A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 650 A Red Shadow! Ghosts of the three worlds, all ages are empty

Chapter 650 A Red Shadow!Ghosts of the Three Realms, all ages are empty

In the former Three Realms Tianzhou, the Qing family was one of the most powerful families.

A puppet of the Qing family, invincible in the Three Realms.The combat power of the Qing family monks is even more powerful, as the saying goes, one person can slaughter a city.The Qing family and the Ye family have a very deep relationship.

A woman from the Qing family, the daughter-in-law of the Ye family.

The ancestors of the Qing family and Ye Muyun are brothers and sisters.Back then, Bu Miaotian misunderstood them and left without saying goodbye.The patriarch of the Qing family searched for Bu Miaotian to no avail.

From then on, the Qing family will choose the daughter of the Qing family to marry into the Ye family and protect the Ye family.

The Qingye mother-in-law and the Wushen puppet in Muyun Villa are actually from the Qing family.In fact, to some extent, the blood of the Qing family is also on the Ye family.

However, Ye Wuhui didn't even know that the Qing family existed?This is really unbelievable.

Bu Miaotian already knew everything about that year.

No matter whether he regrets it or not, he should never have any hatred for the Qing family anymore.The puppet technique of the Qing family was actually passed down by Bu Miaotian, a genius from the Three Realms.

Their techniques are of the same origin.

Su Mo really didn't understand why Bu Miaotian didn't give Ye Wuhui such a puppet of God the memory of the Qing family?
"Hehe!" However, Su Mo didn't ask Ye Wuhui, but said with a smile, "It seems that you don't know much about some things in the Three Realms."

"Su Mo, you can tell me." Ye Wuhui said happily.She likes this state where she can talk to Su Mo anytime.

"Okay!" Su Mo smiled.

So, Su Mo briefly talked about Qingqianzang, and at the same time, he also talked about the past events of the Three Realms and Galaxy.

There are some things in Ye Wuhui's memory or heard from Bu Miaotian, but there are some things that she really doesn't know.

Interstellar travel, even space jumps, takes a long time.What's more, Su Mo didn't plan to use time and space spells all the time, because that would consume a lot of energy.

Therefore, Su Mo's speed is not particularly fast.The two chatted all the way, but it also dispelled a lot of loneliness.

Time flies like an arrow, and it is more than ten days in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Su Mo has reached the edge of the Necromancer Starfield.

Between the former Dongyi Starfield or the current Pure Land Starfield and the Necromancer Starfield, there is a million-mile-wide broken star field.

It seems that many stars are shattered here.

The broken star field is full of various small floating lands, flowstones and all kinds of inexplicable dust.However, there should be no living organisms in between.

Su Mo dressed in white and stopped at the outskirts of the Broken Star Zone.From Su Mo's point of view, the broken star field is a black-gray, hazy area.

Even if Su Mo used the magic pupil, he still couldn't see everything clearly.

An indescribable aura diffused from the mist.That breath of death, but not the breath of death, but it makes people feel a little tense.


Su Mo let out a heavy breath.

This broken star zone is like a black-gray desert in the mortal world.However, this desert is not flat, but three-dimensional.

Cover the sky.

"Passing through here is the Necromancer Starfield!" Ye Wuhui's voice came, "I once came here with the ancestor, and the ancestor said that many thousands of years ago, there was a reincarnation-level war here."

"About seven or eight small worlds were destroyed in the big formation. The Fragmented Star Zone is only some of their fragments. The others have completely disappeared."

"Hehe!" Su Mo sighed, "Among Haoyu, monks are actually ants!"

"That's right!" Ye Wuhui said, "Back then, Shizu also said something similar. It's just that he also said something else."


"Ants still steal their lives!"

"Oh? Hehe!" Su Mo couldn't help laughing, "It's nothing if someone else said this sentence. But it's interesting to say it from the mouth of a ghost from the Three Realms. Could it be that the puppet didn't steal its life?"

"Master said that a real puppet is not afraid of death. If it is afraid of death, it is no longer a puppet!" Ye Wuhui said.

"However, I don't think the many Xiuzhi puppets will die easily?"

"Don't go to death easily, it doesn't mean you are afraid of death!" Ye Wuhui said, "Any puppets, as long as they receive orders from their master, can forget life and death in an instant. They will not achieve their goals, and they will not give up unless they die. "

"So, ghosts from the Three Realms like puppets?" Su Mo disapproved, "Those puppets are his tools!"

"Maybe!" Ye Wuhui sighed, "Actually, no one can understand the world of the Patriarch. During the years I followed him, he often looked at the empty interstellar space alone, wondering what he was thinking."

"Three realms, does he really not regret it?" Su Mo asked.

"I don't know!" Ye Wuhui said, "He never mentioned anything about the Ye family back then. However, he did give my sister and me the name Wuhui."

"Regret or not, only he knows! But, so what?" Ye Wuhui seemed to smile bitterly, "Although Patriarch's puppet technique is unparalleled in the world, Patriarch Muyun cannot be reborn."

Ye Muyun reborn?
Hearing these words, Su Mo's heart moved slightly.Because, he had never thought about this problem before.However, Ye Muyun died for many thousands of years.

Even if Amu smashed the karma and reorganized the Three Realms back then, such a character would not be resurrected.Therefore, it is impossible for Ye Muyun to come back to life.

If Bu Miaotian is obsessed with this, it will be a road that can never be passed.

Su Mo sighed, "Ghosts from the Three Realms have already become respectable!"

"Of course! Back then, when he left the Three Realms, he became a venerable!" Ye Wuhui smiled wryly, "In other words, he became a venerable after he destroyed Ye's family!"

"Ha ha!"

Su Mo shook his head, but said nothing.

Sometimes, many things are really unclear.

At that time, for Bu Miaotian, the genius of the Three Realms, becoming a respected person was his obsession for thousands of years, but he never succeeded; however, when his hands were stained with the blood of his descendants, he became a respected person.

Su Mo didn't believe that when Bu Miaotian knew that all the people he killed were his blood, he would be indifferent.

Otherwise, he wouldn't walk away with no regrets.

This kind of road to becoming a venerable is simply a kind of great sadness and irony.Whether it's worth it or not, maybe even Bu Miaotian himself can't tell.

One thought becomes a venerable, and all ages are empty!

For a long while, neither Su Mo nor Ye Wuhui spoke.

Su Mo was dressed in white and was standing outside the Broken Star Zone.He looked at the black and gray world and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had discovered something.

Unfortunately, Ye Wuhui couldn't see Su Mo's expression.

"When was Dongyi's No Corpse Sect founded?" At this time, Su Mo asked again.

"I can't remember the exact details, but at least millions of years!" Ye Wuhui said, "That's right! That was after the galaxy was shattered. On the day when the galaxy was completely shattered, my ancestor and I walked among the stars. .He, sensed it!"

"Oh?" Su Mo couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"That day, he once told me—Xinghe disappeared! Then, he was silent for three days and three nights. Later, the Corpseless Sect gradually appeared in Dongyi Starfield, and more and more puppets were made by the ancestor. In the future, many puppets will be able to make puppets. The Corpseless Sect has become a giant."

"But, the Patriarch is gone!" Ye Wuhui sighed.

Su Mo nodded.

However, his gaze was still on the Broken Star Field.His pupils suddenly shrank.Then, Su Mo's body moved, turning into a ray of white light and entering the Broken Star Zone.

Because, he saw a figure in red.Behind her, there seemed to be thousands of red sands.

(End of this chapter)

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