A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 593 Survived!bone spirit bone heart

Chapter 593 Survived!bone spirit bone heart
Seven days are fleeting even for mortals, let alone powerful monks like Su Mo and Bai Lai.Seven days is just a moment.

But for seven days, it is said that it is short and it is short, and it is long and it is long.

Because seven days are enough for many things!

The young man has already returned to the cave at the mountain gate; Bailai has already finished cleaning the former Yanggen Peak; only Feng Xi is still sitting at the foot of the Red Peak with Yu Ji.

"Fengxi, it's going to be night soon. So soon, is it seven days?" Concubine Yu leaned on Fengxi's shoulder and sighed faintly.

"Yes! It's been seven days." Feng Xi smiled, "The time is almost here!"

"What time?" Yu Ji turned to look at Feng Xi and said, "Feng Xi, can you tell me now, why, you can only stay with me for seven days? Actually—"

Yu Ji bit her red lips.

"Actually, I want to live with you forever!"

"Hehe! Life after life!" Feng Xi still had a smile on his face, turned his head and kissed Yu Ji's red lips lightly.

"Concubine Yu, I will love you forever and ever!" That was the voice of Feng Xi's spirit, and it rang in Concubine Yu's ears.

At that moment, Yu Ji felt that her body was brittle; perhaps, for that moment, all the waiting was worth it.

Feng Xi's kiss, Feng Xi's person, and Feng Xi's heart belong to her.

However, that was her last consciousness forever.


Yu Ji felt the sound of wind coming from her ears again - softly and softly.Then, under Feng Xi's kiss, she fell asleep.

"Yu Ji!"

Feng Xi kissed Yu Ji's forehead lightly again, and held her in his arms.Then, he entered Hongfeng Cave Mansion in one step.He put Yu Ji gently on the cloud bed.

Yu Ji's breathing was even and her sleepiness was sweet.Perhaps, this is a kind of happiness!In the arms of the one you love the most, sleep and die.

Feng Xi looked at Yu Ji again, and the tears in his eyes finally rolled down.

"Concubine Yu, life after life!"

After finishing speaking, Fengxi shed tears, then turned around and left Hongfeng Cave Mansion.

Shanmen Cave Mansion.

Su Mo, Guan Xiong, Bai Lai, and the young man stood side by side.

"Ah!" Guan Xiong watched Fengxi come back from the direction of Hongfeng, he couldn't help but look like someone who came here, sighed and shook his head, "What is love in the world? It's a pain to fall in love with a woman!"

Originally, he wanted to say a few more words of emotion.

However, Su Mo and Bai Lai looked at him in unison, with something slightly different in their eyes.So, he consciously shut his mouth.

At the same time, he felt a little regretful in his heart - what if Su Mo told the eldest lady this sentence?
well!Misfortune comes from the mouth.

While Guan Xiong was feeling emotional, Feng Xi had already landed in front of the mountain gate cave.

"Everyone, just kidding! I've been waiting for a long time." Feng Xi cupped his fists.

Su Mo smiled helplessly, and Guan Xiong nodded seriously.

Bai Lai didn't say anything.

Look again, the boy and Feng Xi both took a step towards Bai Lai, and the three of them merged into one again.

"Get ready to start!" Bai Lai said to Su Mo.

"Okay!" Su Mo nodded, and when he lifted his foot, clouds formed under his feet.Su Mo, Bai Lai, and Guan Xiong rose up from the clouds and flew directly into the void.

Looking down on the Bone Continent, it is still a curled human figure.It's just that it once wanted to stand up, but it was nailed to the pure land world one by one.

Those nails are not real nails, but Buddha lotuses.

"Three thousand Buddha lotus towns of bones! Hehe!" Bai Lai looked at those white lotuses that only those with real power could see clearly, and couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile, "Lianshu! Mute, it took so much effort!"

"Lotus technique?"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows.

"The lotus technique, the technique of the lotus priest?" Su Mo looked at Bai Lai and asked, "The dumb master, is it the lotus priest?"

"Who said that only a lotus priest can perform lotus art?" Bai Lai said disdainfully.

"That dumb master, isn't Lian Shi?" Su Mo said again.

"I didn't say anything! I'm not very clear about his affairs." Bai Lai practiced Tai Chi and didn't give Su Mo a clear answer at all.Perhaps, he himself really didn't know.

Su Mo shook his head and didn't ask any more questions.

"Come on, don't worry! I will put the entire Bone Continent into a deep sleep. No living creature will suffer." Su Mo smiled faintly.

Then, Su Mo stood in the void, forming seals with both hands.

In an instant, Miehai-level power swept away like a wave.That is definitely an irresistible force for the bones.Standing beside Su Mo, Guan Xiong's expression changed slightly.

He personally felt Su Mo's strength.

This guy is really as powerful as the eldest lady?But, how long has he been practicing!Guan Xiong was both shocked and helpless.

There is really no comparison between people.

And Bai Lai nodded slightly beside him.As expected, Su Mo, the strongest reincarnation in the Galaxy of the Three Realms, has indeed shown a unique talent and strength.


Following Su Mo's technique, a strange gale blew up in the void of the entire Bone Continent.

The strong wind started from the footsteps of the Bone Continent, and then went all the way north, sweeping the entire continent.

The wind churned and the clouds moved, and the clouds moved to cover the sky.

At that moment, it was as if someone was pulling a white sheet, from the bone's feet all the way to the top of its head.

The whole bones are quiet.All the creatures fell asleep.

The sparrow is silent, and everything is silent.

"Bai Lai, what do you think is the meaning of the existence of bones?" Su Mo asked.

"Meaning?" Bai Lai smiled faintly, "The meaning lies in the process. Even if they die, they have lived in this world, been happy, sad, happy, and distressed. That is the meaning."

"Hehe!" Su Mo nodded, "Then are they puppets? Because we can control their fate. If I let them live, they will live, and if they die, they will die."

"We can indeed control their life and death, but—" Bai Lai paused, "we cannot control their choices."

"The bones of the past have the right to choose when they are conscious! You know, choosing to die is also a choice."

"If they know where they belong, will they still be the same?" Su Mo asked again.

"Of course!" Bai Lai laughed, "Don't people know that they will die in the future? Who, isn't he still working hard to live?"

Su Mo listened thoughtfully.

"Understood!" Finally, Su Mo smiled, "Bai Lai, actually, I have been very confused since I came out of Silent Valley. Is everything that is out of reach worth pursuing? But, I understand. I will help Xinghe Fight hard. Don’t ask for the result, just ask about the process.”

Bai Lai nodded with a smile.


Su Mo's sea extinguishing power enveloped the entire Bone Continent.

"Fatty, take your seven chess pieces! I'm going to take the Bone Continent." Su Mo said to Guan Xiong.

"it is good!"

Guan Xiong responded, and then made a move with one hand.


On the Bone Continent, there was a rumbling sound.

At that moment, the entire Bone Northern Territory shook.The mountains were shaken, and the earth was split open.Look again, the seven black and white peaks in the Shenjie Sect suddenly rose from the ground.


In the void, they instantly turned into black and white pawns and flew directly back into Guan Xiong's hands.

roar - roar -

At the same moment, the bone suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar.The white bone is waking up, and the Buddha lotus on its body is instantly radiant.

The corner of Su Mo's mouth curved, and he had already held the heart of bones in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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