in his eyes, "No one knows what happened."

"In the end, the two ancestors in the clan made a move, consumed their lifespan, and used the method of blood sacrifice to restrain Brother Nine. And my eight brothers, for some reason, seemed to have turned into dragon souls, surrounding Brother Nine. "

"Ninth brother, it seems that he wants to devour them. My father speculated that the nine brothers should have been one body. However, they were born one after another, and the fusion could not be successful. Ninth brother has been sealed here for 3 years. Every 900 Every year, he will go berserk once, but he will be suppressed by the blood sacrifice formation."

"Flesh and blood, and then recover."

"Now, he is sleeping. Every nine or eighty-one days, he will wake up. Nine days later, he will go back to sleep. Repeatedly, I don't know what year and month!"

After Gu Yue finished speaking, he sighed heavily, and Gu Xing beside him also looked sad.

The three of Su Mo frowned slightly after hearing this.

However, the psychology of the three people is completely different.Long Wancheng felt that everything was unbelievable, while Su Mo and Yu Wuji felt a little relieved.

"Su Mo, is that him?" Yu Wuji asked via voice transmission.

"It should be!" Su Mo sighed in his heart, "The Nine Transformations of the Dragon! In the Three Realms, he is the only one like him."

They already knew what happened to the monk in front of them.

"City Master Su, do you have a solution?" After Gu Yue finished speaking, she looked at Su Mo expectantly.

Su Mo pondered for a while, and then said: "I can try. But I have to wait for him to wake up. Because, before that, I need to confirm some things."

"Senior Su, do you have the power of the Three Realms?" Gu Yue asked.

"Almost!" Su Mo smiled.

Although Su Mo didn't give a clear answer, everyone present could tell that Su Mo was quite sure.Because, at their level, empty talk and big talk have become less and less.

"No matter what," Gu Yue bowed deeply, "Gu Yue thanked Senior Su here first. According to the usual situation, he will wake up in three hours. However, his consciousness may not be clear."

Gu Yue looked at the back of the monk in Tsing Yi in the cave, her eyes were full of respect and love.In fact, after that night, many people in the Gu family said that her ninth brother was a devil.

However, only Gu Yue respected her Ninth Brother the most.

Back then, their sibling relationship was also the best.

For 3 years, Gu Yue has been struggling to find a way to save her brother, even looking for the so-called reincarnation of the Three Realms.

"Miss Gu Yue!" Yu Wuji looked at Gu Yue and smiled faintly.

At this time, Yu Wuji knew it was time for her to speak.

"Before, I always wondered why your generation in the Gu family didn't have a direct male cultivator. After listening to your words, I understood. I want to ask, if City Lord Su can cure your brother's illness, then how should the Gu family thank us?"

"Hehe!" Gu Yue turned to look at Yu Wuji, "Leader Yu, I think you have a lot to ask for when you come this time. I, Gu Yue, can't make decisions about other matters. But, I can tell you. I'm nine Brother, he is the only direct descendant of the Gu family. His value is immeasurable to the Gu family!"

"In a sense, he is the Gu family! As for the others, I think you are all smart people, so you need to talk to my father and second uncle."

After listening, Yu Wuji looked at Su Mo and Long Wancheng, and then nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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