A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 589 Su Mo, save me!Chapter Shenjiezong

Chapter 589 Su Mo, save me!Back to Shenjiezong

Burial mists.

Every time Su Mo walked past an ancient tomb, that ancient tomb would disappear.Su Mo was a little strange.However, those ancient tombs turned into green smoke, but they would not dissipate immediately.

The blue smoke condensed in the void, like a drop of tear.

Su Mo stopped for a while, and the green smoke behind him finally gradually dissipated.

The Hall of Wind Wheels disappeared, and these ancient tombs also disappeared with his own footsteps.For some reason, Su Mo felt a little sad.

Everything is impermanent, in fact everything will dissipate.

Su Mo shook his head, and continued to walk out of Dead Valley.Soon, he came to the last ancient tomb.Su Mo stopped again and stared at the grave.

In fact, from the outside, it looks like an ordinary tomb.

The soil is yellow-brown, and there is no stele in front of the grave.

At this time, Su Mo suddenly thought that all the tombs in Ziyou's tomb had stone tablets.I don't know where those steles went. 81 graves, 81 powerful figures from the Three Realms.

However, everything fades with time.

The galaxy is broken!

Su Mo didn't know how many fragments of those once great powers could be left behind.

King Mu, Taoyao, the living and the dead, they can only appear in the form of puppets.However, they are still the lucky ones.The former Spider Woman was also one of them, but she might have disappeared forever.

There are still many secrets, with no answers.

Su Mo's mood was a little complicated.

"Everyone, I will try my best to make the Galaxy shine again. Presumably, that's what you all want!" Su Mo took a deep breath, and then clasped his fists at the last ancient tomb and the lingering green smoke behind him.

After seeing the king in white, Su Mo always felt a sense of powerlessness.

However, everything in the past in the Three Realms is giving him the strength to move forward.

If he does not move forward, who will move forward?He does not go to hell, who goes to hell?

After all, Su Mo strode forward.


The last ancient tomb dissipated, it did not condense into tears, it dissipated directly.

They seem to have heard Su Mo's words.

Su Mo finally reached the place where he woke up.Today, Silent Death Valley is completely empty, only the remains of the ancient teleportation formation remain.

Regarding this large formation, the king in white didn't mention it, so Su Mo naturally had no idea.

Was it Amu who sent him to this place back then?
Su Mo smiled wryly.

The world of colored glaze is really a long road to immortality.

Su Mo left Silent Valley, walked a few steps, and then looked back.

The gods come to bury the dead, and the immortals come to die!
The eight ancient seals that were originally on the white cliffs on both sides of the valley entrance, as black as ink, and simple and vicissitudes, have disappeared at some point.

At the same time, there is also the strange atmosphere of Silent Valley.

Su Mo understood that this Silent Valley had lost all its power.This place is no longer a forbidden place.Sighing again, it was here that he met Mu Jinghong for the first time.

She has a peerless appearance and is as cold as a fairy.

Dust three stars?

A lot of things, thousands of threads, like a mess.Su Mo suppressed his mood, didn't stay any longer, and flew up directly, heading back to Shenjiezong.

Coming and going in a hurry, Su Mo felt that he was in Silent Valley, but only stayed for half a day.

However, in fact, it has been three days and three nights.

Now, with his cultivation base, he naturally returned to Shenjiezong in just a moment.Far away from Silent Valley, Su Mo's depressed mood before finally eased slightly.

Looking from a distance, the gate of Shenjiezong has changed a lot from what it was originally imagined.

However, that familiar feeling is still there.Shen Jiezong still makes Su Mo feel kind.After all, this is Su Mo's first sect, and it can even be said to be the only sect.

However, just as Su Mo entered the mountain gate, he heard someone shouting.

"Su Mo, save me! Su Mo, save me—" Su Mo was very familiar with that voice.Following the prestige, Guan Xiong was tied to a dead tree next to the mountain gate cave.

God Burial Realm!
Su Mo was taken aback when he saw Guan Xiong.At the same time, he didn't expect that after hundreds of years of absence, this guy with Guan Xiong's qualifications would become a god-burial monk.

However, what he didn't expect was that such a god-burying power, who could destroy bones with a single hand, was actually tied to a tree.

