A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 734 She is more important than all living beings in my heart!

Chapter 734 She is more important than all living beings in my heart!

The peacock princess is dead?

On the magic boat, Su Mo frowned slightly, while Ye Wuhui's expression changed.

"Huang'er," Mu Hongchen said in a deep voice, "Whether you believe it or not, she is dead!"

"She won't die! She said that she wants to live and take revenge!" Xiao Huang said.

"Both the peacock and unicorn clans have announced the cancellation of their marriage. The reason is that the second princess Peacock died of a serious illness. You should understand that they are the two major royal families in the Prajna world. They are absolutely cautious about such things. And, if the second princess is not dead, The marriage will never be cancelled. If she is alive, even if she is sealed, she will be married!" Mu Hongchen said.

"Because, that's not a marriage, it's a deal! Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Xiao Huang nodded and said, "But, I must go back and have a look!"

"What's the use of seeing?" Mu Hongchen frowned.

"If she is dead." Xiao Huang said slowly, "Then I want to know how she died and who killed her."

"If she dies, will you avenge her?" Mu Hongchen asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Huang said firmly, "I will kill all the peacocks."

"Hehe!" Mu Hongchen couldn't help but sneered, then shook his head and said, "But, what revenge do you use? Peacock Princess is in the first stage of reincarnation, and she can't help herself. How can you take revenge? You should know that you don't even have reincarnation. Not at all. Peacock Clan, there are no fewer than dozens of people who can kill you. Besides, there is a demon killing order?"

"I am the reincarnation of the galaxy!" Xiao Huang looked up at Mu Hongchen and said, "I still have a technique. I can fight against the Peacock Clan!"

"I don't know what the Galaxy World is!" Mu Hongchen looked at Xiao Huang with a look of sadness in his eyes, "Because I don't remember too many things."

"Mother—" Xiao Huang whispered with tears in his eyes.

"I'm not your mother!" Mu Hongchen shook his head, then sighed, "I don't remember you! I don't remember anything except some of the spells you mentioned!"

"I'm just your master!"

"Master!" Xiao Huang had no choice but to change his words.He, awakened.He knew that Mu Hongchen was his mother.Because, all her exercises are previous techniques, as well as the plum blossom staff.

His mother is the Plum Blossom Fairy.

However, Mu Hongchen didn't remember him at all.

She only remembers spells.

I don't know anything else.

She also refused to recognize Xiao Huang, only willing to accept him as an apprentice.In fact, Mu Hongchen was more like a lonely and helpless soul.She, drifting, has no purpose.

She closed herself, not knowing why.

For a long while, the cave was extremely quiet.

None of them spoke.

"Huang'er, is she really that important to you?" Finally, Mu Hongchen asked with a sigh.

"Very important!" Xiao Huang said.

"Hehe!" Mu Hongchen smiled wryly, "Huang'er, you once said that you came from the world of the galaxy. You are the son of a demon king, and your father looked down on the world and was proud of the three worlds. However, the galaxy was shattered. Then, I want to ask You, is the Peacock Princess more important than your father? Is it more important than the Galaxy World? How much does she hold in your heart!"

As soon as this question came up, Su Mo on the magic boat narrowed his eyes.His gaze was directly on Xiao Huang.He seemed to have forgotten that it was just a fragment of a memory.

Xiao Huang couldn't perceive everything at all.

"Master!" When Xiao Huang heard Mu Hongchen's question, he couldn't help but kowtow deeply to Mu Hongchen, "Forgive me for being unfilial!"

Mu Hongchen also narrowed his eyes.

Because, she understood Xiao Huang's answer.

"She is more important than all living beings in my heart!" Xiao Huang's answer was firm and profound.

"evil creature!"

On the magic boat, Su Mo couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and slammed the side of the boat.

The entire magic boat shook violently and nearly capsized.Immediately, Su Mo stood up directly and raised one hand.In an instant, red flowers surged up, trying to smash the memory ball.

However, Ye Wuhui moved, and he was already standing in front of the memory ball.

"Su Mo, calm down!" Ye Wuhui stopped, "Xiao Huang, it's not you. He has the right to choose. Does everyone have to think about sentient beings?"

"You are the Demon Lord, he is not!"

"He is not worthy to be the son of a devil!" Su Mo said angrily.

"Hehe!" Ye Wuhui sneered, "I don't think you are worthy of being Xiao Huang's father! Why do you want to impose your righteousness on others? You are for your sentient beings, he is for his infatuation, What's wrong?"

"I actually think that your son is more affectionate and intentional than you!" Ye Wuhui gave Su Mo a white look, "I think Sister Wu'er is definitely not as important as sentient beings!"

"You!" Su Mo was speechless.

"Sit down!" Ye Wuhui said in a commanding tone.

"Hmph!" The little white pig bravely followed suit.

Su Mo's cheeks were tense, but in the end he still sat down and said coldly, "My son, death is not a pity!"

"Then don't take revenge for you in the future!" Ye Wuhui said to him.In her heart, she really liked Xiao Huang's temperament.Unfortunately, Su Mo is not Xiao Huang.

Wu'er, even if he is not as good as other sentient beings, he is even less worth mentioning.

"Fool!" In his memory, Mu Hongchen smiled helplessly.

"Master, my father is more important than all living beings in my mother's heart!" Xiao Huang said again.

"Hehe!" Ye Wuhui couldn't help turning his head and teasing Su Mo when he heard this, "It seems that you are the only one in the family who is heartless and ungrateful!"

Su Mo made no excuses, only a long sigh.

Because, what Xiao Huang said he knew - in Mu Hongchen's heart, he must be more important than all sentient beings!He owes her a lot!Mu Hongchen must have had a problem in reincarnation.

"Oh?" Mu Hongchen stared blankly at Xiao Huang without saying a word.Her gaze was full of bewilderment.Because she couldn't remember anything.

Who is the devil?Who is Xiao Luo?What Three Realms Galaxy?What plum blossom small building?She no longer remembers.

However, she understood what Xiao Huang meant.

Finally, she finally nodded.

"Okay! As long as you are promoted to the realm of reincarnation, I will let you out!" Mu Hongchen said, "Huang'er, you don't have five declines, so you should be promoted soon. Don't blame Master, only in the realm of reincarnation can you come back alive .This is my bottom line!"

"Thank you Master!" Xiao Huang kowtowed again.

"This plum blossom staff is given to you. Didn't you say that it is a reincarnation-level magic weapon?" Mu Hongchen smiled wryly, "However, it may be covered in dust!"

Xiao Huang took the staff with both hands.

Then, there is a blank memory.

After that, I don't know how long it took, it was a rainy morning.

On the green hills, the rain is misty.

Mu Hongchen was dressed in red, standing on the mountainside.

Xiao Huang dressed in black and knelt in front of her.

First stage of reincarnation!His left arm has fully recovered.

"Master——" Xiao Huang's voice was a little choked, and he paused, "Mother, the child is not filial! Take care! If there is reincarnation, see you in the next life!"

Mu Hongchen frowned, but said nothing.She couldn't keep Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang kowtowed three times slowly, then stood up without looking back.

On the green hill, Mu Hongchen is hunting in red clothes.Under her feet, red sand coiled around.She watched Xiao Huang disappear completely, and then the ends of her hair started to turn red gradually.

(End of this chapter)

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