A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 653 Eternal loneliness!Fireworks starburst! 1 antique ship

Chapter 653 Eternal loneliness!Fireworks starburst!a colorful ship

The Necromancer Starfield was named Necromancer because it was a barren place.Compared with the world of Dust Luo, Necromancer Starfield is just like in the world of ordinary people, there are always deserts and cemeteries.

After passing through the broken star field, Su Mo's eyes widened.

However, that oppressive feeling has not completely disappeared.It's just that it is released into a larger space.

The feeling Su Mo came to the Necromancer Starfield was completely different from that in the Pure Land Starfield.

Although there are many puppets in the Pure Land Starfield, puppets are also a kind of living life in a sense.However, there are not even puppets in the Necromancer Starfield.

Everything around seems to be dead.

"Here, it looks like the underworld where I used to practice!" Su Mo said.

"Oh?" Ye Wuhui smiled, "The Nether back then was also empty and lifeless?"


"I heard that there are many meditators in the underworld, and there are countless dead souls?" Ye Wuhui said, "It seems that it should be very lively. There are many ghost generals on the road to Huangquan, mortals reincarnate, right?"

"Hehe! You know a lot." Su Mo smiled, "Although for us monks, they are all a kind of life. However, I am high in the underworld. I can see them, but they are not qualified to see them." I."

"So, you used to be very lonely?" Ye Wuhui heard the desolation and loneliness in Su Mo's tone.

"Hehe!" Su Mo shook his head, but did not answer Ye Wuhui's question, "I was once sealed on a white isolated island in a black swamp, and spent tens of thousands of years alone."

"Eternal loneliness, how can you relieve your worries?" Ye Wuhui said playfully.

"Practice!" Su Mo said firmly, "In those years, I practiced desperately, in order to break all the shackles and seals."

"Finally, you succeeded!" Ye Wuhui said, "I know, you once rushed out of the underworld to fight with Amu Shengzun!"

"I did succeed in breaking the seal! But—" Su Mo sighed.There was a long sigh in that voice, which contained many indescribable emotions.

"You who were sealed by the sea?"

"Yeah!" Su Mo nodded, "He sacrificed himself to the roulette, and then turned the cause and effect, thus sealing me. Or, sealing everything!"

"Do you hate the sea?"

"Hate? Why hate?" Su Mo couldn't help laughing.

"Because, he sealed you!" Ye Wuhui smiled, "Let you be lonely forever, guarding the island alone!"

"Hehe!" Su Mo smiled wryly again and shook his head, "How can I hate Cang Hai? Because we are all for the Three Realms. It's just that we chose different paths back then."

"We can all give up life and death for the Three Realms. Although Amu's eternal life has not been realized, he has brought the splendor of the galaxy for thousands of years."

"I thought about it, if it was reincarnation back then, everything in the Three Realms would start again. Then, there might not be so many eternal realms in the Yizang world now. Because they don't have time to reach the eternal realm at all! Who, come to recreate Xinghe? Me, alone? Hehe!"

"It makes sense!" Ye Wuhui smiled and said, "Actually, it's also good for you, or Amu Shengzun. You are not only strong in cultivation, but also in structure!"

"Maybe!" Su Mo nodded, "But, do you know? The sea has entered the mortal world!"

"Going into the world?" Ye Wuhui was taken aback.

"On the ancient Shu continent, I once saw the remnant soul of Cang Hai. He said that he had entered the mortal world." Su Mo said.

"Impossible!" Ye Wuhui said, "Although I have never met the Canghai Shengzun, I have heard his story. Back then, he was able to disregard life and death for the sake of the Three Realms. Now how can he become a mortal when the galaxy is broken?"

"Actually, I think so too!" Su Mo smiled, "Cang Hai's heart is still hard to see through!"

"My lord, it's all like that!" Ye Wuhui said with a smile.

There was a little silence between the two of them.

Su Mo's footsteps have not stopped, but the speed is not fast.With the experience in the Broken Star Zone, Su Mo didn't want to miss any information related to the Galaxy of the Three Realms, or Mu Jinghong.

"Su Mo, fireworks! Front left!" At this moment, Ye Wuhui's cheerful voice sounded.

Su Mo looked in that direction.

Sure enough, brilliant starlight suddenly lit up in the vast interstellar space.

It's really like fireworks in the mortal world.

All kinds of colors are colorful and endless.

"That's a starburst!" Su Mo couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Any star or world actually has its own lifespan.It's just because their lifespans are measured in tens of millions, so even in the eyes of ordinary monks, they are eternal.

"That's right! It's a starburst!" Ye Wuhui said happily, "I've practiced for millions of years, and this is only the second time I've seen a starburst!"

"Another star has fallen!" There was some pity in Su Mo's eyes.In fact, he has seen too many lives and deaths, and the destruction of the world.

However, only in this life, when he knew that the galaxy was shattered, did he experience the pain of losing his own world.

"Hmm!" Ye Wuhui didn't seem to care about Su Mo's emotion, "It's an extremely rare spectacle among the stars. Master said, it's Haoyu's fireworks!"

"Fireworks?" Su Mo shook his head, "In my opinion, the dead lights of the world are better than the vast fireworks. Because one represents vitality and the other represents death!"

"However, there are almost not many creatures in the Necromancer Starfield!" Ye Wuhui's tone showed a hint of disappointment.Su Mo's words made her less interested in admiring the fireworks.

There aren't too many creatures in the Necromancer Starfield?

Originally, Su Mo didn't pay much attention to that starburst.However, Ye Wuhui's words made Su Mo's heart skip a beat.

Any starburst actually requires a little external force.

It seems that to light any firework, a fuze is needed.Therefore, no matter which star or world, even if it has great end-time energy, it will not explode without external promotion.


Thinking of this, Su Mo's body suddenly moved, and he went straight to the starburst world.

Between the stars, from afar, the starburst world seems very close.However, in fact, it is thousands of miles away from Su Mo, even separated by many small worlds.

Star Jump!

Su Mo unfolded his magical footwork.

One step, two steps, three steps.

With only three steps, Su Mo already felt the endless tide of power.

The stars are shining brightly, right in front of your eyes.

It was a small world several times larger than the former Pure Land World.Its energy is spilling out.If Su Mo wasn't a reincarnation-level monk, he couldn't get close to it at all.

"What's wrong? Su Mo!" Ye Wuhui asked hurriedly.

At this time, Su Mo raised his hand.

The lotus vine has appeared in his hands.

Because, the moment Su Mo stepped into this world, he felt an extremely strong force that was devouring the energy of this world.

chi chi-

The lotus vine whirled, directly breaking open a space in this world.And at the other end of the world, there is an antique boat parked unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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