A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 745 Five-Star God Formation!The 5th Continent, Goodbye Black Coffin

Chapter 745 Five Star Array!The eighth continent, goodbye black coffin
When Mu Hongchen moved, Su Mo's magic boat followed immediately.

"When are you going to do it?" Ye Wuhui asked.

"Wait a little longer!" Su Mo said, "According to Na Mu Hongchen's words just now, it seems that there is still a controlling power behind her, and she didn't show up!"

"Could it be the Peacock Demon King?" Ye Wuhui smiled wryly, "If the Demon King really came, we'll be in trouble!"

"Probably not!" Su Mo said, "It's just a Necromancer Starfield, and it shouldn't disturb the Venerable's arrival."

"I hope so!" Ye Wuhui nodded.

In the starry sky, Mu Hongchen had just walked halfway, but suddenly stopped.

"She found us?" Ye Wuhui was taken aback.

"Absolutely not!" Su Mo said firmly.

Sure enough, Mu Hongchen stopped, but the direction of her gaze was northwest.At this moment, she stood between the second star and the third star, seemingly waiting for something.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour.

Su Mo and Ye Wuhui were a little puzzled.What exactly is Mu Hongchen waiting for?You know, the battle between the second star and the third star is not completely over.

And she alone can completely control the battle situation.


And just when they felt a little confused, a big wave suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

The big wave was invisible, but the surrounding space began to fluctuate, even distorting.Such power made Su Mo's magic boat rippling with the air waves.

"What power?" Ye Wuhui couldn't help looking at Su Mo.

"Don't worry, it's not Venerable!" Su Mo smiled.Although that force is powerful, it is definitely not a venerable.Because, that is a kind of turbulent force, like a sea rolling in.

It would definitely not be like that if the Venerable appeared; if that was the case, it would be equivalent to a Venerable pushing the sea between the stars.

That's totally unnecessary!


The interstellar space is constantly fluctuating, and occasionally a few small floating lands are pushed out of their original positions by the tide-like force, drifting to nowhere.

"Huh?" Su Mo frowned.

Because, he saw a shadow, moving over.

what is that?
That is definitely not a battleship, because it is many times bigger than a battleship!
Eighth Continent!

At that moment, Su Mo's magic pupils were fully opened.He finally saw what was coming.That is nothing else, it is the special existence in the Seven Stars of Dust Luo - the Eighth Continent.

"Eighth Continent?" Ye Wuhui was slightly taken aback.She hasn't seen it yet.


The surge in the entire void was even greater, and the magic boat floated up and down, like surfing.

It's really the eighth continent!

At this time, Ye Wuhui also saw everything clearly.

The eighth continent is a special existence in the Chenluo world.It is not a star, but a continent.However, it is [-] miles long from east to west, and [-] miles long from north to south.

Although it is not a star, but compared to the star warship, it is an absolute colossus.

Is that the strongest fleet that Mu Hongchen said?

At this time, in the void of the Eighth Continent, there was still a battleship floating.

That battleship was about the same size as Hongchen's main battleship.

On the battleship, there were several monks standing.

In the middle is a female cultivator in white.Its face is beautiful, elegant and refined.That was the Bai Yu'er that Su Mo had seen when he returned to the first floor of the sky after killing the black peacock.

On both sides of her, there were two male cultivators standing respectively.

Two old men, two middle-aged.They are all Immortal Realm.

"The five great elders of the Eighth Continent?" Su Mo's mouth twitched, "It seems that the Eighth Continent is the base of a Tibetan monster clan. At the beginning, I underestimated that place. The owner of the first floor that day was probably a There is only a white peacock. The others are also of the demon clan, but they are not of the peacock clan."

"My subordinate pays homage to Lord Cardinal!" The five elders on the battleship all knelt on one knee under the leadership of Bai Yu'er.

"Hehe!" Mu Hongchen glanced at Bai Yu'er, and said meaningfully, "Is the black peacock dead?"

"Yes!" Bai Yu'er said.

"Good death! Hehehe!" Mu Hongchen actually smiled coldly, "She deserved to die a long time ago. But, where is her gourd fairy pendant?"

"This subordinate doesn't know!" Bai Yu'er said respectfully.

"Who killed him?" Mu Hongchen asked again.

"It is said that it is a sick young monk, and there seems to be a girl in purple clothes!" Bai Yu'er said, "However, that is probably not their real identity. The next day, someone came to the restaurant pretending to be Zhen Yingbu .Later, we did not find any valuable clues!"

