A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 708 A Different Soul!If you can't be a hero, you might as well die!

Chapter 708 A Different Soul!If you can't be a hero, you might as well die!
The last three days of life?
When Su Mo heard this, he couldn't help frowning.

He had estimated Chunyu Chou's injury.The technique of that day was a technique similar to self-destruction.Its instantaneous power was extremely powerful, but it also consumed Chunyu Chou a lot, especially when it exploded a black-clothed clone.

That clone, from Su Mo's point of view, was almost the same as the real body.Those may cause Chunyu Chou to be seriously injured, or even fall in realm, but it should not fall.

"Hehe!" Chunyu Chou saw the astonishment in Su Mo's eyes, "Brother Su, for a person like me, a fall in realm is tantamount to death. I, Chunyu Chou, have been proud all my life, how can I see myself not as good as before? That kind of Suffering, I can't bear it."

Su Mo looked at Chunyu Chou and didn't speak.

"The name is ugly and the person is ugly, but he has a proud and sensitive heart!" Ye Wuhui sighed softly, "If you can't be a hero, you might as well die!"

"Brother Su, what I just took was the One Day Resurrection Pill. One pill can indeed revive one's soul; three pills can urge one's life!"

"However, in the last three days, I can still maintain my state and even stronger combat power. After three days, I will be wiped out and my reincarnation will be broken forever!" Chunyu Chou said, smiled slightly, and filled himself a glass Tea, drink it all in one gulp.

"Hehe!" Su Mo looked at Chunyu Chou and smiled helplessly.

At that moment, Su Mo didn't know what to say, and a touch of emotion was born in his heart.

He didn't know Chunyu Chou well, and even said that they met by chance.The reason why he saved Chunyu Chou was because he wanted to know something about the magic moon world.

However, whether it is the layout of Huoyun Palace, the name of the tea with a ray of loyalty, or even Chunyu Chou's last act of eating three "One Day Resurrection Pills", all these make Su Mo feel that Chunyu Chou does have a wonderful same soul.

"Brother Chunyu, in fact, you have been begging to die!" Su Mo drank a cup of tea with Chunyu Chou.

"Hehe!" Chunyu Chou's eyes brightened slightly, "Brother Su, in the last three days, I can have your confidant. I will die without regret!"

"So, you broke into the Moon Palace alone?" Su Mo smiled, "Actually, you have no chance of winning in the Moon Palace. Even if you are at the seventh level of Eternal Realm! Right?"

"That's right!" Chunyu Chou smiled wryly, "I went to the Moon Palace, and I didn't intend to come back alive! Either, the demon killed me; or, I and the Moon Palace died together!"

"Even, I want the entire Moon Emperor Star to be destroyed!"

"Why?" Su Mo frowned, "Who are you in the magic moon world?"

"It's a long story!" Chunyu Chou poured tea for Su Mo and himself again, then took a sip, and then said slowly, "The nine stars in the magic moon world were originally barren. Once, they The other small worlds in the Necromancer Starfield are as desolate and dead silent."

"Later, the first generation of Lord Moon Emperor was born. He was amazingly talented and savage, and he ruled the dead. He founded the Demon Moon Dynasty. After tens of millions of years of reproduction, he gradually unified the five stars, and only then did the so-called The Demon Moon Dynasty."

"Master Moon Emperor, what's your name?" Su Mo asked.

"I don't know!" Chunyu Chou shook his head, "Because I haven't seen it before. All we know is that he is the Moon Emperor!"

Su Mo nodded.

"The second Moon Emperor succeeded to the throne 300 million years ago. His surname was changed to Chunyu. My surname was bestowed by the second Moon Emperor. However, when Chunyu ascended the throne, I was just a necromancer star. A humble life on a small star. At that time, I never thought that one day I would dominate the situation, and even control the power of the magic moon!"

Su Mo smiled slightly.

"My home planet is called Kuyuan! It's an extremely barren and ugly world!" Chunyu Chou pulled the corner of his mouth coldly, "Anything ugly you can imagine will exist in that world; and you Unimaginable ugliness will exist in that world."

