A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 631 Blue Bird! 1 will be successful

Chapter 631 Blue Bird!One will succeed and ten thousand bones will die
Hundreds of warships headed straight for Dongyi.

On the Dali flagship, there was a fog of blood.General Shao's personal soldiers were beheaded by Li Beihan's other generals as soon as they made a move.

General Shao was imprisoned on the flagship by two guards from the Wing Clan.

"My son, what is my crime?" General Shao looked at Li Beihan and said in a low voice.

"What's your crime? Don't you know?" Li Beihan sneered lightly, and then pointed to the hundreds of warships that had rushed towards the Dongyi Starfield, "Who gave you the order to attack Dongyi? "

"My subordinates are eager to make contributions, and I hope that my son will forgive me!" General Shao was still defending, "My son, as long as we send troops at this time, we will definitely put down Dongyi. The subordinates have already rushed in, and I hope that your son will quickly reinforce them."

"Hahaha!" Li Beihan couldn't help laughing, "General Shao, you are my famous general. It can be said that you have incomparable achievements. But why are you acting so lowly today?"

Li Beihan's face turned slightly cold.

"General Shao, this time the warships you lead are all Dali monks who followed you through life and death. However, today I will not save them at all!"

"Huh?" General Shao was taken aback.

"Because you are all Prince Yu's best friends! You are betting, betting on their lives, that I will attack Dongyi." Li Beihan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Actually, it's the best choice for Gu Lian and Dongyi to each have their own territory. I am here as a deterrent. In fact, I never thought of actually provoking a war. However, Prince Yu is afraid Didn't think so."

"Because he wants to use Dongyi Wushizong to consume the power in my father's hands, right?" Li Beihan looked at General Shao, "Today, if I really attack Dongyi, then Wushizong will definitely fight to the death. Even if the Dali Dynasty wins, I'm afraid it will be a heavy loss. However, the power commanded by Prince Yu can suppress my father, right?"

General Shao remained silent.

"What a wishful thinking! But, Prince Jade, has he thought about it? Once the Dali Dynasty goes to war with the Wushizong, will the Baihe Star Region sit idly by?"

"Once the balance of power in the Chenluo Star Realm is broken, the consequences will be disastrous! Perhaps, the entire Dali dynasty will fall apart due to internal and external troubles. What is a Dali throne?"

"General Shao, what you think in your heart is worthless to my father and son. We only wish that the country of Dali will be peaceful and the people will be safe and secure. So whoever is king? However, we will kill anyone who is not good for Dali. "

"Like you!"

Saying that, Li Beihan raised one hand, and directly raised a white light.

The white light was like a knife, flashing for several feet.


Li Bei coldly shouted, raised the knife in his hand, and directly split General Shao's body in two, but did not cut off his soul.

"Li Beihan, Prince Yu will not let you go!" General Shao gritted his teeth, "I am General Dali, and the lord will not spare you lightly."

"Hehe, the general is outside, and the military orders are not accepted. Besides, if you have plotted against him, you will naturally be killed."

"General Shao, I want you to watch your direct descendants be destroyed! I won't save them. Those warships are my congratulatory gift to Su Mo. Hehe!"

Li Beihan's white cloak flutters slightly in the wind.All of this is within his calculations.At this time, the hundred warships that rushed into Dongyi had already been surrounded by the warships of the Corpseless Sect.

The disparity in combat power is simply to die.

In fact, it has to be said that General Shao's immortal army is extremely powerful.However, it is not as good as a tiger joining a pack of wolves.On the flagship of the No Corpse Sect, the puppet king in black squinted his eyes.

He really doesn't understand what the Dali Dynasty is doing.

Are these 100 extra warships here to die?
Li Beihan has not been holding many troops.

At this time, there was no more General Shao in his army.

"My son!" General Shao's spirit shouted, "Even if I am guilty, the soldiers of the dynasty are innocent. Are you just watching them being killed?"

"It was you who sent them to their deaths!" Li Beihan said.

"You?" General Shao didn't expect that Li Beihan could really hold his breath.At this time, many generals on the flagship were also slightly moved.

No matter what, the ones who died were all comrades of Dali.


At this moment, a white-haired veteran on Li Beihan's left hand hesitated for a moment, but still called out in a low voice.Li Beihan understood what he wanted to say.

"Old General Bai, don't say too much!" Li Beihan interrupted him directly, "One general will be successful! We must plan for the dynasty's future, and we must not lose the big because of the small!"

"Yes!" The white-haired general sighed and stopped talking.


In the star field, gunpowder smoke filled the sky, and the fighting spirit was soaring.However, it was ultimately a battle of disproportion.The blood mist that filled the sky lingered.

In just an hour, the Dali monks on the more than 100 Dali battleships were all slaughtered, and more than a dozen battleships were directly blasted away.

Although, the Corpseless Sect also had warships shattered and puppets fell.However, for them, that was a complete victory.However, there was no smile on the face of the puppet king in black.

Because, he had an extremely ominous premonition in his heart.

"Puppet king, are you going to take advantage of the victory and go straight to swallow Gu Lian?" said a puppet general under the puppet throne in black.

"Be safe and don't be impatient!" The puppet king in black shook his head.

The situation at this time is very strange, the army of the Dali Dynasty on the opposite side is very strong.The warships that were destroyed just now did not hurt him at all.

Now, a careless decision may result in the death of hundreds of thousands of troops of the Corpseless Sect.

And at this moment, a small magic circle suddenly appeared in front of the puppet king in black.

In the magic circle, a blue bird flew out.

Of course, it was not a real blue bird, but a puppet bird.As soon as the blue bird came out, the expression of the puppet king in black suddenly changed.Because, that blue bird is the highest level messenger tool in the Wushizong.

The blue bird is above the purple wood kite.

But looking at the entire Dongyi Starfield, there is only one person who is qualified to use the blue bird to send messages.

That is the eldest prince Bu Xingkong.

He is No. 1 in the East Second Starfield of the Wushizong.

He couldn't catch the breath of the second prince Bu Siyun, but waited for the blue bird of the eldest prince Bu Xingkong.In the heart of the puppet king in black, he already knew the result.

The puppet king in black reached out with one hand, and the blue bird landed directly on his arm.The spiritual thoughts of the starry sky poured directly into the sea of ​​consciousness of the puppet king in black.

"The second prince has fallen, and the puppet king will return soon!"

Only a word from Bu Xingkong came from the blue bird.

However, this sentence is enough.

Because, all the puppets of the No Corpse Sect will follow a principle: if their master is alive, then the master's order will always come first; however, once the master falls, they will obey the supreme commander of the No Corpse Sect in the star area.

Bu Xingkong's order is now an oracle.


The puppet king in black didn't hesitate.His setup made him completely obedient to everything.At the same time, he has passed this order to all the puppet kings.


In an instant, all the puppet kings gathered on the flagship.Then, the magic circle on the flagship opened wide, and they disappeared collectively without the slightest delay.

However, the battleships of Wushizong are still guarding the border, like flood dragons.

Their array is not chaotic at all.

Looking at everything from afar, Li Beihan couldn't help but sighed.

The executive power of puppets is sometimes far better than that of humans.The Corpseless Sect is an extremely terrifying force.

Su Mo took control of Dongyi, so there will be no war on the border from then on.However, Li Beihan will never set out.Because, he will always be stationed here.

Only by holding a heavy army in his hands can he contain Dali from the ruling and opposition parties.

No one dares to act rashly!

(End of this chapter)

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