"Hehe, then there's no need to investigate! A ruthless and obscene person like Black Peacock deserves to die a long time ago. Unfortunately, I like that white gourd jade pendant!" Mu Hongchen said.

"This subordinate understands!" Bai Yu'er lowered her head and said, "Master Hongque, don't worry, if this subordinate obtains the white gourd jade pendant, it will be offered as soon as possible!"

The grievances between cardinals and black sparrows are not a secret in the Maurya Dynasty.For the white bird, now that the black bird is dead, she naturally wants to stand by the cardinal.

"Hehe! My good girl, you have a heart!" Mu Hongchen nodded and smiled.

Immediately, her face straightened, and she pointed to the third star of Chenluo from a distance: "Now, the first star of Hongchen is gone, and the second and third stars are still there. You follow me to kill all Yu Chi's power, and then Then we can lay down the five-star god formation and open the gate of the Northern Territory. Once the gate is opened, this Necromancer Starfield will become the land of my spirit clan!"

"Decree!" Bai Yu'er and the other four elders responded at the same time.Five-star god formation, that is their purpose.


The Eighth Continent started again, its speed far surpassing that of an interstellar warship.

Mu Hongchen was in front, and it followed closely behind, disappearing in an instant.

"Five-star god formation, open the gate?" Ye Wuhui frowned.

"It seems that the ambition of the Yizang Monster Clan is not small!" Su Mo couldn't help but sneer, "The north and the south are both pronged, just to annex the Necromancer Starfield? But, this Necromancer is so barren, why bother?"

Su Mo was a little puzzled.

However, Su Mo had a thought.

The magic boat landed directly on a mountain peak on the Eighth Continent.Such a free ride is naturally not for nothing.Moreover, on the eighth continent, as long as Su Mo is willing, he can control or destroy this continent in an instant.

In the third starry sky, the battle was fierce.

After the starburst, Yuchi's fleet almost lost all fighting spirit.However, the fleet of the third star unexpectedly regrouped immediately.Because, their commander is Xin Wuji who is known as Yu Chi's War Demon.

Immortal mid-life realm!

Xin Wuji is the left demon envoy of Yu Chizong.His fleet has been stationed in the third star all year round, and it is one of the most elite forces of Yu Chizong.

Unfortunately, Yu Chizong was not prepared enough.

Otherwise, it will concentrate all its strength to protect the first star, and it will definitely not lose quickly.

Before, the patrol fleet of the Queen of the Red Dust Sect clung to Xin Wuji, but the price was extremely high.Of the 23 warships of the rear patrol envoy Xu Fengchun, there are still five left.

There are only two main battleships left.

If it wasn't for the first star explosion, Xin Wuji would be able to break through and rescue immediately.

However, it was all too late.

"After killing all the monks in the patrol fleet!" That was Xin Wuji's last order.

At this moment, he knew it was impossible, but he wanted to take revenge.If it wasn't for Sima Yunyan's arrival, the Hongchen Sect Queen's patrol fleet would have been wiped out.

In the end, only Xu Fengchun's flagship was saved.

Even so, the two sides still fell into an anxious battle.

Sima Yunyan couldn't swallow Xin Wuji either.

When Mu Hongchen appeared, he frowned.

Because she didn't expect it to be like this.

So, with a flash of red light on her body, she directly joined the battle.As a result, Xin Wuji was killed with one move, unable to resist at all.However, none of the Zuo Mo fleet surrendered.

They defended Yu Chizong's last dignity.

The appearance of Mu Hongchen directly ended the battle.At this time, the monks of the Hongchen Sect were all shocked when they saw the Eighth Continent.

The eighth continent, the strongest fleet!
That was incredible.

"Baique, mobilize the third star and prepare for formation!" Mu Hongchen said.

"Yes!" The white peacock replied.

Immediately, she and the other four elders formed seals at the same time.On the eighth continent, a ray of brilliance suddenly shot out, and that ray of light was hundreds of thousands of miles away, directly shining on the third star.


Look again, the third star started to move slowly under that beam of light.

Five-star array!

Su Mo narrowed his eyes.However, at the moment when the third star moved, a black light suddenly appeared between the stars, and it went straight to hit the third star.

Well, it was actually a black coffin!

(End of this chapter)

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