Guan Xiong's body is still spherical.

But at this moment, that guy was almost strangled into two balls by an inexplicable force, and it felt like he was about to be strangled.However, behind him was just a seemingly ordinary dead tree.

"Hehe!" Su Mo fell to the ground, and couldn't help but laugh, "Guan Xiong, did you offend me for nothing?"

"That old guy, he bullied me as soon as I came back. Su Mo, you untie me. Before, I didn't care. Watch me fight him for [-] rounds!" Guan Xiong was furious.

However, he was tied up and couldn't break free at all.However, Guan Xiong still has the ability to brag.

"What a waste!" Su Mo couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly.

Looking at the entire Divine Tribulation Sect, and even the entire Bone Continent, Su Mo probably has such abilities in vain.However, after hearing Guan Xiong's admission, Su Mo was still a little shocked.

Fenglunren seems unusual.

In vain, he still couldn't see through.

"Hey!" At this moment, Bai Laita pulled on his shoes and came out of the mountain gate cave, "Little fat man, you are really stubborn. I have tied you up for three days, and you have been begging for mercy? Why, as soon as Xiao Suzi came back, Are you a cow?"

"There are still three hundred rounds to fight. If you can walk three rounds in front of me, you are considered amazing!"

Guan Xiong blushed with embarrassment.

About three days ago, he returned to Shenjiezong.

Returning home rich and honored, he originally wanted to show off his abilities.However, he didn't expect to meet Bai Lai head-on.In his eyes, Bailai is nothing more than a divine calamity.

So, he originally wanted to tease Bailai.

However, unexpectedly, his technique was completely ineffective in front of Bai Lai.Instead, for some unknown reason, he was tied to a tree by Bailai.The hero Guan Xiong doesn't suffer from immediate losses, of course he has all the good things to say.

But who is Bailai?

Back then, he saw Guan Xiong's background, how could he easily spare him this time?Therefore, after Guan Xiong came back, he hadn't shown the strength of the God of Burial, so he was pinned to a tree.

"Old Bai, hehe!" Guan Xiong saw Bai came out, and immediately changed his smile, "Just kidding, just kidding! I saw Su Mo came back, and we can't fight anymore. I said three hundred rounds of the war, but It's a fight for wine, fight for wine. Let me go, and I will bring good wine to honor your old man."

"Hmph!" Bai Lai Bai gave Guan Xiong a look, "Little fat man, I'm doing this to save Xiao Suzi's face, otherwise I will tie you up for ten or eight years. When will you lose weight and when will you let me go? Show off your might in Shenjiezong, you know?"

"Shen Jiezong, they are all hard-working people! Alas!" Bai Lai sighed.

"Yes!" Guan Xiong was about to cry.

He really didn't understand when Bailai became so powerful.Is this the Bone Continent?Guan Xiong felt as if he had gone to the wrong place.

"Hehe!" Su Mo smiled and watched from the side.

"Come here!" Bai Lai lightly hooked his hand.Look again, Guan Xiong's stomach instantly returned to its original shape.The previous strength, blink disappeared.

Guan Xiong threw himself in front of Su Mo, with tears in his eyes.

"I'm afraid of him too, there's nothing I can do!" Su Mo laughed.

Guan Xiong's expression changed when he heard this, and he ignored Su Mo directly.

Turning around, he came in front of Bailai, turned over with one hand, and there was a wine jar.

"Old Bai, let's go! Let's go drink!"

"Huh?" Su Mo was taken aback.

Immediately, the corner of Su Mo's mouth curved, and then waved with one hand.Look again, Guan Xiong's wine jar stayed in place, but his whole body flew out like a catapult.

"Old Bai, let's go, let's drink!" Su Mo laughed.

Bai Lai also laughed.

Two people entered the cave first.

And poor Guan Xiong was almost thrown out of the mountain gate.

However, Su Mo was merciful and did not stop him.Guan Xiong twisted his body in the void, and followed directly into the cave.

However, his attitude towards both of them has improved.


Guan Xiong sighed inwardly.

It seems that you really have to practice hard in the future, otherwise everyone will be a big lady!

(End of this chapter)

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