A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 778 Immortal Fan One Thought, Years of Trapped King

Chapter 778 One Thought of Immortals, Trapped for Thousands of Years
The sun is warming.

In front of the gate of Tingjie Building, set down the table.A scholar, a fisherman, and a pig raiser sat around the table.The painting attendant stood beside him in a well-behaved manner.

On the table, there are fish and meat, wine and vegetables.Delicious delicacies and brews, full of color and taste.

Waiting on the painting, not squinting.

However, he was drooling all the time, Mr. Ren's fish is his favorite fairy food.What's more, today is steamed?

"Patient Hua, come and sit down! Don't you like to eat my fish the most?" Mr. Ren smiled.

"Young Master Ren, it's true that Shi Hua likes to eat your fish, but you can't break the rules. With all of you here, how can I have any reason to sit?" Shi Hua replied respectfully.

"Yeah!" Mr. Ren couldn't help but nodded when he heard it, "In that case, I'll give you a fish. It just so happens that I have another fish in the basket. You can take it!"

"Oh?" Shi Hua couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard that, "Thank you, Mr. Ren!"

Look again, Mr. Ren waved one hand.

A golden light flew out of the fish basket beside him.Seeing that, Shi Hua hurriedly raised his hand, and immediately put away the golden light.

"Fisher, you're a bit used to him! Aren't you afraid that he won't digest your fish if he eats it?" The scholar said, looking at Mr. Ren.

"My lord, I'll share more meals, don't worry!" the waiter immediately said, "I won't be greedy!"

"Hehe! That's it!" Mr. Ren waved his hand, "Shihua, I don't need you here. You go get fish yourself! But, you really have to be careful."

"Okay!" Waiter Hua looked at the scholar again.The scholar nodded.Only then did Shi Hua happily leave.

"Scholar, this servant painting is really good!" After the servant painting left, Mr. Ren said again, "Smart, sensible, and talented!"

"En!" the scholar said, "It's okay to serve as a painter. In a few years, he will probably be able to be independent. His talent is indeed very high."

"Pass your Tingjie Building to him in the future?" the butcher who raises pigs said with a smile.

"Then I don't care about it!" The scholar shook his head, "I'm just in charge of the Tingjie Building. It's not my private property. However, if I recommend it, I can consider serving the painter. However, that doesn't necessarily mean anything." What about the time?"

"Serving a painting, I haven't traveled all over the world, it's still far behind!"

Mr. Ren and Mr. Butcher nodded.

It is not enough for ordinary people to take charge of this Tingjie Tower.Shihua is just a little flower in the greenhouse.

"Is your painting finished?" Mr. Ren asked.

"Yeah!" The scholar smiled, "The waiter painted one, and I think it's not bad, and then I added two strokes."

"Why do you suddenly want to paint?" Butcher asked with a frown, "Could it be that something important happened in the world? I always feel that once you paint, nothing good will happen? This time, maybe you painted something about wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and many other things?" Stars?"

"Hehe!" The scholar waved his hand, "Pig raiser, don't talk nonsense. It makes me seem to be disturbing the world every day. I can keep my own place. Actually, this time I was entrusted by others to set up a formation It's just the law."

"Oh?" Mr. Ren and Mr. Butcher were taken aback.

"Please set up the formation, what a shame?" Mr. Ren said with a smile.

"Who asked you to draw it? For whom?" Butcher asked directly.

"The people of Fenglun!" The scholar laughed, "The people of Fenglun have always been friends with us. I can't save face, can I? Besides, it's easy to do."

"The scholar of Fenglun begging you?" the butcher asked.

"Well! We are all in the same company!" The scholar laughed.

"Fucking with you!" The butcher said disapprovingly, "In my opinion, you are all poor and poor, and no one shows you that you are educated. In fact, you are all fake pedants with a pious face. How can we have the reality of raising pigs?"

"Hehe!" The scholar laughed, "Speaking of raising pigs, butcher, how do I feel that your pigs are not as good as the pigs of the boss of the wind wheel? Other pigs seem to be better than yours? They are all mighty and majestic!"

"Fart!" the butcher said angrily, "my pig is a domestic pig. I raised it for meat. How can his pig be so messy compared to mine? I don't believe it. His pork tastes better than mine. ? Isn’t pig raising just for meat? Turning pigs into pets is a blasphemy against raising pigs!”

"Ha!" Young Master Ren nodded frequently.

"Yeah!" Seeing that the butcher was angry, the scholar hurriedly picked up a pig's knuckle, gnawed it and said with a smile, "That's right! Actually, your butcher's pork tastes better! Come, drink!"

"It's more or less the same!" The butcher's anger turned into joy.

The three of them picked up their wine bowls and drank them all in one gulp.

"Scholar, your wine is not very good!" Mr. Ren frowned, "Didn't I ask the waiter to tell you that the wine is ready?"

"Huh? Is that so?" The scholar pretended to be stupid, "The waiter only said that the wine was ready, didn't he say that the wine was ready?"

Mr. Ren was speechless.

He understood that a painter would not be as stingy as a scholar.

"Hey! Fishing, it would be great if we could drink the scholar's wine!" The butcher said, "Don't even think about it, our village can go to the scholar's place to drink some wine and get two vegetarian dishes. Who else? ?”

"Nonsense!" The scholar was unhappy, "Last time, when Aunt Hua came to deliver flowers, I still kept her for dinner!"

"Hehe!" Mr. Ren was amused when he heard it, "You still have the guts to ask Aunt Tachua. She is someone the butcher misses, and you still want to keep him for dinner, maybe you are plotting something wrong!"

"Am I plotting something wrong?" The scholar looked at the butcher and said, "Pig raiser, I am so worried about you. I just want to win you over, and I only want to keep Hua Gu for your sake."

"Fart!" The butcher took a sip of his wine, "Do you believe what you say?"

"..." The scholar was speechless.

Because he didn't believe it himself.Who made Hua Gu so beautiful?All the men in the village probably wanted to see Hua Gu more, except Mr. Ren.

"By the way, who is Fenglun Scholar asking you to help?" Mr. Ren asked.

"A little monk, it is said to be the soul of the lotus from the Three Realms!" said the scholar, "I helped to draw the grand formation of the trapped deity, and I just helped him become a deity!"

"Three Realms?" Mr. Ren couldn't help but nodded, playing with his taste, "When I was fishing, I also encountered the breath of the Three Realms. It seems that it is a very special world. However, it is broken in the process of evolution. Went out."

"It didn't shatter naturally, it actually encountered a purifier!" said the scholar.

"Purifier! Hehe!" Mr. Ren smiled coldly.

"Hey! Let him alone!" the butcher shouted, "It's fine as long as it's nothing serious! Before, I was worried that the scholar would be bloody when he painted? Now, I don't worry. Come! Drink!"

"drink wine!"

The three of them stopped talking about the affairs of the world, and turned to talk about Sang Nu, Hua Gu, fishing, and raising pigs.

At this time, if a mortal passes by, they will definitely feel very cordial.Because, they really don't have any fairy spirit on them, and what they are talking about is that their parents are short-sighted and needlework.

Immortal intentions, ordinary intentions, in fact, who can tell clearly?Who knew that the scholar's random sketches trapped Su Mo for more than a thousand years!
(End of this chapter)

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