"There is not only blood and killing, but also some loss. Blood and killing can only be regarded as a red embellishment. Hehehe!" Chunyu Chou smiled nervously.

"In that world, there are no rules, no ethics, no love, no hatred! The creatures in that world, I don't even think they can be called human beings!" Chunyu Chou sneered.

"I'm actually a hermaphrodite!" Chunyu Chou laughed at himself in his characteristic high-pitched voice, "Neither male nor female, neither yin nor yang!"

"When I was 13 years old, I wanted to jump off a cliff to die. Because I was alive, but I was just a joke in the eyes of others. They didn't kill me, they just insulted me!"

"So, I choose to die! Hehe!" Chunyu Chou took a sip of tea, calmed down, and then seemed to be telling someone else's story.

"I've already jumped off the cliff, and I'll always remember that moment—it was so wonderful!" A sincere smile flashed in Chunyu Chou's eyes.

However, that feeling made people feel a little horrified and sighed.

"But, Chunyu Yuehuang saved me!" The light in Chunyu Chou's eyes faded, "Then, he taught me everything and gave me everything."

"It can be said that without Chunyu Yuehuang, there would be no me, Chou!" Chunyu Chou shook the teacup as if shaking a glass of wine.

"He treats me like a son, I treat him like a father!" Chunyu Chou smiled, but then he let out a long sigh.

"Although I am neither male nor female, neither yin nor yang, but my cultivation talent is the best in the entire magic moon world. Even if Chunyu Yuehuang, his realm is not as good as mine!"

"I followed Chunyu Yuehuang, opened up territories, quelled the rebellion, and finally unified the Nine Stars. I have made countless achievements in battle! Therefore, I was named the Great Master of the Demon Moon!"

"Master of the Demon Moon?" The corner of Su Mo's mouth curled up.Once, he led the Great Murong Dynasty.He understands that not everyone can take on the title of Great National Teacher.

Wentao and martial arts are indispensable!

"That's right! Master Moyue!" Chunyu Chou said, "Then, I'm afraid it will be the most glorious moment in my life! The three words 'Chunyuchou' have resounded throughout the world of Moyue."

"What happened next?" Su Mo asked.

"Later, I assisted three generations of Moon Emperors in total!" Chunyu Chou smiled lightly, "The so-called Moon Emperors of flowing water, iron-clad national teachers! Because my realm is far above them."

"The first Moon Emperor passed on the throne to Chunyu Yuehuang. Because Chunyu Yuehuang had countless military exploits and possessed both ability and political integrity. However, after Chunyu Yuehuang, he passed on the title of Moon Emperor to his heirs!"

"He can't pass it on to you!" Su Mo smiled, "You won't be the Moon Emperor either!"

"That's right!" Chunyu Chou said, "The magic moon world needs a Moon Emperor with pure blood, not a yin and yang person. I can't be the Moon Emperor, but I can let Chunyu's bloodline sit firmly on the Moon Emperor throne. Because of me , their realm is not important."

"As long as I don't die, I can protect them forever!" Chunyu Chou's cheeks tightened.

"Protecting Chunyu Yuehuang's descendants is the obsession in your heart!" Su Mo smiled again, "You only want to repay Chunyu Yuehuang's kindness back then!"

"Yes!" Chunyu Chou nodded, "I used to regard myself as the patron saint of the Moon Emperor. What I said would be a promise in the entire Demon Moon Dynasty!"

"Hehe!" Su Mo shook his head, "Brother Chunyu, you have violated the taboo of a courtier!"

"Hehe!" Chunyu Chou nodded almost crying and laughing.

"Either, you kill the Moon Emperor and become king on your own; or, you retire and practice in seclusion!" Su Mo said slowly, "That is your choice. But, you are too attached to Chunyu. Kill , you don’t know how to do it; retreat, you don’t feel at ease! Therefore, when you are in a dilemma, you must stop and stop, and there will be changes!”

Chunyu Chou held up the teacup.

"Brother Su, if I had met you earlier, I might have listened to you! But, it's too late now!"

(End of this chapter)

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